Chapter 31

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The awkward silent was overwhelming, as soon as Jiang Cheng got closer, Wei Ying blocked him, standing in front of Lan Zhan protectively. It caused a faint smile on Lan Zhan's handsome face, his eyes burned with passion. Wei Ying looked determined at Jiang Cheng, something needed a clarifying
"What he said is true...he is my boyfriend, I-I didn't expect any of these things, when I saw him, I couldn't help but fall in love with him at first sight"
Jiang Cheng saw something in his eyes that left him speechless, every word of Wei Ying was from bottom of his heart, he could clearly sense it.
His sudden confess toke Lan Zhan's breath, his hand silently grabbed Wei Ying's hand, locking them together, his thumb caressing his hand gently, conveying his feeling through a small touch.
Jiang Cheng closed his eyes, letting out a heavy breath, doing his best controlling his own emotions.
Lan Xichen broke the silent
"Let's sit first, We can reach a negotiation later"
Grabbing the opportunity, leading Jiang Cheng to sit, his hand faintly touching Jiang Cheng's back, settling himself right beside him. Jiang Cheng felt his hand's touch and shivered slightly, he had never had such a feeling, it was unfamiliar but sweet. He tried to snap out of such thoughts, he came here with only Wei Ying in his mind.
However, as soon as he sat, the warm and long legs beside him almost stuck together, his body tensed slightly. Before he could do anything, Lan Xichen diverted his attention, briefly introducing themselves, their career. He was the boss of a famous company, Jiang Cheng had heard about their company and its wide branches, he didn't expect Lan Xichen to be the CEO of it. He himself was the CEO of the company his father had managed over the years with all his flesh and blood.Now, it was in his hands and over the years, he didn't disappoint his father and the company was at peak, progressing rapidly.
Lan Xichen astutely got his number with the excuse of further collaboration. Both were so immersed in talking that didn't persuade the couples's matter.
They were so harmonious, Lan Xichen was talking warmly, his smile not fading away, that was totally seducing Jiang Cheng. Not any of them escaped their eyes, Lan Zhan ignored them, seeing them distracted enough, not causing trouble.
Wei Ying watched as his always angry brother was now blushing faintly from time to time, he was completely aware of slightest change in his brother's facial expression.Wei Ying mouth was dropping at the sight ahead of him, staring shocked at them.
Lan Zhan pulled him closer, turning his head
"Don't look at them" Wei Ying could feel the jealousy in his word.
Wei Ying beamed at him, offering him his beautifulest smile, Lan Zhan's eyes darkened as he cupped his cheek, bringing his face closer,
Planting kisses on his lips.
Lan Zhan preyed open his mouth, tasting him sweet mouth as tongues tangled together.
Wei Ying pushed him back weakly, muttering his name
"Lan..Zhan.." his beautiful face was blushing, stained with faint red, his seductive voice calling his name weakly, silver eyes pointing to the Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng in the room.
The sight in front of him turned him on, his heartbeat out of control. He stayed silent trying to compose himself. Wei Ying misunderstood his silence , thinking he was upset , he leaned forward, capturing his cheeks with both hands, brought their lips together softly, kissing him shortly,
their faces close " once we are alone, I will make up for it, hmm?" Wei Ying stared at him innocently.
Lan Zhan gulped down dryly , his Adam apple moving up and down visibly, his lips itching for his touch.
"..Not.. enough" Lan Zhan kissed him back, licking his lips for the last time, feeling his own body's going to happen reaction, he stood up immediately "I will go out"
Wei Ying looked stunned, then noticing something, he blushed red.
Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen turned to them, seeing Lan Zhan going out and Wei Ying blushing. Jiang Cheng walked toward Wei Ying
" what were you doing?!"
"Nothing!" His response was quick, but his face giving out himself.
Lan Xichen patted his shoulder" calm down, let's go back to our house first"
"No, I will take Wei Ying and find a hotel to stay, we won't bother you" Jiang Cheng looked back at him, saying politely.
" Someone needs to take care of Wei Ying, it would be hard for you, for now, let's stay in our house" he was so persistent.
"Then... we will bother you"

Lan Zhan got back after a while, Wei Ying gave him a shy smile while Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes at him angrily.
"I will be discharged today"
Lan Zhan nodded, moving closer to help him get ready, but a hand stopped him as Jiang Cheng blocked him " I will help him"
Lan Zhan retreated back regrettably, he didn't want to miss the opportunity of helping him.
Jiang Cheng finished getting him ready
"Can you walk steadily?"
The car was parked outside, Lan Zhan opened the door for Wei Ying, sitting beside him immediately, not leaving a space for Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng let out his angry breath, staring deadly at closed door, Lan Xichen opened the door for him, leading him with his gentle manner to the seat beside the driver, he himself would drive the car.
Lan Zhan brought his hand to his own lap, caressing it with both hand, looking out of the window. His heart feeling attached to Wei Ying, not bearing to stay away from him.
Wei Ying's face was growing with smile, his face shining brightly.

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