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                           *A year later*
"Tie him upside down" Micheal ordered

"I really don't know anything about the missing drugs. You have to believe me"

"I really want to believe you Stephen but you see all the evidences keep pointing to you. How about you just save us both the time and come our clean. Who sent you?"

"I really don't know anything about it. I'm innocent"

"Throw him inside the drum and fill it with water"

"I'll confess! I'll confess!!" Stephen shouted in fear

"Boss" all the boys chorused as they bowed in respect. Micheal also did the same.

"You got the name?"

"He was just about talking boss"

"Okay, let's get into it" Joan said as she sat on the chair in front of Stephen

"Who sent you?" Micheal asked again

"Please spare my life. They are going to kill me if they know about this"

"If you give me information worth your life I might consider that" Joan said checking out her newly done manicure

"I'll talk, I'll confess" Stephen said breathing heavily. Micheal unloosed the rope he was tied it, making him fall on the ground

"Go ahead Stephen, I don't have all day, make it worth it"

"Everyone knows Jose just took over the Murich family's cartel. He's so desperate for power and will do anything to get it. He's been secretly meeting with small cartel owners and asking for their cooperation to hit the market. They are going to join hands together"

"Well, they can try all they want but why steal my products?" Joan asked

"They are going to get clients with your products. Once the clients realizes it's as good as yours, he plans to win them over by selling for a cheaper price"

"So what happens when he runs out of the stolen products?"

"There's this new guy from Mexico who knows how to make counterfeit products. Jose recruited him recently, he will get him to study your products and make counterfeit, that's the biggest card he has. He's been using this to get the small cartels to support him"

"How good is this guy? The Mexican guy"

"According to what I heard, it could really be hard to tell the difference, Jose went to Mexico himself to bring him"

"Hmmm, I see"

Joan said as she thought of the information she had just gotten. It was sure valuable, she had focused on the big fishes and not realized a small fry was trying to sell imitation of her products.

"I gave you really valuable information please spare me. Jose will kill me if he knows I snitched on him"

"I might as well just kill you now. You are going to die anyway" 
Joan said as she stood up from the chair to leave.

"Please spare me! I'll do anything you want. I will be loyal to you!" Stephen screamed at the top of his lungs

"Anything I want?" Joan asked turning back as she walked to where Stephen was kneeling.

"Anything you want" he answered in a low tone.

"Look at me" she said

"Please" Stephen whispered  looking up at Joan

"Okay, just keep doing what you are doing"

"What?"  He looked confused

"Jose sent you here to spy on me right? Keep doing so,  just that there are going to be two changes. You will become a double spy, you spy on him for me too and you only tell him what I ask you to. Can you do that?"

"I will! Whatever you say boss!"

"Try any foul play and I'm going to have you locked up in that drum, filled with piranhas. They are going to bite on every single bit of your flesh and you will wish you were never born" Joan bent in front of him as she stared directly into his eyes. Stephen whimpered in fear of Joan's threat.

"Release him" Joan ordered as she stood to leave

"Yes boss" Micheal replied as he signaled to the boys to release him as he followed Joan behind

"We need to find the Mexican guy. Get every information on him"

"What are you thinking boss?"

"If what Stephen said is true then he's a big threat to our business. He might be useless in Jose's hands but if any of the big cartels know of him they are going to come straight for our business"

"What should I do about him?"

"Bring him over"

"Bring him over? If he stays here he will know how we make our products. He doesn't even need to imitate, he can make the real one"

"If someone is good enough to imitate a product and make counterfeit just by studying it for a little time you know what that tells me? He just needs the resources to make a better one himself. We don't need to let him know how we make ours, we'll give him the resources and let him make another type. He's going to be our plan b if another Mexican shows up. So do whatever you can to win him over to our side, thankfully he's still with Jose."

"Jose must have really learnt nothing from his late father. He knew who and who not to offend, he didn't try to bite the fingers that fed him"

"Everyone is free to dream, he's new to the business, he must be so desperate to prove himself. I heard he's still trying to prove he's worth the head of the family's position to the rest of his father's men. They aren't going to follow him unless he shows he's a good leader, he hasn't gotten their support yet so he must be working on his own, this is the best time to get the Mexican before anyone else does. Make sure none of the boys talk about it"

"Yes boss"

"Cancel all my meetings for today. Willow wants to go see her dad, I'll be spending the rest of the day there."

"Yes boss, I'll get all pending orders delivered before the end of today"

Joan nodded in approval. Her phone suddenly rang, it was Kelvin's doctor.

"Yes Doctor,I'm on my..."

The doctor interrupted Joan, he said something over the phone that changed Joan's expression, she made a sudden stop.

"Kelvin what?"

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