chapter 6

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Great lan could not believe his eyes, was he really his son? He looked shocked at lan xichen

Lan xichen got what he was thinking

" father, he is not possessed or hit his head to anywhere , he is really lan zhan"

Father nodded his head.

They left the room and just wei ying and lan zhan were only there.

Lan zhan lied beside wei ying on bed, turned his body toward wei ying and watched his sleepy face.

He stretched his hand and cupped wei ying's smooth cheek.

Lan zhan thought life was great with wei ying, everything seemed pleasant, every second was enjoyable.

He was truly definition of life.He did not know much about wei ying's life,where he had come from? Who was his family? All he knew was an angel encountered misfortune from his arrival but to lan zhan he appeared as an angel.

His mind was filled with Wei ying that he didn't even notice when he had fallen sleep.

Wei ying

It was a while wei ying had woken up, he looked around at unfamiliar room and bed.

His eyes caught a familiar person lying beside him.He remembered getting out of hospital with lan zhan and then..then... wei ying hit his forehead.

he had fallen asleep like that,he wanted to die from embarrassment.

He covered his face with his hands, screaming in his mind

"that is so embarrassing!!!! How did he take me here? Don't tell me lan zhan picked me up till here!!!"

Wei ying looked at lan zhan shyly. He also could remember clearly having pain and asking lan zhan to bring him medicine.

Lan zhan was so caring despite how seemed cold and emotionless.

Wei ying caressed his hair gently not to wake him up, "thanks lan zhan" his words were as quiet as a whisper.

lan zhan was hot while sleeping.Wei ying thought he would have gone blind if he had stared more because of lan zhan's handsomeness.

He did not wake him up so he could rest cause wei ying knew he must have been a burden to lan zhan all the time.

He was feeling better and his shoulder did not hurt so much.He got out of the room and entered the main hall.

Lan xichen and another man were there.As soon as he got there, their attentions were on him.

"Hello" wei ying tried to act formally and it was the first time he was seeing the other man.

Lan xichen smiled at his quietness, he fairly knew wei ying was so playful despite how he was trying to be formal.

He invited him to sit and noticed that he had not introduced his father to wei ying.
"He is our father, Qingheng-Jun"

The great lan seemed like older version of lan zhan and was more serious .

He then pointed to wei ying

"Father, he is wei ying"

Wei ying bowed his head as a respect, his father always emphasized on bowing head slightly as sign of respect whenever he saw an elder.

It seemed the great lan was fond of his act as he looked pleased at him.

"It is a pleasure to see lan zhan finding himself good friend"

the great lan then pointed to the tea

"have some tea, it is our special tea"

"I apologize for my sudden arrival here,
I told lan zhan it was not necessary and there is no need to feel indebted to me or anything, I have been burden for him all alo-"

"you are never a burden to me"

Lan zhan entered the conversation while wrapping the blanket around wei ying gently.

"Lan zhan" wei ying looked at him as lan zhan sat beside him.

Lan zhan cupped his face ,his cheek's coldness created a frown on lan zhan's face

"it is cold, I should tell them to warm the house more"

"Lan zhaan"

wei ying pouted cutely

"It is not cold, I am much better"

"Why did you come out the bed, did not doctor advised to rest more?!" Worry was floating in those golden eyes.

Wei ying grabbed his hand, smiled beautifully

"lan zhan, thanks for your help but now my shoulder doesn't hurt much, I can move easily"

Lan zhan seemed to get smooth, he finally accepted defeat

"Okey but please wei ying, be careful. Don't use your shoulder much "
Wei ying nodded his head.

"Lan zhan" wei ying did not know how to tell so he would not react intensely.

Lan zhan looked expected, he was wondering why wei ying was not continuing .

Lan zhan squeezed his hand warmly and raised his chin softly

"Wei ying, what's the problem?"

"I...I can't stay here, I don't want to trouble you and your family. I really appreciate your friendship and don't want to abuse your kindness for my own self"

"What if all of these are for my own selfishness and I want to keep you?!"

Lan zhan was looking seriously, there was no sign of joke.

All of them got speechless at lan zhan's reaction.

Wei ying was confused, what does he mean exactly, his mind was hurting from trying so hard to comprehend what's his intention.

Lan xichen was shocked he was aware his brother was thinking about wei ying more than a friend but he had never boldly expressed it till now.However, now...

Father could not believe his ears, his obedient son, lan zhan had never desired for something or someone, moreover never forcing anyone or insisting for someone to stay by his side.

But, now he obviously declared he was selfish and wanted him to stay. They all waited for wei ying's response.

Wei ying thought maybe because lan zhan was always alone and wei ying was his first friend, he intended to to keep him by his side more.

He felt sympathy that how it was hard for lan zhan to keep his distance from others.

Wei ying smiled happily" oh lan zhan, now I get it "

Lan xichen and great lan leaned forward and were anxiously waiting for his answer, did he notice lan zhan's fondness toward himself?.

Lan zhan got pale for a moment was I too obvious about his feeling toward wei ying ? and will he decline now and cut their friendship?!


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