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"The VIPs were so elated to see me today" I  said. We were both seated at the dining having dinner. Willow had dinner earlier and was now fast asleep

"More of shocked? Did you see their faces? I feel like some of them aren't that happy to see you, back" Joan commented as she sipped her wine

"Well, I guess. They must have probably thought you would be easy to control and manipulate and just have their way"


"Little do they know that Joan Peterson ain't no easy opponent"

I said as we both giggled.

"But do you really trust Mario?"

"Trust is a dangerous game in this business honey. I don't trust him, however, I trust what we both stand to gain. We want something we can give each other. Mario needs me to take over the business, I need him to get rid of Jose. It's a win win situation, that's what I trust"

"But can't he just get rid of Jose himself? I'm sure he has more than enough to do that."

"That will only make him a bad friend who stole Jose's position after his father's death. Yes, they don't like Jose but it still doesn't change the fact that his father named him the next head before his death, they believe it should be a fair game between the both of them to show their worth for the seat. The rest of the family will only see him as a tyrant who would do anything to get power and not all of them will follow him. He needs to make them stand behind him themselves and that can only happen when Jose fucks up. Now, this can't have anything to do with him cause it will only bring more chaos and division to the family. The family is already in chaos at it is as some believe Mario deserves the seat, other trusts Jose's father judgment by appointing him while the other few just want what they can gain from the chaos in the family so you see, any wrong move from Mario will only put him at more disadvantage. As a matter of fact, he needs me more than I need him right now. So whoever is going to take care of Jose for him as to be someone outside the family, he needs to make it look like it was an attack from  Jose's acquired enemy. Everyone knows him to be rude and arrogant and thinks the world revolves around him so the family will be so quick to conclude he stepped on the wrong toes."

"Wow, that's...(pauses) impressive?"
Joan said with a confused look as we both laughed.

"It's Willow's birthday soon. Do you have any plans?" I said as I took a sip from my wine

"Hmm I'm thinking maybe a little party with her friends and classmates in school?"

"School party? It's her first birthday party with me, with us as a family. It has to be something more special"

"What was I even expecting" Joan mumbled as she dipped a chunk of meat into her mouth

                         *Few hours later*
"Micheal" I called out for him as he stood at the entrance of my office.

"Yes boss" Micheal responded as he stood in front of me

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked with a straight face

"Sir?" He looked confused as he wondered the reason for my question

"What is sir? Aren't you old enough to have one?" I said again looking more serious

"Erm, I have a girl I like sir"  he answered shyly

"Have you asked her out?"

"Not yet, but I'm planning to very soon"

"Hmm, okay. So..... I'm guessing you must have read a lot on how to do that right?"

"Boss... if I may ask?"

"Ask what? Why I'm in your business?"

"No no, it's not like that. I just didn't expect my love life to interest you"

"I'm planning to propose to Joan. But I just found out winning a woman's heart is actually harder than fighting with my competitors over business. I can't think of anything" Micheal folded his lips as he tried not to laugh.

"Sir" he said keeping a straight face as he looked at my serious face.

"Are you laughing at me?"

"No sir, I just find it funny that you are comparing impressing a woman to dealing with our competitors. It's two entirely different things, pleasing a woman is way harder"

"Well I can see that now. That's why I called you, do you have any idea that might work?"

"It's not really about how much money you spend on the proposal or how extravagant it is. She would appreciate your sincerity more boss"

"Sincerity?" I replied

"Yes, something that shows you really do take her as someone special in your heart and you hold her dear. Something that makes her feel like you know her for who she really is, not as your lover, not as the mother of your child. Something that makes her feel like herself"

"Something that makes her feel like herself." I repeated going through my thoughts. A thought suddenly came to my mind as I stood up from my chair

"Did you think of something"

"More than something. We need to get somewhere now. Get the keys"

"Yes boss!"

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