Chpater 13

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"It is not deep,if he takes care of it , it will get better soon"

Doctor then turned to lan zhan explaining more
"He has a fever, make sure he rests well and takes his medicines"

Lan zhan was listening carefully "Thanks Doctor"

"Oh about madam's condition, I should inform you it is getting worser,the medicines I told last time have not arrived yet, We should get them as soon as possible"

Doctor left as soon as lan zhan assured he will check the delay.

Lan zhan's mood was gloomy, wei ying could tell with a glance.He sat beside wei ying on bed, checking his fever again.

"Lan zhan?" Wei ying's voice seemed hesitant


"When doctor said madam, did he mean your mother? Where is she? I have never seen her since coming here "

"I will take you to see her" lan zhan lifted his hand and kissed his palm, kept them close to his own face.

His flustered face ached wei ying's heart.Lan zhan hid his sadness well but to wei ying, he was like an open book.

"Can you come closer?"

As lan zhan bent over, wei ying raised his hands, cupped his face,kissed his cheek passionately, trying to convey his feeling through the kiss that lan zhan was not alone, wei ying was there for him.

Lan zhan's mind went black, he was surprised from sudden rush of feeling.Then a whisper...

"I love you "

Just three sincere words seemed to provoke his deepest part of his lan zhan, for the first time in his life, he was overwhelmed by getting the feeling he did not need to pretend to be strong all the time , his heart's capacity was not enough to bear the weight.

Wei ying was not aware of his mother's condition but unawarely, he was saying lan zhan was not alone anymore.

All the time, lan zhan showed tough side of himself, not burdening his brother and father anymore but deep inside, he was afraid and alone , he wanted a shelter, someone saying everything will be okey, he is not alone anymore and now...

Wei ying could even see behind his masked feelings, he could easily say when lan zhan's emotions were not stable.

Drops of tears fell down silently, It was overwhelming his heart but now he was feeling better as he could finally breath

Wei ying sat up hardly, wiped his face hurriedly, not knowing what to do.Lan zhan was crying in front of him and he could not bear seeing his always strong lan zhan cry so innocently.

"Lan zhan! Did I make you cry?! I am sorry! Lan zhaan! Love, please look at me.I don't know what I did to make you cry I am sorry but please don't cry"Wei ying stood on his knees, hugged lan zhan.

Lan zhan hugged him back tightly, buried his  own face in his chest.

"Lan zhan, love" soft kisses were landing on lan zhan's hairs trying to calm him down.

Wei ying could not control his own tears streaming and leaving marks on his face.He was saddened by lan zhan's innocence.

Lan zhan seemed to get calmer as wei ying kept on kissing his heart's wound, healing them wholeheartedly.

"Lan zhan, come here" wei ying guided him to lie down on bed, wei ying was the one hugging him. lan zhan seemed to find his safe shelter.

He got melted in wei ying's embrace, buried his face on wei ying's warm neck, he was kept safe from the outside world. All he could feel was his warmth holding him tight

"lan zhan, my lan zhan, I won't leave you alone, I will share the burden of your problems, You have me, you got nothing to worry, You should rely to me"

Wei ying draw circles at his back, although his hand hurt a little but it did not even compare to the pain he was feeling in his heart.

Wei ying suddenly remembered the lullaby his mother used to sing when he was child and was scared.

It was the most relaxing as mother sang with her magical voice, offering them peacefulness.

The lullaby rang in lan zhan's ears as wei ying sang it quietly with his magical voice pleasant to his ears.

It seemed to effect as lan zhan's breath became steady and his body felt relaxed.Wei ying looked at him and noticed he had fallen asleep peacefully.

wei ying kissed top of his head

"I will never leave you alone"

Wei ying was sleepless, he would rarely get cold but once he got one, he would severely get ill and could not step out of bed.

Despite the fact that he needed to rest, he could not sleep.He was worried about him, his lan zhan had never been this susceptible.

His heart could not bear seeing him upset or cry.Wei ying held him tight until it was morning.
There was a knock on the door

"Breakfast is ready, waitin for you" he didn't come inside

"xichen-gege" wei ying tried not to be loud so lan zhan could continue sleeping meanwhile he called lan xichen

Lan xichen opened the door and encountered awake wei ying.

His eyes landed on his own brother, sleeping peacefully in wei ying's embrace. It was unusual for lan zhan to sleep till now.

Wei ying was feeling embarrassed to hug lan zhan in front of his brother

"Xichen gege, he was not feeling good yesterday and I think it would be better if he could sleep more,thanks for calling us for breakfast,I will stay with lan zhan"

"I am happy he found the right one, thanks wei ying" lan xichen left him shocked.

Wei ying blushed while looking at lan zhan, he knew about our relationship.

Wei ying held him closer and tried to get asleep, feeling weak and exhausted.

His mind was heavy enough as he had not been able to sleep at all.

Hiiii dear readers, I apologize deeply for not updating since last month.I was awfully busy with college, tones of lessons , this and that..🥺
I will update more this week!
Thanks for supporting🙏🏻❤️

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