Chapter 22

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Lan zhan put more meats on wei ying's plate silently and got his attention.

Lan zhan stared at him concerned seeing his curious eyes

"Wei ying has become thinner, should pay more attention "

Wei ying looked at madam lan and got assured she was not looking this side, then he secretly put his hand on lan zhan's hand rested between them

"How sweet of you, lan zhan" he giggled cutely
"Don't worry I am fine"

His heart filled with happiness at how adorable wei ying was when he laughed.In lan zhan's eyes, he was definition of lovely.

Wei ying stared back at him beautifully, his innocent silver eyes already confessing how much he desired lan zhan.

Both were lost in each other's eyes, unaware of their surroundings as what was reflecting on lan zhan's eyes was wei ying and it was the same as wei ying.

Lan zhan caressed his hand gently, not breaking the eyes contact for a second, whispered sincerely
"love wei ying"

Wei ying's face burst into a breath taking smile racing lan zhan's heartbeat. Lan zhan was thinking he would do anything just to keep that beautiful smile forever.

Lan zhan got another level of heart attack when wei ying titled his head cutely to one side, stared at him with his puppy eyes, whispered back sweetly "lan zhan, I love you so much"

Lan zhan found it hard breathing, how could someone be so ethereal.He unconsciously moved his head closer, desiring to to kiss him.Wei ying was also moving forward, his eyes only on him.

There were just a few inch far from kissing each other...


Both snapped to reality as soon as they heard a cough.Lan xichen saw them getting close and both of them were unaware of their surroundings and mother for a while.

They had agreed earlier not to tell mother about the relationship between wei ying and lan zhan in a right time but both of them were currently ruining everything.

Lan xichen didn't have any choice but to alert them somehow.

Wei ying was looking down, blushing hardly, not daring to look at lan xichen, it was so embarrassing that he could not control himself from kissing lan zhan.

By his side, lan zhan had kept his cold face however he was like an open book to his brother and wei ying.

As they could tell with just a glance that he was also embarrassed, his ears were red.

Lan xichen grinned at both of them, he was enjoying seeing this sight of them.Whenever wei ying or lan zhan looked at him, he would smile meaningly so both of them were avoiding any eye contact with him.

"Umm..I-I will go check madam lan's medicine "
Wei ying left hurriedly

Lan zhan frustrated leaned his head on the sofa, sighed desperately,he was always feeling lonely without his wei ying.

~Wei ying~
He washed his face, maybe the water's coldness could calm him down, he could feel his own face's heat,That was so embarrassing, Why could not I control myself more?! But...lan zhan was so hot, how could I restrain myself not tasting those sweet lips, not sinking in those golden eyes devouring all my soul.

Wei ying touched his own lips, he could feel his face getting more hot at these thoughts.

The phone call disrupted his thoughts, who was calling him?! Except lan family no one knew his new number.

Wei ying looked at the foreign number, he got pale as soon as he saw the country's code, it was impossible that his family would have found him.

"Hello.." he hesitantly answered

There was a silence on the other line and then...


Wei ying immediately recognized his brother's voice over the phone, he seemed like a timing bomb, would be exploded any second.

"Cheng cheng!" It was not a suitable time for teasing him as the next second he distanced the mobile from his own ears, jiang cheng was truly angry

"WEI YING!!For what a f***ing reason did you leave family without notice?! Do you know how worried we were!!"

"Brother, I remember leaving a note"

"Do you mean that piece of paper saying you would be gone for two month??! Without any address or anything?"

"What were you thinking when you were leaving with that crazy mind of yourself?!"

"I..I couldn't stay there anymore, I...Just needed a break, break from everything, break from my job, from those pitiful eyes, break from myself"

his voice faded as he spoke the last part, he was holding himself back from crying.

There was a long silent from jiang cheng's side, he knew exactly what his brother was talking about.

"Everything will be alright, I promise you, you have mother, father, shiji , you even, Stay where you are, I will take you back home soon" jiang cheng was now calmer, his tone seemed soft.

"But...I..There is ..something I should tell.." wei ying was finding it difficult to tell him he was willing to stay here as he had found his destined.

"Nothing, thanks brother! I should go now"

"Okey, I will come there as soon as possible "

Wei ying frowned more, he had forgotten this part, his family would not allow him to stay here, from other side, he needed madam lan's approval.

There were a lot in his mind, distressing him, eventually causing him headache.He pressured his head so the pain would leave him for a second, however it seemed not to have any effect, he needed to take some medicines.

Hi dear readers😊 I will publish the next chapter today, thanks for your support & love you all ❤️

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