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I had always knew there would be a day like this, I knew I couldn't hide my identity forever but I had hoped it will be on my own accord that I revealed my identity. Never would I have thought I had to exchange my identity for the woman I love. At that very moment as I drove off, I was angry, sad and regretful. I brought this whole thing on an innocent girl who knew nothing about this kind of life. I was twenty minutes away to the address Arturo sent.

                       *At the kidnap scene*
"Well,well,well your man should be here anytime from now but before then why don't we have a little chit chat my dear. I'm sure you are bored too" Arturo said as he ran his hand on Joan's face

"Don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands!" Joan said as she spat on him. Arturo responded with a slap on her face

"You little wench! I see you've got some nerves huh? Bring her friend!"
The boys dragged Rose with the rope she was tied with.

"Rose!Rose!! Why are you doing this to us? What did we do to you!!!! We are just college girls! You definitely won't get away with this" Joan screamed in pain

"Oh dear, I will. And of course you didn't do anything to me. You should blame your man for making you pay for his mistakes"

"Gabriel? What did Gabriel do to you?"

"Gabriel? Is that what he told you his name is?" Arturo said as he laughed mockingly

"What are you talking about? He's Gabriel Jones"

"I see your man didn't tell you who he really is. Did he not trust you enough? Or did he just not find any need to tell you? Anyway I'll do you a favor of letting you know who he really is.
He's name is Kelvin Jones and no he isn't just a professor like you think. Kelvin Jones is the biggest drug lord in the country with over a hundred men that answers to him. For years now, he has kept his identity hidden and I never cared about who he was until he took what was mine. I sought for his weakness for months and then I finally got him. But I never thought his weakness will be a naive college girl who doesn't even know who her man is"

"No way, you are lying! You are a liar! That's not who Gabriel is"

"Okay, we'll find out soon. I actually feel much better now. You can take her friend back"

One of the boys dragged Rose with the rope she was tied with. He had a gun in his waist. Rose swiftly took the gun out and they both struggled with it. A shot was fired unknowingly as Rose and the boy struggled with it. There was silence all of a sudden. They both stared at each other as they wondered who the shot hit.

"Rose?" Joan whispered in fear

They both separated to see who it hit. They both had blood stain around the stomach. Rose quickly touched her stomach to check. There was a tear in her cloth. Blood gushed out as she pressed her stomach. The gun had hit her.

"Rose!!!!!No!!!!!!!" Joan screamed in agony as she struggled with the rope she was tied with.
More blood gushed out from her stomach and now her mouth as she fell on the floor. She laid there unconscious in her own pool of blood.
I arrived at the scene to see Joan tied to a pole and her friend unconscious on the floor.

"Here you are Kelvin"

"What did you do?" I said as I rushed at Arturo. His boys held me back before I could get to him

"Ah that? Trust me it was an accident" Arturo said as he pointed to Rose who was lying on the floor

"I'll make you pay!"

"I think you are the one to pay Kelvin"

"Kelvin?" Joan whispered.

"It's not what you think baby"

"Kelvin or Gabriel? Which one of them is the real you?" She asked again quietly

"Baby I can..."

"Answer me!!"

"It's Kelvin. I'm Kelvin Jones.I'm sorry I lied"

"Why not leave the little explanation and reunion till later lovers" Arturo interrupted

"What do you want?" I asked

"Peak Shippings. You took it from me, give it back. You do that, your girl lives."

"You also hijacked my products. You made one of my man betray me!"

"Your men disloyalty has nothing to do with me. Maybe you should train them better to be as loyal as a dog. I only saw an opportunity and I took it so do we have a deal or not?" Arturo said as he pointed a gun to Joan's head

"Deal. So let her go"

"Not so fast, bring the papers!" Arturo told his right hand man. The man dropped the paper in front of me with a pen. I was about to sign when Greg marched in with the boys. They started shooting at Arturo and his boys. I broke loose from the two guys that had held me all this while as I threw punches at them. I ran quickly to  release Joan. She went straight to where Rose laid as she checked her pulse. She was gone, Joan let out a painful cry as she pressed Rose against her chest. The shootings became intense, Arturo had escaped already. I grabbed Joan by the hand as I dragged her out of the building,she struggled with me to let her go but I didn't.

"Let me go!" She shouted

"We need to leave now! Arturo had his boys plant a detonator to blow us off with the building. It will go off anytime soon!"

"Then let me die!"

"There no way I'm letting that happen" I carried her from the floor and ran out as far as I could from the building. I stopped at a safe distance and dropped her gently. There was silence between us. Joan looked like she was dreaming and still finding it hard to believe what had just happened.

"Joan,I know all this is so hard to process right now but trust me I'll tell you everything soon"

"Rose just died" she whimpered

"I'm sorry"

"Rose just died, Rose just died!!!"

"Calm down" I said as I grabbed her arms

"Let me go Gabriel! Oh right, you aren't Gabriel, it's Kelvin"

"I can explain Joan"

"Is it true that you are the biggest drug lord in the country?"

"Joan.... Yes it is."

"Oh my God" Joan covered her mouth as she sobbed

"Just give me a chance to explain"

"There's nothing to explain. The man I knew was Gabriel Jones but the man standing right in front of me now is Kelvin Jones. As far as I'm concerned, Gabriel died here tonight and I have absolutely nothing to do with you. Don't you ever appear in front of me again" Joan said bitterly as she walked away. Her clothes were dirty and torn, with no shoes on, she walked barefooted on the rough road. I knew I had disappointed her, I hurt her, she lost her best friend because of me. I had no right to beg for forgiveness.

"Boss are you okay?" Greg asked as he ran to where I was looking at Joan as she walked away

"Follow her" I said quietly.

"What about Arturo?"

"I'll make him pay"

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