Chapter 44

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"Woke up? Do you have pain?" Lan Zhan hurriedly came to check him.

Wei Ying blushed slightly "I'm hungry" and was fed by him spoon after spoon.
When he finished Lan Zhan wanted to take off his trouser to check on him but Wei Ying stopped him.


"Wei Ying, love, I will check quickly"

"You...check quickly"

Lan Zhan touched the swallowing and Wei Ying hissed in pain.

"I will apply cream knew "


Wei Ying blocked his mouth not to let out the moans, Lan Zhan was just applying cream and he was feeling weird.

On the other side, Lan Zhan used his last self control to not behave like a beast, however his body had already reacted to Wei Ying's moan.

Lan Zhan ignored it, went to wash his hands after helping Wei Ying to put on his pant.

Seeing his lover having pain, Lan Zhan's hands started massaging his waist...

"Ah, feels good.."

Wei Ying's soft voice mixed with seductive moans were ringing nonstop in Lan Zhan's mind, making him remember the yesterday's happiness... his eyes darkened

"if you go on making sounds you may be in pain again"


Lan Zhan looked at his beautiful face stained with innocence, could not resist it and kissed him  gently on cheek, his lips brushed his red lips.

"I love you"

Wei Ying was stunned by his sudden confession, then he smiled at those golden eyes, his hand caressed his cheek " Love you Lan Zhan"

Lan Zhan stared at his beautiful eyes, they were shining brightly, Wei Ying looked so exquisite and beautiful that Lan Zhan stopped breathing, he hugged Wei Ying tightly, their bodies sticking close leaving no inch

"I really love you..more than anything or anyone"

Wei Ying noticed Lan Zhan's voice trembling,
He hugged him back, patting his back softly.

They stayed like that until Lan Zhan noticed Wei Ying's silence and the weight on his shoulder, he fell asleep quickly.

He helped him lie on himself and covered themselves with blanket, soon both were in deep sleep in each other's embrace.
The End

Hiii dear readers🥰 the story came to an end , I hope you have enjoyed it, If I have inspiration I will write extras✌🏻
I have decided to write another story, I don't know if you like modern genre or ancient also do you have any opinion about the genre, for example do you like omega-alpha, rebirth or
You could give suggestion about their rules, president-employee, college students and so on.
I am waiting for your ideas, see you soon in my next book.

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