Vander x fem reader

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Y/n's POV    I was nearing the end of my shift when the Mylo, Calggor, Vi and Powder came in and sat themselves down at the bar

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Y/n's POV
    I was nearing the end of my shift when the Mylo, Calggor, Vi and Powder came in and sat themselves down at the bar. I had been working here since before the small group had shown up and I liked to think I did a lot in terms of taking care of them. "Hey mom?" Oh yes and Pow had taken to calling me mom. The others were still hesitant but on occasion it slipped out.
   "Can I have some apple juice?"

    "Course you can sweetie." I bent down to get the jug and fill up her favorite cup with it and topped it off with a straw. She happily sipped it happily. Looking at the other three I noticed they all seemed really happy. "What with all the happy faces?" I asked. Powder giggled, hiding her face in her sister's arms, content with hiding the secret, her sister ruffling her hair gently. "Vander said he would let us go on a job with him!" Mylo said proudly "Oh really?"

    "Yeah it's a small job but it's a step." Calggor said though he seemed more nervous than happy or excited. "Well that's great I'm proud of you all I'm sure you'll do great."
    They all smiled and sat a bit straighter at my praise. I looked to my left where I heard heavy steps approaching to see Vander stepping up to the bar. "Thought I told the bunch of ya to get ready for bed?" Vander questioned "We were... we just wanted to tell mom the news." Vi defended getting quieter as she spoke which was very uncharacteristic for her. "Well don't you get ready for bed and ya can talk to yer mom before you got to bed." They nodded and hopped off the stolls. But before getting down Powder looked at me and Vander "Um Vander?' She paused "when are you and mom gonna get married?"

    Her question made Vander choke on air and made me feel like my face was a furnas Mylo, Calggor and Vi were dying of laughter behind her. She looked around at us confused. "What isn't that what people who love each other do?" Vander's eyes darted to me before clearing his throat. "Why don't you get ready for bed and we can talk about it tomorrow." She nodded slowly, clearly unsatisfied with him dodging her question. After that they all quickly darted off and did what they were told.

    Vander watched them go then sat down at the bar as I quickly made his favorite and sat it down in front of him. "Sorry bout them." Vander said, looking down at his large glass. I shook my head. "It's fine, I don't mind." He nodded "Um listen..." His eyes darted around the almost empty building. I paused what I was doing to give him my full attention. "Yer important to me and you've been there for me for a long time." He looked up at my clearly confused face. "What I'm tryn to say is, I like ya a lot." His flush face looked up at me waiting for my answer.

   It took me a moment to realize what he said. "You do?" He nodded hesitantly since that wasn't really an answer. Suddenly I snapped out of my thoughts realizing that this was real and not a daydream. "Oh I like you too!" He looked at me surprised. "Really?"

    I just nodded. He quickly stood up and made his way to the inside of the bar pulling me tight to him. He gently kissed the top of my head and pulled back, only enough so that he could see my face. "Can I kiss ya Darlin?"

    I nodded maybe a bit too quickly but he didn't seem to mind. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. It only lasted maybe ten seconds but it felt like forever when we finally pulled away panting slightly. When we did we heard giggling and turned around to see the kids, apparently they only left to grab Ekko so he could watch too. Who mumbled "Gross" under his breath.
   "Thought I told the lot of ya to get ready for bed." They simply nodded to busy giggling and whispering to give a verbal reply. "Well I guess y'all won't be able to go on the mission, cause only kids who listen get to go." That got their attention and there was a chorus of "NO!"

   "Well then get in bed." He said and they quickly raced off. "Come on Darlin, let's go say goodnight to our kids." Our kids I liked that I thought as I followed him to our kids room.

Hope ya'll like it
Word count:788

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