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We all rushed into the VIP room, Willow was nowhere to be found, neither were the salespersons. We had fallen right into Greg's trap, he had us followed to distract me from noticing anything weird in the store.
"Call the boys! if you have to turn this place upside down I don't care!". At this point I was already losing it but it was nothing compared to what Joan was feeling. She had an instant breakdown immediately and I had to hold her down.
"Willow,my baby!" She cried in tears
"We will find her I promise, I'll find her"
I couldn't believe Greg used my influence to get back at me, there was no way he would have pulled this off without my connection. He must have had the staff replaced and knew we were likely going to enter the first store we saw. "Well played Greg" I said to myself as I stormed out of the store leaving one of the boys with Joan. I wasn't going to just sit back and watch this time, I was fighting an enemy who dined with me for years,someone who knew my weakness,who knew my moves,who knew how I handled situations. I needed to think out of the box, I needed to act out of character this time cause Greg must have predicted my moves. So many thoughts were rushing through my mind and for the first time I didn't know what to do or where to start from.

So I thought to myself, I was just going to play along the way he wanted, acting out of character now might put Willow in danger. Greg was certainly no longer in his right mind for me to think he wouldn't hurt her, if he could go against me to this extent he sure was desperate. My phone rang as I was still in my thoughts, it was who I expected it to be, Greg.

"What do you want?" I said trying to hold back my anger, I didn't want him to sense my agitation.
"Not even hi or hello? You are being hostile to your former assistant boss or should I say ex boss?"He said with a giggle. I lost my cool at that point and couldn't suppress my anger anymore.
"If you dare touch a hair on my daughter's body I promise I'm going to skin you alive and feed you to the dogs" I was in full rage already as I clenched my fist.
"Your daughter? Do you think you have any right to call her that?! Where were you when she was born,when she crawled,when she took her first steps. You don't deserve to be her dad, if anyone should be called Willow's dad it's me. Don't you think it's unfair to me that all my efforts all these years was just wasted like that? Just when I was so close to getting the reward for my efforts you decide to show up and ruin everything. If I don't have my happiness you won't either!
"Neither Joan or Willow belongs to you. They never belonged to you, if you need reward so bad I can give you whatever you want. House, a full shipment of goods, vip clients, your own business, just name it"
"What do you take me for? You think after working for you all these years I could be enticed by any of that? I don't need anything from you, just give me back my woman, she's mine"
"Joan is not your woman! She never was and she never will!!! You don't own her" I yelled back
"Okay fair enough. If you won't give me back the love of my life, I can always take your daughter as compensation. I'll take care of her well in a way you will so much love" He giggled again
"Don't you dare!" He hung up the call before I could say anything else. The rail shook this time from my constant banging, I felt exasperated. I tried calling the number again it was switched off.
"Damn you!" I shouted not noticing Joan that was now behind me
"Have you found Willow?" She said in a low tone, her face was already swollen from crying.
"I thought I told you to keep her eye on her" I said to one of the boys I had put on guard for Joan
"I couldn't hold her down boss, I'm sorry" he answered bowing down his head
"Answer me Kelvin! This is my daughter, I deserve to know what's happening. Don't you even dare hide anything from me, if you do I'm going to disappear and you will never find us again. What am I even saying? I still can't find my daughter" Joan bursted into tears again as she fell to the ground. My heart broke for her, she didn't deserve any of this, she didn't deserve the pain I was putting her through over and over again. I knelt before her gently grabbing her by the shoulder with my two hands.

"I may not be able to do anything else for you again in this life but I promise you, I'll get Willow back safe and sound even if it means the last thing I'd ever do, she's my daughter too, I care for her as much as you do. Having said that, I stood up and turned to the guard, instructed him to keep an eye on her. Greg wanted war, he will get one. Determined to do whatever it took, I walked out of the mall. As much as Greg knew me, I knew him too. I knew where he must have taken Willow. I brought out my gun from the center console as I got into my car, loaded it with bullets and zoomed off.

Joan chased after Kelvin trying to get where he was going to. He had zoomed off before she got outside.
"Do we still have a car left?" Joan asked the bodyguard who had just caught up with Joan
"Yes ma'am. Do you want to go home now?" He asked catching his breath
"Let's go, I need you to follow your boss"
"I'm sorry ma'am I can't do that. The boss instructed me to.."
"I swear to God if anything happens to my daughter I'll make your life so much of a living hell, you will beg to die.How about that?"
"Right away ma'am, let me get the car"
Joan was breathing heavily as she waited for what seemed like forever. She finally got into the car, barefooted with her makeup all washed down, she looked like a character from a horror movie.
"Don't lose him" she ordered
"Yes ma'am, hold on tight"

                           *Author's note*
Guess we are all holding on tight with bated breath for the next episode. Will Kelvin be able to save Willow? What do you think?

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