Chapter 27

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Wei Ying was sent immediately to the hospital,
Lan Zhan followed them closely until the nurse stopped him from entering the room.

He stood there dazed, not taking his eyes of the closed door where his Wei Ying was lying unconscious.

His family reached a minute later as they could not keep up to his pace, saw Lan Zhan standing there lifeless as it seemed his soul was parting from his body.

He didn't notice when they got there until Lan Xichen touched his shoulder, asking worriedly.

"Lan Zhan, How is Wei Ying?"

Lan Zhan looked backed at him, his face was pale and his pupils were shaking

"H-He ...." His throat was even dry and sore from the high tension and he could not talk properly as he was on edge of breaking down.
Lan Zhan looked down and covered his own teary eyes innocently.

His family's hearts were hurting seeing him in such a miserable state. Madam hugged his down head, whispering repeatedly

"He will be alright"

Lan Zhan broke into tears, buried himself more in his mother's comforting embrace

"Mom..... I love him...What should I do...I-If anything happens to him" his mother patted his back gently trying to calm him down.

His father completely understand how it felt when your soulmate was in danger and when you couldn't do anything.

His brother worriedly checked back and forth when the doctor would come out, afraid his baby brother couldn't bear anymore.

Suddenly, doctor came out with nurse behind
"Doctor! How is his condition?!" Lan Xichen was first to notice doctor.

"Fortunately, his head was not injured seriously. Also, he had some minor injuries, he is currently unconscious and would wake up soon. He can be discharged when he wakes up."

Lan Zhan was the first to get inside, Lan Xichen thanked doctor and entered with father and mother.

As soon as Lan Zhan stepped inside he saw Wei Ying's pale face with a bandage wrapped around his head.

He stood beside his bed, gently grabbed his pale beautiful hand, bent down and kissed top of his fingers, then his palm.

He needed to feel Wei Ying's warmness to calm down his own messy heart. His family saw his actions and didn't disturb his moment, waited until Lan Zhan could settle down.

His father was looking elsewhere, not looking at his son's shameless moves.

Lan Xichen was relieved to see Wei Ying safe and Madam Lan could read from how Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying his love and passion toward this young doctor.

"Cough" The Great Lan tried to get him aware that they were there and get rid of this awkward situation.

They approached the bed, Lan Xichen patted his shoulder "brother, go and get some rest, you are tired"

Lan Zhan shook his head negatively "I will wait until he opens his eyes" His fingers softly caressed back of Wei Ying's hand.

Lan Zhan looked at his mother

"You should go back, mom must be tired"

"Call me if you need anything" Lan Xichen
warmly said and guided his mother and father out.

Lan Zhan gently touched Wei Ying's face and caressed his soft cheek, his always red lips were now faint, he wished Wei Ying soon would open those beautiful eyes and smile at him charmingly saying he is okey.

Lan Zhan found a towel and soaked it slightly in water and started wiping Wei Ying's face and hand with patience and passion as it was not a burden to him but he even enjoyed spending his time on him.

It had past the midnight, Lan zhan was still awake, waiting for him to wake up.

Despite the fact that he could not even get a wink of sleep and was tired and sleepy, he knew peaceful sleep was not possible for him now.

The sun was rising and rays of sun were lightening the room.

Wei Ying woke up slowly to the soft kisses on his hand, he looked at the source of the warmness and noticed Lan Zhan beside him, the surrounding seemed like the hospital rooms.

He didn't pay much attention to them and only focused on the his handsome Lan Zhan looking at him shocked.

"Wei Ying!"

""Lan...(cough) " his throat was dry and it was hurting when he spoke.

Lan Zhan hurriedly poured him a glass of water and helped him drink it slowly.

"Lan Zhan"

He was hugged by Lan Zhan tightly, Wei Ying could sense Lan Zhan's trembling Body and the wetness of his shoulder was an evidence for his panic.

"Lan Zhan, dear! Why you crying? Let me see you" Wei Ying draw circles on his back

When Lan Zhan pulled back a little, Wei Ying cupped his face and wiped his tears.He kissed his eyelids, then his forehead seeing Lan Zhan's state and tired face.

"Don't cry my love"

But Lan Zhan's tears streamed more this time from relief.

Wei Ying tried to tease him to distract his attention and lighten the mood.

"You are such a grown man, but still crying and behaving like a child, what should I say if your mother sees you like this and blame me for these tears, hmm?"

Seeing Lan Zhan's lips curving up slightly, he continued

"What should I do if she doesn't give me her son? Should I kidnap you?"  Wei Ying pulled him closer with every sentence until his lips brushed against Lan Zhan's teasingly.

Wei Ying could confidently say he was successful in distracting him as Lan Zhan had stopped crying and obviously focused on pushing him back to lie comfortably one bed, then kissing Wei Ying all over his face, his forehead, his cheeks and then his sweet lips.

Wei Ying's stomach made a sound.

"Wei Ying is hungry?I will go get you something "

Wei Ying grabbed his hand as he got up.
"Wait! Where are you going to find something at this hour? I am not hungry. Let's sleep"

Lan Zhan's eyes softened and kissed his forehead, fixed his blanket.
"Will get something for Wei Ying"

Lan Zhan came back with a hot porridge, started feeding Wei Ying personally until he was full.
He put them aside and cupped his face, looked deep at his silver eyes " love Wei Ying". Then,he rested his forehead on Wei Ying's, listening to Wei Ying's words saying he loved him too and his fingers running through his hair softly.
Lan Zhan got relaxed into his caresses

"Lan Zhan, come sleep here"

Wei Ying moved further so Lan Zhan could conveniently fit next to him.

As soon as he lied, he opened his arms and welcomed Wei Ying into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around Wei Ying, keeping him close.They finally fell sleep peacefully knowing other one was close and safe.

**********************************************I hope you enjoy this chapter , thanks for your supports and love you all❤️🥰

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