Caitlyn x undercity reader gn

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Cailtyn and you had been friends for years now

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Cailtyn and you had been friends for years now. It felt like just yesterday you met you both of you had been young, only 12 years old. You were running around the big fancy city looking for good stops to do 'criminal' things as Cailtyn said. When you bumped into her now you know she was on her way back form Jayce's after helping him with his inventor crap all evening. She had insisted on making sure you got back home safely, when you told her where you lived you could sense her hesitance not only because the place you call home was the 'big bad' undercity, but also because it was so far.

So you compromised and walked her home instead saying, "A princess should never have to make such a dangerous trip alone." She giggled and a faint blush covered her cheeks. Both of you had talked and laughed the rest of the way to her house. You stopped at the beginning of the street not wanting to risk her parents seeing you with her. She grabbed both your hands and made you come back and visit her, you promised and watched her walk up to her house to make sure she got there safely. You went home that night smiling and blushing at the feeling of her holding your hands.

And you kept your promise, at least once a week you appeared at her window for her to drag you into her room to chat and occasionally sneak in food for the both of you and on the very rare occasion she would play with your hair doing it up in braids or fancy buns and when she couldn't do that she would just run her fingers through it no matter how short.

Now both of you are 16. You smiled at the fond memories as you walked to her house.  It was night which was the normal time that you met up with her, but tight was one of the rare ones where she agrees to sneak out of her house and walk the practically deserted, aside from a few random people and enforcers, streets of Piltover.
Your smile widened when you got up to her house from where you were standing you could see a lamp still on in her room. Sneaking over the fence and around the corner you carefully scaled the wall thankfully brick made it much easier to climb. Pulling yourself up onto the window ledge the window almost immediately flew open and you were dragged in.

Even after all these years you still weren't used to Caitlyn manhandling you. From your place on the floor you glared up at her as she stood over you, smiling as she whispered an apologetic, "sorry."

You continued to glare at her as she helped you up though there was no true malice behind it. "You know one of these days your parents are gonna hear you throwing me to the ground and come in here." You teased.

She pressed her lips together trying to suppress a smile, "I didn't throw you, I was helping you." she insisted as she shoved on her shoes, grabbed her bag and walked towards her ridiculously large doors. It had been decided after Caitlyn took a particularly bad fall trying to climb down her brick wall like you did and ended up with a fractured ankle that you would take the risk of getting caught if it meant Caitln didn't get hurt.

As you crept through the halls you couldn't help, but marvel at the intricate marble design chiseled into it with the delicate metal detailing. You nearly bumped into Caitlyn when she paused to open the door. Once she did you took the lead, grabbing her hand and dragging her down the street.

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