chapter 7

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Wei ying patted his shoulder

"Why are you not straightforward, what is the point being shy?! I know it already you want me to stay here so we can spend more time because I am your first friend, I knew it!"

Wei ying started laughing and patting lan zhan's shoulder, his playful side was now showing himself.

The great lan leaned back and sighed,his son had a long way.

Lan zhan looked down,covering his face ,sighing desperately. Wei ying was definitely smart but he seemed to be dull in love matter.

Lan xichen covered his mouth and held back his laugh hardly, it was fun seeing his brother so frustrated for once.

Wei ying looked puzzled at them

"Did I miss something?"

Lan zhan turned to him

"no nothing, I will tell maids to prepare everything you need here"

Lan zhan deliberately told the maids to put wei ying's stuffs in his own room.

He had decided to really make wei ying fall in love with him.

They were all sitting around the table, lan zhan was beside wei ying and purposely moved his seat closer to wei ying.

There was a problem, wei ying's injured shoulder prohibited him from eating as it was the side he always used.

Lan zhan did not miss this great opportunity "Wei ying,Let me help you"

He did not allow any protest and took from every food.

"Lan zhan,I will use my other hand"

"Wei ying, I will take care of you, which one do you like?" Wei ying could not say no to him.

"This one"

Lan zhan started feeding him patiently and wiped his mouth gently.His brother said in his mind " good luck brother!"

Great lan shook his head, his son was determined to seduce wei ying.Wei ying finished eating

"Thanks lan zhan, it is enough for me"

"But, you have not eaten much, you are patient, you should eat more" lan zhan worriedly cupped his face.

Wei ying blushed, lan zhan was so much caring.

If anyone had seen them , they would have thought they are lovers.It mad made him chuckle.

When he saw lan zhan looking confused " Oh nothing"

Lan zhan finished his own meal
"Father, brother goodnight.I will take wei ying upstairs"

"Mr.lan and brother lan xichen thanks for the food and good night" wei ying bowed his head.

When they got in front of lan zhan's room " lan zhan, where should I stay?"

Lan zhan pointed to his room

"Here, you promised you will spent time with me and if you stay in my room, I can take care of you better"

lan zhan looked innocently at him. Wei ying let out his breath, he was tricked by that handsome face
" Okey"

Wei ying passed beside him and did not see lan zhan's smile.

"Umm....lan zhan, can I take shower?" Wei ying hesitantly asked.

"Feel like it is your own home " lan zhan smiled sweetly, cause it will become your own home one day, he continued in his mind.

Wei ying smiled back sweetly " thanks lan zhan, you are so kind"

Lan zhan was dazzled into wei ying, could not take his eyes from him.

How could someone be this lovely and ethereal.His heart desired wei ying desperately.

Wei ying
He was trying to remove his shirt but as he stretched his arm, sharp pain took his breath.

Wei ying did not moved for a moment so the pain would not intensify.He let out his breath angrily, there was only one choice ....

"Lan zhaan" wei ying called out him.
Lan zhan snapped out of his thoughts as he heard wei ying calling him.

"Wei ying" he saw wei ying has not removed his cloths.

"Could you help me take out my shirt? My shoulder is hurting whenever I stretch" wei ying thought maybe lan zhan was uncomfortable and his request was burdensome.

As he wanted to take back his words, lan zhan so got approached and started helping him.

He was so close that wei ying could sense his pleasant perfume, feeling his lungs.

Lan zhan was cautiously pulling out his cloths.His fingers touching wei ying's skin slightly while removing.Wei ying shivered at his hand's coldness.

Lan zhan gulped his salvia, wei ying was almost in his embrace, his own heartbeat was increasing rapidly that he was afraid wei ying would also hear it too, his ears must have been red.

He wanted to warp his arms around him tightly, never letting go of such lovely boy but he did not want to act rashly and startle wei ying.Lan zhan controlled himself .

Top of his fingers touched his bare smooth skin and it was like it was out his heart's capacity.

Wei ying shivered slightly against those cold fingers, he was getting more embarrassed in this situation " lan zhan"

"Sorry" as soon as he finished helping, lan zhan rushed outside.

Wei ying covered his own face, shaking it to left and right, repeating "no, wei ying! Don't think like that! You should not desire him more than a friend! This feeling is definitely one sided, I should not develop feeling for him more than this!"

Wei ying put his hand on his heart ,sighing desperately.

Lan zhan
He got out the room hurriedly and rested against the door.His ears were like hot iron,lan zhan had hardly controlled himself.

It was suffocating being near him but not being able to hug him or touch him.It was a second before acting rashly that wei ying's voice calling him saved him.

Lan zhan smiled remembering wei ying could fit perfectly in his embrace,how good match they could be and the feeling being near close to him was heart soothing.

He was spacing out, sank in wei ying's thought, remembering wei ying calling him every time with his sweet voice, pouting cutely, his stubborn side.

All of them caused his genuine smile not leaving his face.His heart would feel more happiness if wei ying was exclusively his.

Lan xichen was heading toward his own room that saw lan zhan, standing there like a statue, unmoving but his smile was one of the rarest sights.

His little brother was staring to a spot and smiling.He did not notice his presence until lan xichen put his hand on his shoulder.

Lan zhan immediately stood steadily, his face got back to his usual one


"Why are you standing here? Where is wei ying?" Lan xichen asked curiously.

"I...Wei ying is taking shower now and I..I was.." lan zhan for the first time in his life got nervous and didn't know what excuse to make.

He was getting annoyed and shy finding nothing to say.

Lan xichen saw his desperate struggles and laughed.It was fun seeing his brother's new side thanks to wei ying.

"Brother!" Lan zhan protested faintly.
"Sorry lan zhan but It was amusing seeing your this side"

Lan xichen smiled warmly.
"Could we talk in my room?" Lan xichen pointed.


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