Chapter 26

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"Thanks... brother" Jiang Cheng let him go and turned to other side and wiped his own face as he hid his own teary eyes.

Jiang Yanli grabbed his hand gently

"A-Xian, You have us, don't overthink and torture yourself" she kissed his forehead, conveying waves of love and support.

Sometimes there is no need to explain everything, just a glance, just a simple act could contain millions of words. Her sister was source of relaxation, he felt heaviness was lifted from his heart.

He looked back appreciated toward them

"Thanks, I didn't know what should have I done if you were not here, I am blessed to have you both by my side"

The next day, Wei Ying came back home, Madam Jiang waited patiently seeing how Wei Ying had a problem gathering his thoughts.

"When we found you, You were lying unconscious, we didn't found anything beside you, just a bracelet written your little name that's why we named your first name again (Jiang Ying). We did our best to find your family but there was no sign. You were such a good and sweet boy,I... I felt  you were like my own child, I could not bring myself to send you to orphanage.We decided to adopt you"

Madam Jiang broke into tears, she could not bear  to lose his son.
"Mom!" Wei Ying hugged her immediately, tears leaving his eyes too.

"I would never leave you, you are my mother forever, I love you mom"

"My dear son" Madam Jiang kissed his head numerous time, she had never thought of Wei Ying like an adoptive one but adored him like her own flesh and blood.

Both cried until they had calmed down, Wei Ying suddenly asked her "Just give me month or two...I-I want to leave here maybe to China cool down my head, I will come back definitely... please mom, don't tell anyone that you know anything about it"

"Okey, be careful, never forget I am waiting for you"
Wei Ying just wrote a letter and headed toward the airport

~End of the flashback~

Wei Ying looked at madam Lan
"I accidentally met Lan Zhan, it was such a faithful meeting for me, Lan Zhan was like a miracle washing all my worries...I could once again feel free and light, leaving behind all of the problems and think brightly, unawarely I became attached to him..I didn't dare confess and was hopeless until.."

Wei Ying looked shyly at her before continuing

"He was braver and told me about his feelings. Madam, I swear I am not toying with his feelings and I am serious about our relationship, If you me give an opportunity, I will surely prove it with my actions" his serious tone and sincere eyes were enough for madam as she nodded his head positively.

She had sensed Lan Zhan's changes and knew this matter was not unrelated to this young doctor.

Suddenly there was a noise outside, guards rushing inside

"YOU!!STAND UP QUICKLY!!" They grabbed Wei Ying and Madam Lan's arm, dragging them out forcefully.Their facial expression were anxious and violent.

Wei Ying saw a van parked ahead, guards waiting there, there were pushed inside hurriedly.

In the last second, Wei Ying saw Lan guards fighting against Jins, trying to reach in time and stop the van.

But, the van moved fast, there were 4 guards, one driving, one beside the driver and the other two keeping a close eye on Wei Ying and Madam Lan.

The two guards started shooting, trying to point to the tire, getting rid of them completely.

This area was secluded, except for Jins mansion no house could be found as it was located deep inside the forest hidden. However, Lans had tracked it already.

The lans fought back and tried to kill the guards
"Keep you head down!" Wei Ying gestured to Madam and sat beside her, sheltering her with his own body.

The gun bullets crushing to the car one after another, one of the guards got injured, the back glass was broken.

Another bullet passed beside the ear of the driver, broking the front glass.The driver was shocked by it and suddenly lost the control of the van by turning steering to one side with such a high speed.

The ground beneath was not even flat and with such a mistake, in the next second, the car turned over.

Wei Ying wrapped his arms around Madam Lan body, protected her. Their bodies were thrown to other side of the van as it rolled over and finally stopped.

Inside the van, some guards were unconscious while others dizzy and injured, could not even sat. The lan guards rushed concerned about Madam's and Wei Ying's condition.

They had already informed Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji. Wei Ying had his conscience, he worriedly called Madam Lan

"Are...(cough) you.. okey?"

Madam lan's head was hurting and she was slightly dizzy, but she knew her body was unharmed except for her headache.

"Fine" she noticed Wei Ying's pale face, drops of sweet covering it mixed with the line of blood streaming slowly from his head.

"Doctor Wei!..You.. are bleeding...stay still... they will come now..hang in there!" Madam was trying to keep him conscious, she was so worried about him. Even in such a situation Wei Ying smiled  reassuringly seeing her so anxious, he was gradually losing his conscience as the pain was taking over his body.
"HELP!! HELP!!" She was constantly shouting for a rescue.
Lan guards showed up "Madam!"
They couldn't immediately get inside and currently only Madam could pass from the broken glass.
"Madam! Grab our hands and pull yourself!"

"Doctor Wei is injured! come help him first!"

Wei Ying interfered seeing one of the guards regaining his consciousness.
"Madam... go.. (cough) quickly!" His breaths were heavy and his chest felt sore and painful with every breath.

The guards pulled up Madam immediately, she saw her whole family running toward them with doctors behind.


They hurriedly checked her and she was kept in safe embrace of Grand Lan, as he kept thanking God for seeing her unharmed.

"Doctor Wei!" Madam Lan pointed to the van, Lan zhan saw Lan guards still struggling to remove one of the big glasses, opening a way out.

"Wei Ying!" He hurriedly got closer and saw Wei Ying lying unconscious, blood dripping from his head. His heart stopped beating for a second, his voice trembled as he called Wei Ying's name.

"Wei Ying! P-Please... Wei Ying!"

He pushed aside one the guards and took his place to lift the glass vigorously.

As soon as they made a way, Lan Zhan got inside first and sat beside Wei Ying, he lifted his fragile body softly, a tear escaped from his eyes, rolling down on his cheek.

Lan zhan passed him to the guards...

**********************************************Hiii my lovely readers 😊
I hope you have been well, don't miss the next chapters as there will be more lovely scenes and sweet romantic moments between Wei Ying & Lan zhan.
Also, thanks so much for your support, I am in heavens when I see how much you enjoy the story. Love you all ❤️🥰

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