Chapter 12

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Wei ying was feeling his body is like a hot iron. Even in his sleep, he could feel his own body heat bothering him.

Wei ying opened his eyes slightly, his head was so heavy.He was sure it is the result of standing under the cold shower.

He was still in lan zhan's embrace.Wei ying quietly pulled himself out of his embrace so lan zhan would not wake up.

Through the window, he could see the sunrise. His whole body was in pain and it felt heavy as he was walking toward the door.

His throat was so dry and it hurt, so he decided to go to kitchen, maybe he could find water and take some medicine there.

As he entered the kitchen, he confronted lan zhan's father.

"Good morning wei ying, it seems you have waken up early"

"Um..cough..I am here to take medicine " wei ying's voice was faint as his throat hurt every time he spoke.

The great lan noticed he was sick as his face seemed so pale.He got closer to wei ying, checking his forehead

"You have a fever, come sit here!I will call our family doctor "

wei ying felt a familiar feeling behind those words,he was reminded of his own father.

A faint smile appeared " uncle, thanks for your kindness.It is just a minor fever, I will get better soon"

"First sit here"

Wei ying sat as he was told, uncle prepared special herbal tea for him "It will reduce your cough and help you recover "

The great lan was getting out the kitchen "I will bring medicine now, wait here"

Wei ying nodded "thanks uncle "

Wei ying finished his tea, as he got up suddenly with the cup in his hand, he felt dizzy and saw dark spots.

The cup fell from his hand and crashed to the ground, pierced into many pieces.

Wei ying fell down on his knees because of his dizziness, as he wanted to stable himself, his hands landed on broken pieces of the cup.

"Ahh!" His hands were bleeding.

I accidentally broke it and made a mess out of the kitchen

Wei ying started collecting big pieces in that condition.

"Wei ying"
"Wei ying!"

Lan zhan and his father hurriedly rushed inside.

Lan zhan knelt beside him quickly.

"wei ying! Your hands are bleeding! Get up"

"Lan zhan, sorry! The cup fell and it broke , I will clean it" wei ying embarrassed continued collecting the grand pieces in his bleeding hand.

"WEI YING!" Lan zhan grabbed his hand, stopped him.

He took out the pieces from his hand carefully and threw them to the floor angrily.Lan zhan cupped his face, wei ying's eyes were only on him.

"what should I do with you when you hurt yourself?! That cup doesn't matter even the slightest.You are the most important one.Your face is pale and cold.Your hands are even bleeding, do you know how much it hurts my heart?!"

Lan zhan hugged him, rested his head on wei ying's shoulder frustrated

"Please, wei ying! you are the most precious one, I love you more than even what you think, I wish you could see yourself in my eyes that time you would not let anything happen to yourself for my sake"

lan zhan's words were more like a pleading than order, even his voice was shaking.

"Take better care of yourself, my life"

Wei ying was overwhelmed by his reaction and how much lan zhan was worried about him.

He wrapped his arms around lan zhan not touching him with his hands as they were bloody,

"Sorry lan zhan, I made you worried.I won't do it again,don't be sad,I..I don't like it when you are upset "

Wei ying's eyes were teary, he was so sensitive to those he loved that when they were sad, wei ying was the first to be moved and become emotional.

Lan zhan pulled back and wiped wei ying's teary eyes, his puppy eyes were so innocent that lan zhan could not resist and kissed his eyes.

Wei ying chuckled beautifully at lan zhan's kisses, his puppy eyes once again made lan zhan's heart flatter.

All of his worries vanished as soon as he heard wei ying's laugh, It was a relaxation to his tensed body.

Lan zhan caressed his cheek softly, there was a breath taking smile on wei ying's face, drowning lan zhan in love.

"Cough"  the great lan got their attention and knelt like lan zhan, checked his hands.

"I will call our family doctor to come treat your hand and your fever, go rest.I will call the maid to come clean the kitchen."

The great lan was so considerate however wei ying was still feeling ashamed.

"Uncle, I apologize for all the trouble I am making for your family, I know I am a burden for you.I will move out soon"

wei ying could feel lan zhan's grip tightening around him as wei ying was going to run away.

The great lan noticed his son's reaction , he patted wei ying's shoulder

"young man you are not a burden,We are blessed to meet you as good things kept on happening because of you.I owe my son to you, lan zhan has never been this lively and cheerful.I hope you also see us like your family and stay with us longer"

Wei ying smiled sincerely, feeling overjoyed that they also liked him

"uncle, you are so kind, thanks for not thinking of me as some trouble maker, I also think about you like my family, you remind of my father"

uncle smiled back at him" your father must be proud to have a son like you"

Wei ying looked at lan zhan for a second staring so lovely , lan zhan's focus was only on him, those golden eyes were reflecting his love for wei ying.

"Lan zhan!" Wei ying received no response

"Lan zhan!" He was feeling shy cause Lan zhan's father was there watching.

"Lan zhan!" Wei ying this time shook him.
"Mn?" Lan zhan looked dump at him then at his father.His father just shook his head, he had forgotten to say he owe it to wei ying to see dump side of his son for the first time in his life because of wei ying.

"Could you let me stand up?"

Lan zhan did not let him and picked him up
"Father, I will take him to my room, let me know please when the doctor comes"


Hiii guys, 😊 my off days are starting.I am gonna write more these two weeks,
Thanks my lovely readers for following the story

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