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"Were you talking to Professor Jones last night on the phone?" Rose asked curiously

"Yes,why?" Joan replied

"You guys talk on phone now? I was half asleep but I knew I heard something like that. Does this mean he likes you too? I don't think he would give you any audience if he doesn't fancy you"

"I told you already my dear Rose, time is everything. Professor Jones and I have a connection, that I'm sure of and I'm going to build on it"

"But what about people's opinion when they find out you are dating a lecturer. Especially your course mate. They will think you are dating him for marks and the fact that you are repeating the course doesn't even help the situation"

"Who cares about their opinion. People will always talk about whatever you do and I do not need anyone's validation on what to do with my life. At the end we are all going to die alone"

"We will be done with school soon and it wouldn't matter anymore so I just think you should keep things on the low for now. Even if you do not care about what people say, you don't want to be a hot topic on this campus trust me. Will you be attending the art conference tomorrow?"

"Nah, I think I'll pass. I'm just going to sleep all day" Joan said with a smile

"Well, I heard Professor Jones will be giving a speech there but since you want to rest, you should." Rose said teasingly

"He will be there?!" Joan exclaimed as she sprung up from her bed

"So I heard"

"How did I not know that?"

"Maybe if you stop running to the hostel immediately after classes you will know what's going on"

"What's the point of roaming around after classes. I just don't see the point. And I can't even take my chances of running into George"

"For how long will you keep avoiding him?I think you should just talk to him and come out straight that you feel nothing for him. He probably thinks you will change your mind about him since you never gave him an answer"

"George is like my period Rose. There are times I just wish it wouldn't come but when it doesn't I get worried. We made so many childhood memories together. I'm afraid I'm gonna ruin the little thing we have left of our friendship if I give him my answer"

"You can't keep avoiding it, you will have to give him an answer sooner or later. Okay, let's say the thing with you and the Professor later works out. How will you explain George to him when he keeps pestering you or even explain him to George. George is gonna think he threatened you with your grade or something.You need to make it clear now before you get into anything with anybody"

"I get you Rose, I'll do something about it"

"That will be better, so are you attending the exhibition or not?"

"Of course I'm going! Do you even need to ask again?"

"Love is in the air!"

"Shut up"

"You don't have to pick me up early tomorrow Greg. I have to make a speech at the school's art exhibition"
"Okay boss"
"Yes, I'll call you when I'm done."
"You've been staring at your phone all day. Are you expecting a call from someone?"
"Call?No, just checking the time" I lied
"Hmmm, expecting a call from her?"
"You really have a thing for not minding your own business"
"You are my business boss, so I should mind this" Greg said laughing
"You are my business boss" I mimicked Greg's words. We both laughed
"You should see her at the conference tomorrow don't worry"
"Who says I'm worried? But do you think she will come?"
"She should since it's an art conference.I'm sure she knows you will be there too"
"I hope so" I whispered to myself with a smile

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