Chapter 40

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Lan Zhan had woken up, feeling the softness in his embrace, he looked at Wei Ying sleeping face, his silky black hairs were scattered downward adding to his beauty.

Lan Zhan lifted his own arm circled around Wei Ying's waist and gently patted his back, trying to wake him up.

"Wei Ying"

Wei Ying buried his face in Lan Zhan's neck, refusing waking up.

"Wei Ying"

Wei Ying parted a little, his sleepy eyes opened slightly, looking at Lan Zhan's gentle face confusedly, he coaxed him softly
"Brother, let me sleep a little more"
He kissed Lan Zhan's cheek lightly and fell asleep again.
Wei Ying did not see Lan Zhan's stunned look.
Lan Zhan could feel his heartbeat rising, being called brother , he could not describe his feeling. A handsome smile appeared on his face, he wanted to wake up Wei Ying and ask him to call him brother again. He could not bear to disturb his sleep again and could only hug Wei Ying tighter, their bodies sticking close.

Lan Zhan like a gentle boyfriend waited for him to wake up naturally, during Wei Ying's sleep, he would kiss here and there from time to time.

When Wei Ying woke up, he saw Lan Zhan's handsome, the kisses made him itchy so he pushed Lan Zhan away while giggling cutely.
"Lan Zhaaan, stop"

Lan Zhan stared at him, asking mysteriously
"I tried to wake you up but you did an unforgivable sin, when will you compensate me?"

Wei Ying was stunned " What? I did not do anything " he could not remember what he had done wrong and looked at Lan Zhan puzzled.

As Lan Zhan was getting up from the bed, he helped Wei Ying to stand up firmly. Seeing his cute confused reaction, Lan Zhan held back and had a serious look
"If you don't acknowledge it before sleeping tonight, I don't have any choice but to punish you"
He left Wei Ying there with his back toward him so Wei Ying didn't see the faint smile on his face.

Wei Ying shocked watched him getting out of the room and ran after him.

When Lan Zhan and Wie Ying went downstairs, they joined everyone, waiting for the lunch.

Naturally, they both sat next to each other. Jiang Cheng looked at them feeding each other, their cheesy actions, Wei Ying's giggling and then at his own food, feeling he was eating dog food.
A certain person had not called him since parting from him and he was feeling annoyed.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying unaware of sneaky eyes of their families were living in their own world.

Everyone could see how Lan Zhan was affectionate and patient toward Wei Ying.

A certain person had long forgotten about the punishment until Lan Zhan asked him again after returning to the room.


Seeing his puzzled look, Lan Zhan stepped closer, trapping Wei Ying between his arms.
Wei Ying subconsciously retreated but Lan Zhan's arms around his waist tightened, stabling him in one place.

Wei Ying licked his own lips, his bright eyes mixed with confusion, he did not remember anything but Lan Zhan insisted on it.

Lan Zhan's eyes darkened when the little tongue licked those red lips. He picked up Wei Ying easily, took him to the bed.

Wei Ying was startled at first, his hand automatically wrapped around Lan Zhan's neck, hugging tightly.

Lan Zhan let him sat on his laps, chest to chest, Wei Ying's legs circled around Lan Zhan, sticking close to him.

"Lan-" Wei Ying was kissed deeply, his little mouth was invaded by a fierce tongue, tasting him until his tongue was numb, he unknowingly moaned from pain and pleasure, Wei Ying blushed from his own voice, Lan Zhan's kiss was so hot as he was going to eat him now. Lan Zhan parted slightly, let him take breath, he looked at those watery eyes that were red at end. Wei Ying did not know how seductive he was at this moment.
Wei Ying looked at him beautifully mixed with a pitiful and innocent face expectedly
"W-Won't you...kiss me more?
His face blushed red as he uttered the words.
Before Wei Ying could get back to his senses, he was hugged closer and kissed wholeheartedly.


Wei Ying let Lan Zhan kiss him as he liked, as he moved his buttocks, Lan Zhan's hoarse voice sounded vaguely "don't move"

It was late as Wei Ying had already moved and noticed the strangeness of something poking him below. He stuck in one place stiffly, not daring to move. Lan Zhan stopped kissing him

"Sorry, I couldn't control myself.. I will go take a shower" Wei Ying didn't say a word, as Lan Zhan intended to part from him, Wei Ying stopped him, those silver eyes avoiding his eyes

" would get sick if you take a cold shower"

Lan Zhan kissed his on cheeks, his body was on heat and it was irritating

"Wei Ying, let me go please" his voice hoarseness was clear to ears.

Wei Ying got a little angry why he could not get his hint and stared directly into those golden eyes
"I...will help"

Lan Zhan was stunned, he felt heard it wrong

"I said I will help!" Wei Ying kissed him immediately to run away from embarrassment, his tongue trued to imitate Lan Zhan and licked Lan Zhan's lips softly, suddenly he felt that the hot temperature under him got bigger, poking him more.

"You!" Wei Ying looked with disbelief at him, how could it got bigger with just a kiss and why he was so big there, it must be suffocating being trapped there.

He opened a little gap between himself and Lan Zhan, his hand going downward until finally touching the trouser hesitatingly, he was so stressed that he could not even pull down a zipper.

Lan Zhan's breathing was getting out of control, he saw Wei Ying's hand trembling. So he helped him open the trouser and the restless thing shocked Wei Ying...

The room was filled with a special scent, the curtains were covered and the door locked.
Lan Zhan's sexy panting voice sounded beside Wei Ying and made his ears red from blushing.

Wei Ying's hand was sore and sticky, Lan Than had been coaxing him to help him over and over, every time promising him that it will be over soon but after he thought that it was the last time, it got bigger the next second.

The most shameful thing was that Lan Zhan forced him to call him brother every time and the thing reacted.

Wei Ying's soft sobs could be heard complaining
"My hands hurt..."

"Sorry, sorry" Lan Zhan was high in spirit, he kissed Wei Ying flatteringly.

Lan Zhan picked him and took him to the bathroom to his hands clean , helped him sort of his clothes and brought him back to lie down on bed.

Lying beside him, Lan Zhan looked at a tear falling from his eyes while looking at his so innocently, his heart softened and directly pulled Wei Ying to lie on top of himself.

He knew Wei Ying likes this position but Wei Ying got stiff.

"I won't do anything, just let me hug you " Lan Zhan looked at him sincerely .

Wei Ying nodded his head cutely and relaxed his body, the next second he had fallen asleep.

Lan Zhan looked at the defenseless angle sleeping soundly, a smile appeared on his face, he did not knew how many times he had smiled since getting to know Wei Ying.

"Good night, baby"

A gentle kiss dropped on top of Wei Ying's hair.

Sorry guys🙏🏻 , I am stuck between exams and hardly can come and write story😬, but I will update it when I have time, I won't drop the story and will finish it one say👍🏻

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