Silco, Viktor, Jinx with a strong s/o (fem)

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Silco-He thinks its super hot

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-He thinks its super hot

-Asks you to open jars for him all the time

-He definitely brings you with him to all his meetings to intimidate people

-He not short but you still tower over him

-Only gifts you tank tops so he can look at your arms

-One time he hurt his ankle and you straight up picked him up, he fell in love all over again

-You know the show where the ex mobster becomes a househusband?... that's his future

-You probably have shit posture from how often he asks you to lean down so he can kiss you

-If you had a deep voice he will ask you to read to him all the time

-One time he handed you a dictionary and was like "Read it to me please." 🥺 (imagen 💀)

-He loves cuddling with you just laying between your big buff arms laying on your chest

-If you read or sing to him before bed he'll fall asleep so fast

-He also doesn't like that he doesn't have to worry about you getting hurt cause you can beat literally anyone's ass and has no problem doing so

-Sometimes scolds you for being rude to a client

-Would never tell you but he lives when you threaten people for him

-He would never admit it but he loves that you only have a soft pot for him

-The first time he saw you you actually scared him seeing you standing there looking stoic  and  scary

-when he told that you when you were just it made you laugh and that's when he fell in love

-Loves it

-Asks you to pick up random shit even if Jayce is there just to see your muscles flex

-Viktor is pretty tall but with his shitty posture you look way taller than you are, but your still much taller than him

-It's really hard to drag him away from his work lucky for you, you can just pick him up and carry him to bed no problem

-He loves your deep voice

-Probably teaches you a few russian lullabies so you can sing them to him
"I love your voice moya zhizn."

-He's not bold enough to buy you short sleeve shirts but definitely doesn't mind when you do

-He cackled the first time he saw you stand next to Heimerdinger

-Secretly loves when you glare at people who make fun of him, they all look like they're gonna piss themselves

-He has had to pull you away before you bead a few peoples head in to 'teach them a lesson'

-One of his favourite things is seeing you laugh at one of him dumb science jokes

-One time he asked you to watch something of his and when he got back you were 5 seconds away from strangling a guy who was getting to close

-You are gigantic compared to her, she's like 5'2-5'4

-She tries to climb you

-Likes to compare hand sizes

-Your tits are like eye level so she shoves her face into your tits 24/7

-Not only does she buy you clothes to show off  your body but she alters your clothes to show it off

- Also has you lift heavy stuff to look at you even if she can lift it

-If someone is dumb enough to attal hee even if she's Silco's daughter they wont when your around

-Loves your voice talks to you as much as possible so she can hear you talk

-Loves when you sing along to her music

-Your voice plus her favorite song? She's in heaven

-Instead of asking you to bend down she just jumps on you to kiss you

-Loves warping her whole body around you and you doing the same

-Feeling how strong you are and how tight you hold her, it just makes her feel so safe.

-She intentionally gets into fights to see you be over protective

-It is her life goal to make you laugh at a really inappropriate time so far she has not

-For her first  birthday you celebrated together you baked her a cake and she melted

-Teased you all day about being a 'big softy'
Hope you like it it was fun to write
Word count:

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