chapter 2

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Wei ying entered loudly

"good morning, I hope you have slept well"

wei ying got closer to lan wangji, hiding something behind his back

"guess what I have brought?" Wei ying smiled playfully.

Lan wangji just looked emotionless at him, suddenly bunch of beautiful flowers appeared in front of him.lan wangji seemed surprised.

Wei ying pleased with his reaction continued

"I collected them specially for you, I hope you will like it" wei ying put them in a vase near his bed.

He looked outside

"weather is great, It is suitable for a walk, hmm?"

Before lan wangji could say anything wei ying happily shouted

" I got an idea, wait here, I will come back soon!"

He disappeared in an instant.

Lan zhan stunned looked,he was truly strange.He would shout suddenly, laugh, smile and he did not avoid him when he frowned or looked coldly.

Wei ying appeared with a wheelchair.
Lan zhan looked at him as he was out of his mind, why would he bring a wheelchair when lan wangji could walk.

Wei ying got what he was thinking immediately " lan wangji don't look at me like that" he approached to him , speaking excitedly with a happy smile on his face" we are going to have fun, trust me" wei ying pointed to the wheelchair.

It took some time but finally lan wangji stood up and sat on it.He thought for a moment he had lost his mind to listen to wei ying.

Wei ying grabbed the wheelchair from behind " let's go!"

He took lan wangji outside, there was a beautiful atmosphere surrounded by flowers, trees. Some of the patients were strolling there too.

Wei ying stoped beside one of the benches " lan zhan now come sit here" he himself sat on bench and patted there.

Lan wangji silently sat there.Both were looking around

"Look how lovely life is despite its hardships, those old madams told me their stories,It made me upset hearing their children abandoned them here.I can not believe how cruel they could be to do such a thing.But...seeing how they continue to live in spite of those difficulties makes me want to appreciate my life more.There are some points in life that seem to be the last second of life, you want to die that second so there would be a finish to everything but...I believe it will also pass, hardship will also pass but what is important is that we can tolerate it, we stay strong.lan wangji, I don't know your story but know this, it will pass too, everything will pass, just have faith in GOD, he will definitely send you a miracle you don't expect!"

Wei ying suddenly noticed how much he talked

" sorry, I didn't mean to bother you while resting"
wei ying looked down embarrassed.

he did not notice he has been talking this much and was afraid lan wangji would feel offended by his words.

Lan wangji had been staring at him from the start but wei ying was so lost that he didn't notice.

"Lan zhan" a cold voice whispered it. Wei ying looked stunned at him.what did he mean lan zhan.

Lan wangji stared at those curious silver eyes directly "call me lan zhan"

"Lan zhan, lan zhan" wei ying repeated his name" what a beautiful name"

Lan zhan thought his name was pleasant hearing from wei ying.

From that moment wei ying became more closer to lan zhan.

Wei ying would bring something every day for lan zhan, once he brought candies, other day flowers.

Wei ying was so playful and lan zhan was not bothered by his teasings.

Wei ying would spend more time with him, talking about everything and lan zhan would listen and speak a few words.

Wei ying thought it was better than nothing.Lan zhan would sometimes smile at wei ying's playfulness and how he was punished by his manager.

The more he saw lan zhan smiling, the more he was inspired to bring smile to his face.

They were used to seeing each other every day, spending more time together.

"Lan zhan, I was picking up flowers for you secretly suddenly the gardener saw me and shouted I caught you finally, you have been destroying my garden I thought he could not catch me and I tried to ran away but he threw his shoes and it hit my head.I fell on ground and he hit me with his slippers until one of old madams saved me from him.
The old madam said: definitely I was bringing them to a girl and the man looked at my face, nodded his head positively.As I wanted to correct them ,they told me not to be shy and they thought I was hiding.Now every time, the gardener sees me he starts advising me how to get a woman's heart and his experiences." Wei ying hit his face, sighed desperately.
Lan zhan laughed for the first time, hearing how did the gardener misunderstand and wei ying's frustrated side.

"Yes lan zhan! You should laugh at miserable me, you are not forced to listen to his love experience stories, Miserable wei ying should listen"

it made lan zhan laugh more.Wei ying laughed too seeing his laughes.
Both were happily laughing


Both turned toward the door, surprised lan xichen was standing there.

He was shocked to see his brother laughing.

His brother had never smiled or showed emotion since the incident but now he was laughing.

Lan xichen could not believe his eyes.Drop of tears were streaming from his eyes, he was feeling overjoyed, he could not control his tears.

Wei ying looked stunned at this unfamiliar person and turned to lan zhan, getting him to his senses "lan zhan!"

Lan zhan got out of the bed and went to his brother, hugging him first.

" brother"

Lan zhan's voice was not cold anymore, he could feel his brother was coming back to life.

Lan xichen hugged him back tightly, his little brother was getting better, he could not wait to tell his father.

After a while finally they pulled back, wei ying walked forward and got their attention.

Lan zhan got close to wei ying and smiled at how curiously wei ying was looking.

He could bet wei ying was dying to know more about his brother as he had not mentioned about him.It made lan zhan smile at wei ying.

"Lan zhaaan" wei ying called his name knowing why lan zhan was smiling and pouted cutely.

Lan xichen was getting his life's shocks one after another, as the boy in front of him called his brother by his birth name and lan zhan smiling back at the boy.


Number of words for this chapter : 1125

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