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"Why are you so dressed up. Do you have other plans after lectures today? 
Rose asked as she looked at Joan from head to toe
"Yes my dear Rose, my plan today is to catch the eye of my Prince Charming. And you know what the good thing is? His class is my last for today." Joan replied blushing
"Oh my God, I think I'm gonna puke, never did I think I would ever see you being lovesick in this lifetime. I had always thought you would be given away to a man when you get too old for marriage."
"What do you mean? I'm not that hopeless"
"Yes you are, you wouldn't even give George a chance all these years. Now it's a professor? Wow I'm really impressed Joanna,keep dreaming big champ"
"There's no class or status when it comes to love. And I don't feel anything for George. Stop mentioning him please, you are killing the vibe"
"Don't tell me you have feelings for the Professor already Joan"
"Not that I have feelings for him. But it's something we could be develop you know. I've decided to take things slow with him"
"My ears are gonna bleed if I hear more of this, take things slow when you haven't even started anything"
"Okay Miss Rose, your session is over. We need to get to class now. Let's go.
"Ohhh I see someone bought new clothes" Fred a course-mate teased Joan at the hallway
"Shut up Fred" Rose and Joan said at the same time

"I will be running late today boss. Your classes end by 4, I will be here to pick you up by 5. Will you be fine?" Greg asked

"It's okay, I can just use that time to look around. I haven't really had time to do that myself. Take your time" I answered as I opened the car door.

"Have a nice day boss!"

                           *Later in the day*
"That's the end of today's class. Don't forget to turn in your assignments on Monday. Have a nice weekend"
I said as I packed my materials inside my bag to leave. It was finally Friday. I wasn't used to my new job yet. But I managed to get through the week. I was proud of myself and it kind of felt good to have a day job like an ordinary person.

"Professor Jones?"
"Yes Miss Amanda"
"I didn't quite understand the first question of the assignment could you please explain further. I'd appreciate that sir"
"You don't have to bother the Professor over that. I can explain to you later at the hostel" A voice from the back answered. It was her again.
"But you seem busy Joan" Amanda fired back with a laser stare
"Not too busy to spare you a minute of explanation" Joan replied with what seemed like a fake smile. The two girls both smiled awkwardly at each other before Amanda finally left.
"What was that?" I whispered to myself.
"Sorry about that Sir. I didn't get to thank you the other day."
She was unusually friendly today
"Thank me for what?" I asked
"Erm, about the artifact. You really settled it with the dean. I would have been in trouble if it wasn't for you sir"
"No don't mention, it was an accident and I was partially at fault too so it's what I should do"
"Are you going home now sir?"
"No, I was thinking of walking around a little to know the campus more."
"I can take you around. I happen to be free now"
"I'd appreciate that"
"Let's go sir"
She said walking excitedly. I wondered if she was the same girl I met at the hallway the other day who looked like she was going to swallow me whole.
"I have been too busy with classes. I haven't had time to look around since I came"
"It's not too late. And you are lucky to have me as your guide. Just consider this a mini tour around campus" she said with a smile
"A tour?that's funny" I smiled back
"Ohhhh, I see my client is satisfied with my service. You are smiling"
"Oh now I'm your client?"
"Yes you are, just get into character. Make believe you know"
"I think you should be in dramatic arts Miss Joan. You will get to practice more "make believe" there."
"Why do I feel like you are mocking my acting skills Mr Jones?"
"Mr Jones?" I wasn't expecting that switch
She stood in front of me all of a sudden
"Ahh" I said realizing what she meant
"Make believe" we both chorused and laughed.
A car horned from a distance. It was Greg
"My ride is here Miss Joan,it's a shame we didn't get to finish our tour."
"It's okay, we can continue some other time"
"No problem. Enjoy the rest of your day"
"You too sir"
I walked up to the car and got into the passenger's seat.
"You said you were going to run late by an hour"
"I finished early boss. Did I interrupt your business sir?"
"It's okay, let's go"
"Okay sir" Greg said as he revved up the engine
"How's everything going with the clients"
"Good boss"
I nodded in satisfaction
"I saw you laugh" Greg said
"I saw you laugh boss, with the female student. That must be the girl you mentioned the other day"
"Yes she is" I replied with a smile as I stared outside the window
"It was good to see you laugh boss. I haven't seen you do that in years"
Greg was right, since my dad died I have never genuinely laughed. Not because I didn't want to, but nothing amused me anymore. I had always found joy in every little thing when I was younger with my dad around. Losing him that sudden,took every bit of happiness from me. I had to grow up too fast to avenge my dad's death and to fend for myself. All the  happy memories I had faded little by little over the years until I was left with nothing. Now I felt nothing but emptiness and void.

"Oh my God! Yes! Yes!! I did it. Whooo!!!!" Joan screamed in happiness as she slammed the door in the room loudly
"Gracious God! Could you go easy on the door? What did you do again?"
"We spoke Rose. We had a time together. Oh my God, I still can't believe it" Joan squeaked in joy
"You and the Professor?"
"Rose, don't be a joy killer. Who else would it be?"
"Are you really serious about this Professor? You don't even know anything about this man, you don't know if he's married or something"
"What else do I need to know about a professor. Professors have a triangle life. Work, research and study. That's what they all do, just because he looks different in appearance doesn't mean he isn't nerdy too. That can be boring you know, but I'll bring spice into his boring life"
"What if he's married?"
Rose questioned again
"Well, I don't see a wedding band"
Joan said standing up from the bed to get water from the fridge
"Just be careful. George is still there for you if you change your mind"
"Can you stop talking about George already? George and I have nothing in common. We aren't compatible"
"I don't see what you have in common with this professor either. For him to become a professor at a young age like this, he must be really smart, probably from a family of professors who think highly of their spouses. What do you have to compete with that huh? he probably even has a fiancée already betrothed to him."
"Why can't you just be optimistic for once Rose. Your friend is finally happy and you just want to ruin it for me?"
"Oh please you were never sad. I'm not trying to ruin anything neither am I pessimistic. I'm trying to be realistic here so that you can wake up from your fantasy before it gets you in trouble."
"There isn't any trouble anywhere. All I see is a fine man who needs a strong woman beside him and I happen to be one"
"Okay strong woman, finish your assignment. It's due on Monday"
"Today is Friday, you make it sound like Monday is tomorrow. Do you do anything else asides book Rose?"

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