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                               *Present Day*

It was my first day at my new university since I became a professor. It had always been my dad's dream for me and I take it as a perfect disguise for my kind of work. I mean, who would guess a professor as a drug lord.
I majored in Psychology and for the nature of my job, it really comes in handy when dealing with my clients. I can easily tell when someone is nervous, afraid or lying to me. I just feed on their emotions and make them think it's their own decision.

"Yes?" I answered the knock on the door

"Boss, it's time" he announced

That was Greg,my consigliere and right hand man. We had  known each other since high school, he was my junior who always got bullied cause of his poor background. I saved him one day and we became close since then.
In this line of work, very drug lord needs a man they trust, a man they can entrust with the family and cartel. That was Greg to me.

"Okay" I responded as I stood up from the chair in my study. I picked up my phone,pen and iPad.

"How do I look?" I asked Greg as I stretched my arms sideways

"Like a professor" He said with a proud smile 

"That's the point, how is it going with Fingerling?" I asked as I walked out of the study with Greg

"Smooth so far, I spoke with him earlier, we should get our shipments by 10:00pm tonight"

"It can't pass tonight, Rodriquez won't stop making a fuss about his goods, I don't want him sending his boys to create a nuisance. Let him get his products by dawn."

"Got it Boss". 

Unlike the usual mafia bosses who lived in huge mansions, I lived in a contemporary house with lots of natural light and trees. I lived alone which was also unusual for my type of work. Although people knew the name Kelvin Jones, nobody knew the face not even my soldiers who worked for me. Only five men out of the 300 men who worked for me knew who I really was and I planned to keep it that way. Asides Greg who was my right hand man, the remaining four were underbosses in different province. We held a meeting every month where we discussed arising matters and how to manage the business more efficiently.

Greg opened the car door as I got into the back seat.

"How's the club doing lately?" I ask Greg as he revved the car engine

"Going well Boss, Alex is doing a great job. They are bringing more girls in from Europe tonight. The club's VIPs keeps asking for new faces these days"

"Girls who are willing to work?"

"Yes Boss"

"Good, because the last thing we want is the cops behind our backs over a few girls. That is not what our family stands for. We do what we do with utmost dignity to our name. Make sure those girls are here to work willingly and not being trafficked"

"Yes Boss"

We arrived at the school gate after a thirty minutes drive. It was a public college I had specifically applied to cause it was closer to my home and the best place to lay low.
I saw a big sign post that read  "WELCOME TO THE ROYALE UNIVERSITY" at the entrance of the campus.

"The Royale" I whispered to myself  as I hoped this was going to be my second safe haven.

Greg drove past the sign post into the campus. Trees,stands, fountains, signposts with different notes, notice boards filled with flyers, students scattered everywhere. Some sitting under the trees, some walking with friends, some with books running to classes.
I had a nostalgia moment, I was reminded of myself back in college. I was a straight A student who was tagged an anti social nerd. Little did they know what I had up my sleeves. When it comes to disguise, I was better than a chameleon. I started selling drugs since my freshman year but nobody knew who I was. I delivered my drugs without being noticed even by the buyers. They would always find it in random places after making an order on the phone. I could drop it in their bags, lockers, even textbooks. I left no trail and no one ever suspected it was me. I had managed to get through college with this after my father's death.

"Have a nice day Boss" Greg said as he got back into the car and drove off
I looked around before getting into the building. I headed to the Dean's office to announce my arrival.

"Hold it tight Rose, if you drop it I'm good as dead!" Someone shouted down the hallway

"I'm holding it! Can't tell how much longer I can  though" Another responded in a restraint voice

It was two female students, one of them was carrying an artifact in a transparent glass while the other was carrying books and woods in each hand. I kept looking around the name and number tag on each office door to find the dean's office

"You have no idea how heavy this is, there's no way I'm letting you talk me into volunteering ever again. This is torture, and to think I'm not even getting paid for this or getting any mark added to my grades either" She complained

"That is why it's called volunteering Rose, you don't do it to get something in return"
The other lady said as she  turned her face to her friend who was behind.

"Tell that to the next person who will be volunteering with you" Rose fired back

We both bumped into each other before she could turn her face back.

"Oh my God!"  They both exclaimed

The artifact slipped out of her hand as it landed on the floor, breaking into pieces.

"What have you done?!" She sounded enraged as she looked me straight in the eye

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