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Jin walking with Namjoon along the empty and dark path. They was walking from Jungkook's house to the convenience store, to buy some snacks and drinks since they have a hang out at jungkook's house tonight.

But this hang out means nothing to jungkook. He still not him. He's a dead man.

"Hyung. Im worried seeing jungkook like this. He really looks like a dead man!" Namjoon side while sighing with his both hand inside his pocket and kicking the pebbles while walking. Jin just hummed and also doing the same, looking down onto the road silently.

Jungkook really lose his goal inside this life. He going nowhere, useless and just staying still with many thought inside his mind. He keep blaming himself everyday and that's bring him into a big depression and even panic attack. He always talking when sleeping ; begging and saying sorry all night with his tears rolling down again again and again onto his cheeks.

Chance. He need another chance and if he could have it again, He will never hurting or losing this chance.

When jin and Namjoon get inside the convenience store, they grab as many snacks and drinks they want before place it on the counter.

"How much is this?" A familiar woman voices hearing from behind makes the two of them turning around and how they feelings right now is the same just like that woman feel.


Jin eyes widened while namjoon mouth hang open and eyebrows creased when seeing Chou Tzuyu, standing in front of them with her hoodie on.

Didn't she in abroad or not in this city? Why she right here right now?

"T-tzuyu..." Jin saying her name makes tzuyu smiling a little and bowing, giving him her respect just like usual.

"O-oh oppa... E-erm h-how are you?" She asking with the awkward feelings filled the empty space between them. Too awkward.

Jin giving a tint smile but his heart withered and so do his eyes. He really want to drag tzuyu to jungkook right now and let jungkook hugging and kissing her all night long.

"Good. Of course we're good." Jin smiling, receiving a smile from tzuyu too. She looks in hesitate, her heart shrinks and actually really want to ask about no other than jungkook's condition. But she can't do that. This is her choice ; leaving him. She sure that he also in his good condition and even much more happy with his lover. She sure.


"Then... i-i will pay this and going first oppa? Nice to meet you again." She walk to the counter and make a payment while the two of them just staring onto tzuyu with their heart telling the same ; want to tell tzuyu the truth, want to tell that jungkook in lose, want to grab her and meet jungkook, and want to give jungkook happiness which is only exist when she is beside him.

Tzuyu grabbing her snacks before giving a sweet smile to them and walking out from the convenience store.

"Hyung faster. Pay this and we need to follow her. We need to know her house and make the two of them getting back again. Faster." Namjoon said while taking out his phone and slightly push jin to make a payment before namjoon going out from the convenience store to look at which way tzuyu going back.

After make a payment jin quickly going out too and the two of them follow tzuyu from far, fixed their eyes until tzuyu finally arrived at her house. Maybe? Maybe it's her house?

" oh Here... I see.." Jin mumbled and look at tzuyu who getting inside the house. The two of them then look at each other and sighing, thinking what they should do for the sake of jungkook.

"I will text taehyung and others then we will talk with them tomorrow about this. But, jungkook should not know about this first. We don't know who's house is this and we don't know everything about tzuyu right now. Hold this for a while and don't tell jungkook. Okay?" Jin said makes namjoon nodding his head. Jin then grab his phone, texting for taehyung and the boys except jungkook.

Please, Please let this plan smooth and let jungkook bring back his happiness with him.

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