Chapter 11

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"So what of that person is me...." wei ying's voice fainted more word by word.He could not believe what he heard.

"Wh-hat?...." wei ying looked shocked,

Lan zhan got closer "Wei ying" even the way he pronounced wei ying was special.

"I love you" finally, he was confessing his feeling to a confused wei ying.A kiss landed on his forehead snapped wei ying to the sweet reality.

Wei ying was so silent unlike his usual personality being so noisy and talkative.

He said he loves me, he even kissed me, It can't be a dream,yeah it is true! lan zhan loves me, He himself said he loves me.

The silence took long, it got lan zhan worried and hesitant maybe wei ying was not feeling the same way.

"Your answer?" Lan zhan gathered all of his courage.

Wei ying just stared at him, taking a while to digest what to do

"If my feeling is one sided, I apologize , I won't bother you.." As lan zhan was getting up ...

"Me....too" his answer stopped lan zhan
Lan zhan sat back quickly, looking at wei ying for a repeating but wei ying was covering his own face, his visible cheeks were red.Lan zhan thought his heart stopped in front of this beautiful boy.Wei ying was so adorable and lovely while blushing that it could take all of lan zhan's self control with a glance.

"You....You have the same feeling?" Lan zhan was shaking slightly.

Wei ying looked up at him, stopped hiding behind own hands , nodding his head.

Lan zhan wrapped his arm around him tightly, drowned wei ying in his own warm embrace.His other hand on back of wei ying's head, feeling wei ying wholeheartedly.

Wei ying also hugged him back tightly, buried his face on lan zhan's neck.Lan zhan now belonged to him, he was filling overjoyed calling lan zhan mine.

Lan zhan pulled back a little "can you say it completely?I wanna hear it, please" lan zhan this close looked extraordinary handsome.

Wei ying could not resist those golden orbs staring lovely.

Was he really allowed to get drown in this happiness?could he have all of lan zhan? Could he stay with him forever?would lan zhan love him forever?

wei ying unconsciously talked what was floating in his mind , when he noticed

"uh, I....I was jus-"

Lan zhan cupped his face and kissed him gently on his lip, the kiss lingering as lan zhan slowly tasting those sweet red lips.

Wei ying did not expect sudden kiss but as soon as lan zhan started kissing him, he melted in pleasure of the kiss.

Lan zhan seemed to not wanting to departure from him, lied him on bed not separating for a second, continued kissing him, sucking his lips, wei ying wrapped his arms around lan zhan's neck and back, pulling him closer.

when lan zhan departed for a second
"Is my answer to your worries enough?"

"I love you" lan zhan's heart could not handle these three words . Wei ying did not know how lan zhan's heart beat when he heard those words.

Lan zhan kissed him in lips gentle one

"Lan zhan, I..I want more" wei ying
embarrassedly asked him.

Wei ying did not know but he had unawarely made lan zhan lose his control.

How could lan zhan resist the angel under him asking for more kisses.After he had tasted wei ying's sweet lips, definitely he was addicted to them but he loved this addiction.

Lan zhan started again, kissed him gently, sucked his bottom lip ,then bit his lip not so hard

"Ah!" Wei ying departed his lips for a second because of the pain.

Lan zhan used this opportunity astutely and entered his tongue.

His tongue was tasting the inside sweetness, searching every corner.

Lan zhan titled his own head slightly to kiss him even deeper.

He could not get enough of him no matter how much he kissed him but wei ying's hands trying to push him was a sign, he needed to breath.

Lan zhan pulled back , bit his lower lip again, earned a moan from him.

"Lan zhan you! You are so mean! Don't bite my lip" wei ying pouted cutely.

Lan zhan looked at him, wei ying seemed so ethereal, his beauty would blind anyone.

On top of that, his cheerful personality could attract anyone and it did not matter man or woman.

"I want to hear your moans" lan zhan naughtily said

and caressed wei ying's lips with top of his finger.
Wei ying could not believe his ears, he was seeing playful side of lan zhan.

"Lan zhan,You are so shameless !" Wei ying blushed more, lan zhan seemed so hot, staring at him lovely, speaking playfully.Wei ying was feeling so shy .

Lan zhan smiled at his reactions, he wished he could see this view for rest of his life, wei ying blushing under him because of his kisses was beyond his heart capacity.

Wei ying noticed his silence and cupped lan zhan's face , getting his attention "lan zhan?"
Lan zhan kissed his forehead gently.

"It is late, let's sleep" he got under the same blanket, hugged wei ying.

Wei ying was completely melted in his warm embrace, his face buried in lan zhan's chest.

"Goodnight lan zhan" wei ying kissed his cheek, giggled cutely.

Lan zhan tightened his arms around him, kissed wei ying's hairs passionately " good night my love"

They slept in each other's embrace, lan zhan had held wei ying as he was the most precious one in world while wei ying slept so relax as this spot was his safest place.

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