Chapter 36

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Lan Xichen grabbed his hand, caressing the back of his hand with his thumb.

"It is my fault for not showing my intentions clearly"

He looked seriously at Jiang Cheng
"I swear to God, Lans don't lie... I fell in love with you, I want you give me a chance to pursue you"

Jiang Cheng looked stunned at him, the warm hand caressing his hand was somehow puzzling, he would never allow a stranger to touch him freely, but his heart was feeling warm, he could not describe his own feeling, in all these years, he would reject any pursuit directly, he could not even remember when or who they were.

In this moment, he could not reject him like others, he could not understand his vague feelings toward Lan Xichen, their personalities did not match, he would get irritated easily or didn't have the enough patience.

Lan Xichen was the exact opposite polar, he was full of patience and kindness, with that special handsomeness of him, anyone would be honored to be with him.

He could not believe that he fell in love with himself, Jiang Cheng ignored his own chaotic feeling toward Lan Xichen.

"No" he whispered weakly , shaking his head slightly.

He wanted to retreat back but he had already reached the edge of bed and fell back on bed, Lan Xichen intended to hold him steady but he also fell on the bed after Jiang Cheng.

Putting pressure on his own hands to bear the weight, each of his hand was on one side of Jiang Cheng, his body lying mostly on Jiang Cheng's body, looking at Jiang Cheng from top, his hairs were scattered, revealing his beautiful forehead, his stunned eyes, with his cheeks getting redder, his gorgeous lips opened half part were all seducing in Lan Xichen's eyes.

Lan Xichen's head was getting lowered, Jiang Cheng reflexively put his hands on his chest to stop him from getting close anymore.

Their distance was so little as he could see Lan Xichen's face from this up close. He could not take his eyes off those brown eyes, looking at him as his existence was all his world.

Being stared by that hot look, Jiang Cheng's eyelashes trembled slightly, not knowing how to react. Lan Xichen could not resist his cute reactions, looking like a kitten, his thumb brushed Jiang Cheng's lips gently

"I will give you five second to push me away, if not... I will cross the line"


Jiang Cheng's eyes dilated slightly, he could not bring himself to push him away, his heart was aching at the thought of hurting Lan Xichen. He could not believe his own thoughts, his feeling toward Lan Xichen was different, that's why he was feeling scared confronting him.

He just heard Lan Xichen uttering

Lan Xichen saw him not resisting anymore, his eyes became darker, the beast inside waking up.

He touched those tempting lips with his own lips gently, feeling the softness, he could not help, cupping his face, closing his eyes and kissing him more.

Jiang Cheng let himself in his mercy, closing his eyes like him, feeling wholeheartedly the taste of being cherished. They parted slightly
"Can I kiss more deeply?"

Lan Xichen looked so hot that it was impossible to say no now. Jiang Cheng nodded his head, expressing his willing fullness, his arms wrapped around Lan Xichen's neck, bringing it closer.

Lan Xichen could not handle his beauty, his every action was so seductive that he lost his self control. Their body stuck together, the passionate kiss continued, Lan Xichen took the lead, invading with his hot tongue, tasting his sweetness.

He didn't stop until Jiang Cheng was out of breath, once he tasted him, he could not get enough of him anymore.

He wiped Jiang Cheng's lips with his thumb, burying his head in his neck.
"You can't run away from me anymore"
He whispered gently, hugging him tightly.

"I have not accepted you as my boyfriend yet!"
Jiang Cheng did not dislike his clingy side, he felt helpless and funny.

"Won't you go back to your room?"
Lan Xichen raised his head, looking at him so innocently that Jiang Cheng thought he had said something wrong, hurting him.

"I won't see you for a while, at least let me stay with you tonight or..." Lan Xichen paused, looked at him with a sad expression " You hate me that I am annoying and clingy?"

He looked so pitiful that Jiang Cheng could only sigh desperately, Lan Xichen was so good at acting innocent.

"N-No.. I don't dislike it...okey, stay"
Lan Xiche was so happy to be able to get his consent, he kissed him on the cheek and then sat up, helped him up too.

The bed was big enough for two people, Jiang Cheng showed a border between them
"Don't cross it, we are not in a relationship "

Lan Xichen looked at the distance between them
"Can I hold your hand and fall sleep ?"

Jiang Cheng nodded reluctantly and gave him his hand, he was sleeping on his back, looking at the ceiling, his hand was being played by Lan Xichen, sometimes soft kisses were falling on it.

He couldn't bear it anymore and turned to him, seeing him like a teenager boy falling in love for the first time, blushing, laughing sneakily, not at all like the strict businessman dealing with everything wisely as he had heard in rumors.

"Don't kiss anymore, sleep" He himself was blushing.

Lan Xichen hugged his hand, sticking his cheek to it, Jiang Cheng's hand was so smooth and soft.

"Goodnight, Jiang Cheng"

"Goodnight "

********************************************************Guys, it was the last update for today and I am so tired 🫠 hope you enjoy the story🥰

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