Jinx x dancer reader (he/him)

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Jinx's POV    I landed on the ground from the small building I jumped off of bolting down the street Enforcers hot on my trail

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Jinx's POV
    I landed on the ground from the small building I jumped off of bolting down the street Enforcers hot on my trail. Swinging around the corner into the alleyway they weren't nearly as maze-like as the ones in the Undercity, but they worked.
    After a little while of running around occasionally taking out Enforcers. I crouched down in an alley catching my breath when I heard loud music coming from the building that I was leaning on. Thinking it might be a bar I slipped in through the back door. Though I quickly realized it was not a bar, but a dance of some kind based on the costum, posters and a handful of trophies.

   I walked down the hall and quietly pushed  it open. It lead to the back of a small auditorium. I was at the back of the room watching the people dance on the stage to a loud hip hop song. I couldn't help but nod my head to the music.

   My eyes wandered across the stage looking over the different dancers, my eyes catching on one in specific his body moving to the rhythm with ease. I watched the rest of the performance based on the lack of people in the seats. I think it was a practice my eye trained on him in specific. After the song ended another person walked out onto the stage from the left wing, "All right that's enough for today remember the stage will be much bigger and our next meet will be on the real stage. Don't forget to stretch, but don't overwork yourself! See you all next week!" After the little announcement the group dispersed after some light conversation.

   I followed the person I had been watching out the way I came. It looks like he was taking a shortcut through the alley to get home I assumed which was great because it gave me a chance to talk to him. I hopped down behind him, "Hey Toots nice dance moves!" I said.
   He spun around and screamed, clutching his shirt where his heart was. "Holy shit lady you scared the shit out of me!" I couldn't help but giggle at his shouting.

   "Sorry didn't mean to scare ya." I said apologetically as I watched his eyes scan my form catching on the grenades I didn't have to use . "Oh don't worry bout those I'd never hurt ya. I just wanted to introduce myself." I explained.

   "But aren't you Jinx?" He asked tentatively "You know the criminal?"

   "Well yeah, but what does that have to do with me introducing myself?" I asked, tilting my head.

   "I- I'm a dancer, why would you want to introduce yourself to me?" He asked, shouldering his bag.

    "Like I said earlier, you're a good dancer. You said you already knew me, but I'm Jinx!" I said, "And you are..." I asked, pulling out the last word.


   "Well nice to meet ya Y/n. When did you start dancing yer really good at it?" I questioned tugging on his arm so he would start walking again.

   "Since I was like six." He answered walking alongside me, "So why are you here anyway?"

   "Oh some Enforcers were chasing after cause I blew something up, so I ran around in the allies for a little when I heard the music coming from outside your building, so I decided to have a looksee and I found you!"

   "You blew something up!" He exclaimed, startled.

   "Oh don't worry onee one got hurt this time."  I said nonchalantly. He didn't seem very happy about the this time, but didn't comment on it. "Hey ya know what would be fun?" He just raised an eyebrow, "I could come to your next practice!"

   Immediately he paused, "I don't think having a notorious criminal at practice would be a good idea..."

   "Well no one would be able to see me, but I would get to watch ya and maybe we could hang out for a little after." I explained pressing my lips together picking at my already chipped nail polish as I waited for him to reply.
   After what felt like way too long he said, "Yeah alright, but only once I'd definitely get kicked off if they knew I even talked to you."

   "Alright! No one will see me I promise!" I said giggling. He nodded, "I'll see ya next week toots!" And before he could ask or say anything else I disappeared onto the rooftops and I couldn't stop smiling the whole way home.

sorry it's late

Word count:767

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