Chapter 28

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"Wei Ying!!" Lan Zhan could not find him, everywhere was dark, he was dying from anxiety, he ran and ran nonstop. Suddenly, another scene appeared, his Wei Ying was lying there unconscious, he knelt down there, hugging his cold body"n-no..Wei Ying!" No matter how much he called his name desperately, Wei Ying wouldn't answer anymore
"Brother! He is dead.t Your Wei Ying is dead!" Lan Xichen had a sad expression, he intended to pull Lan Zhan back.
Lan Zhan hugged his love tighter, not letting him go, his body trembling, tears dropping one after another " W-Wei Ying...don't.."
Suddenly , he fell into a warm embrace then a soft kiss was dropped on his forehead, a sweet voice was calling his name worriedly.

Lan Zhan woke up from his nightmare, Wei Ying
Caressed his hair "Lan Zhan, my love, are you okey?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

Wei Ying wiped the sweats from his forehead and then helped him sat up first.
"Come, drink some water" he held the glass as Lan Zhan drank slightly.
"I am fine, I won't leave you, I am here" Wei ying softly whispered.

Lan Zhan was looking at him, afraid he would disappear any second as he was still under influence of the nightmare .

His small actions were so innocent and obedient that Wei Ying could not help but pull him into a hug, his pose half sitting and half lying ,his arms sheltering Lan Zhan from surroundings, offering him a peaceful feeling.

Half of his body was lying on Wei Ying's body, warming each other with this close touch.
His head rested on Wei Ying's warm chest, listening to the sound of his steady heartbeats , it was like a miracle calming down his chaotic heart.

Lan Zhan buried his face more and breathed his sweet scent, his grip on Wei Ying tightened. Wei Ying covered his back with blanket, then caressed his hairs gently, sometimes he would stop and drop kisses, dedicating all his love and attention on him.

Lan Zhan was so tired these days and lack of asleep should be added on top, resulting his restless body fell asleep quickly as soon as Wei Ying sank him in the ocean of his passion and gentleness.

Wei Ying had woken up to the weak sound of Lan Zhan calling his name and his trembling body. His accident had caused Lan Zhan enough mental damage that he could not even have peace of mind despite making sure of his health. His heart was in pain seeing his lover having nightmare and tried to wake him up.

It was early in the morning, Wei Ying heard the sound of door opening and then cautious footsteps doing their best not making so much noises. He opened his eyes, confronted Lan family entering one by one, carrying breakfast and hot porridge silently.

Wei Ying was aware of the weight on his chest and body, restricting him from moving much.
He was embarrassed to be held by Lan Zhan like this in front of his family, however, he did not have the heart to push him away.

Mother Lan saw him blushing and his own son sleeping so peacefully beside Wei Ying. She was the first to go closer, pretending not to see anything embarrassing.Lan Xichen was next, seeing his mother's reaction, he smiled kindly and stood on the other side the bed.

Father lan coughed lightly to ease the awkward silence and asked Wei Ying
"Son, how do you feel?"
"Fine, just headache" His headache was due to constantly waking up and sleeping.

While they were talking, Madam Lan brought the porridge " Come here, drink some porridge, you should take care of your body" her kind tone reminded Wei Ying of her mother. Just hearing her tone, Wei Ying missed his own mother.

Wei Ying obediently opened his mouth as she fed spoon by spoon patiently.
"Thank you Madam Lan" Wei Ying smiled gratefully at her.

"There is no need to thanks between the family"
There was another meaning behind her words, as she was indirectly declaring she had accepted their relationship.
"You should call me aunty"

Wei Ying was overjoyed hearing her words and smiled beautifully, saying sweetly "thanks aunty"

They were stunned by his beautiful smile and sweet talk, no wonder Lan Zhan loved him so much. They chatted for a while suddenly Lan Xichen's phone call disturbed Lan Zhan's sleep, it was late to turn it off as Lan Zhan opened his eyes slightly, saw his Wei Ying then his whole family present there.

He noticed he had slept like that, half lying on Wei Ying. He got up, not burdening him anymore
"Sorry, did I hurt Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan cupped his soft cheek.

Wei Ying shook his head cutely, blushing visibly as his cheeks got slightly red. Lan Zhan could not digest his cute reaction, those beautiful eyes looking so innocently,he moved forward and kissed his cheek on the other side.

Father Lan looked away, coughing lightly. His wife sighed, his younger son was forgetting them as soon as getting himself a lover. Lan Xichen grinned at his brother's bold moves.

Wei Ying was melting from the embarrassment , the only calm person was Lan Zhan himself as it seemed like it was just a routine of his life.

When they were going back, Wei Ying insisted that Lan Zhan should also go back with them and rest.

"Lan Zhan, I can take care of myself, go rest, I will wait for you"

Lan Zhan was reluctant to leave his side, till the last minute he stayed beside him.

Others left these two alone, staying outside so they could have their own privacy.

Lan Zhan was holding his hand firmly, not letting go, he was behaving exactly like a child refusing to give up his favorite toy.

"Lan Zhan" Wei Ying gestured him to come closer. As the distance lessened, Wei Ying cupped his cheek and kissed his lips softly. Lan Zhan looked dazed at him, he could clearly hear his own rapid heartbeat.

Wei Ying was looking at him, his captivating silver eyes with silky hair downward, covering his bandaged forehead , his red lips were so tempting, he was so beautiful and innocent that Lan Zhan wanted to take him home, kissing him until he was our of breath and bully him in bed, hearing him calling his name repeatedly, lying under him.

Wei Ying was not aware of Lan Zhan's thoughts, seeing him staring without any reaction , he blinked puzzled, unaware of how he ignited the fire in Lan Zhan's heart.

Lan Zhan approached him and kissed his lips fiercely, sucking his lips passionately. Wei Ying was overwhelmed by his sudden desire and could only lean his back while Lan Zhan was kissing him nonstop.

Lan Zhan's hand wrapped around his head, pulled him closer, Wei Ying parted his lips slightly due to lack of breath. Lan Zhan's tongue nimbly penetrated into his mouth, exploring his mouth, his Wei Ying tasted so sweet that Lan Zhan had already lost his self control. His hand found its way under Wei Ying's clothes, touching the soft skin of his waist.
Wei Ying shivered at the gentle touch of Lan Zhan's hand caressing his waist.

Hiiii my dear readers 🤗, sorry I was awfully busy so I didn't have any choice but to drop the story for a while🤧.The next chapter will be updated in the next few days.
Love you all ❤️

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