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He never comeback.

After for a week of meeting her at her house, he never coming back again. He never coming back after that day.

When meeting her for the first time after four years, her heart still beating the same. Her eyes and her heart still for him, and keep wanting him. She should have move on from him and forgetting him four years ago but she can't.

His smile, his kiss, his hugs and his touch always being her favourite. She miss those. She never stop loving him for past four years.

And now,

She asking and questioning herself.

Where is he?

Did he really that broke after seeing she have a child and a man accompanying her?

The look on his face when he saw jeongin and Jeonyue last night with Mingyu.... God...

His face really switching, broke and hurting. The way his face winced from pain, his eyes widened in shock and tears more .... She could see all of this and it's hurting her too.

He really thought im married with Mingyu? That's your child jungkook. That's our baby. That's our memory that still leaving with me. And im not loving someone else other than you, jungkook. Only you.

He left her with his empty world again, without knowing the truth which is she's not married and the kids where his child.

Did i do wrong jungkook?

Did i hurt you that much too?

Are you really hurting seeing me with someone else?

And are you really serious that you love me?

Her heart crumble when remembering again what happened when he come to her house. Actually she going back to Taiwan, meeting her bestfriends and staying there only for two years. After she giving birth with this two twins, she come back again, living and staying in the same city with him but didn't meet him even for a second.

Until that night, He come to meet her at her house. After four years. She meet him.

She's freaking shocked but at the same time become alive again. Same as him.

Now, she crying, crying and crying again. She shed into tears for the man that she love who walking away after knowing that 'she have kids and married with someone else'

But it's not true. Totally false.

She really want to go, find, hug and kiss him. Telling him that she only love him. Only him. The man of her life. Forever.

She love him so much.

Her arms wrapping around her knee, sitting on the couch and sobbing silently. She miss him so much. Miss how he wrapping his arms around her, how his eyes controlling her and how he giving a calm to her.

She want to feel those again, having those again.

Hot tears rolled down onto her cheeks, sniffing and the house filled with hiccups and sniffing sounds also with the television sounds.

"A CEO of Top Company in Korea and also a Multi-billionaire in Korea, Mr. Jeon Jungkook had been involved in a bad car accident in the middle of night, a week ago. He was rushed to the hospital and feel unconscious for a week already. We currently didn't received any information from his bestfriends yet. We will proceed another news if we get another information soon. Thankyou. That's all for the news today."

Her head immediately shot up to the television's screen.

A picture of his body laying full with blood, the road spraying and also fulled with blood too...

Her eyes widened open and her heart beating without rhythm.

That outfit ; a outfit which is he wore when he came to her house that night. It's really him!

oh god...

She could not see his face because he's being blurred but the bad scenes with blood make she comfirm that he really not in a good condition. He's being hit badly. He's bleeding and hurting badly.

What should i do?

This is my fault?

Jungkook, stay still and don't leave me yet please...

Ps : Im full with tears today 😭😭😭

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