Chapter 33

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Wei Ying could not help but kiss his forhead, his eyelids, the kiss fell on his cheeks and finally settled on his lips.

"I love you, I have never had such kind of feelings and possessiveness toward anyone, just you and it will be only you"Lan Zhan was stunned, voices around him had vanished, just Wei Ying's words could be heard and engraved in his heart.

He put Lna Zhan's hand on his own heart
"My heart beats fast when you look at me, when you kiss me, I am not as brave as you to confess my desire toward you, and let me make it clear, I enjoy everything you do to me, so never say sorry"

Lan Zhan could feel his rapid heartbeat, his blushing cheeks and those eager eyes were proof of Wei Ying's sincerity.

A warm smile painted Lan Zhan's face as he hugged Wei Ying tightly, his head leaning on his shoulder, breathing his body, feeling his existence.

He was thankful for having Wei Ying, for having such a sweet and lovable existence just for himself.
"Love Wei Ying"
A low and steady voice confessed.
Wei Ying patted Lan Zhan's back.

After a while...
Wei Ying parted with him.
"I should talk with my brother for a while, I will come back soon"

Wei Ying went to the room Jiang Cheng was staying temporarily, he knocked on the door.

" Come in!"
As soon as he entered, Wei Ying saw that Jiang Cheng was on phone and the other side was definitely his adoptive parents as he reassured them
"Yes, I have already found him, we will come back as soon as possible, don't worry"

It seemed that other side also wanted to talk with Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng pointed toward the phone and Wei ying, gesturing they wanna talk to you
Wei Ying was stunned, he was so timid to face his problems, not even daring to talk to them, he was afraid of being abandoned.

"I am sorry" he shook his head, his eyes were covered with layer of sadness. Jiang Cheng could not bear his sadness" Mom, Wei Ying is asleep, we will talk later"

Jiang Cheng ended the talk on the phone
"Come here"
The both sat on the bed, side by side
"Why don't you wanna talk to mom and dad?! Now that you found your biological family, you just leave us like that?!! Does it matter if we are blood related or not, were not we brothers for many years?!"

Jiang Cheng was exploding from inside

"Do you know when we found your letter, how worried we were, how mother and sister were crying , how father was heart broken?! What about me? I could not sleep well, I searched every where, begged anyone just for a little information about where you have been?! "

Jiang Cheng's voice was getting louder and louder, God knows how much he was tortured with the thought of something happening to Wei Ying, he could not control his emotions and got angry with Wei Ying.

Lan Xichen came out the room next door, he heard Jiang Cheng's angry voice and immediately called Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan wanted to step in and take Wie Ying out but it was like stepping into his privacy, he tolerated there patiently.

Lan Xichen saw his brother clenching his fist tightly. Suddenly the voice inside stopped.

The drops of tears were falling one by one on Wei Ying's hand clenched on his knees, his head was down so Jiang Cheng had not noticed his red eyes.
Jiang Cheng never expected to see Wie Ying crying so heartbrokenly and innocently.

"W-Wei ying!" He squatted down worriedly in front of Wei Ying, wanting to lift his face.

Wei Ying covered his own mouth not letting out his sobs to be heard. He had never felt so desperate, he had disappointed everyone, he made mistake after mistake, he didn't know who to talk, his family turned out to be adoptive one and his current family was also waiting for him but what he did was just to run away without looking back.

Maybe, it was better for me to die when i was lost, why did I survive?! My mother and father could get rid of me, I am just a burden! They don't want me just because I am not related to them by blood? Am I destined to be abandoned, once by my biological family and now by my adoptive? Why don't they love me? Maybe I am not good enough , I am not well behaved, If I go back they will definitely not want me anymore, they just want me to go back to tell it face to face, I have been a burden for all these years, yet they tolerated me, I should be grateful!

Jiang Cheng noticed something was off as he called Wei Ying but he didn't react as he could not hear or sense the surroundings, his face was extremely pale.

Jiang Cheng called out " Someone! Help! " he was so worried that his les were shaking, he didn't know what was happening to Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan opened the door hurriedly with Lan Xichen following closely.
They were shocked by the scene in front of them
" I...He!! Help him!!"

Lan Zhan quickly rushed to Wei Ying, trying to move his hands from his mouth.

"WEI YING?! WEI YING?!! Can you hear me?! I am Lan Zhan" Lan Zhan cupped his face so he could look into his eyes, suddenly Wei Ying seemed to come back to reality, his trembling eyes looking confused at him, not knowing when Lan Zhan arrived, why is Lan Xichen helping his brother stands up steadily, did he see wrong? His brother's legs seem to be shaking. Why is Lan Zhan's hand holding his face shaking too.

"I..Ah!!!" Suddenly his head hurt like hell and the darkness covered his vision.

Lan Zhan was trying to talk with Wei Ying, but it seemed Wei Ying was dazed until he fainted in front of him , taking out Lan Zhan's soul.

"C-Ca..rr...!" Lan Zhan's voice was trembling, he could not utter the words correctly. He just hugged the Wei Ying and stood up, rushing toward the car.

Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng also got on the car, Lan Xichen was driving as fast as possible, Lan Zhan was on the back seat, his trembling hands were holding him tightly.

His eyes never leaving Wei Ying as he would disappear the next second
"Wei Ying! Please, I beg you! Be safe!"

As soon as they reached the hospital, Lan Zhan took him to the emergency. The doctor saw him unconscious and he was sent to be checked.

Lan Zhan watched dazedly as they took Wei Ying to another room. Lan Xichen helped Jiang Cheng as he would fall next second if it were not for Lan Xichen.

Finally the doctor came " He was stimulated, he seemed to be under high pressure, his body couldn't take it anymore and fainted. Let him rest and try to avoid anything that could stimulate him again!"

"When he will wake up?" Lan Xichen asked seeing both them in shock and daze.
"He will wake up eventually when his mind and body get the enough rest" doctor left them to check the next patient.

The next chapter would be updated soon😇

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