Chapter 34

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Lan Zhan entered the room as soundless as possible, Wei Ying was resting on the bed, his eyes closed. He could see the trace of restlessness on his face, his face was paler than usual.

Seeing him like this, Lan Zhan felt that someone was clenching his heart tightly, making him breathless. He sat beside the bed, holding his hand gently

"Wei Ying?"

No response...

Jiang Cheng on the other side was standing, not daring to come closer, it was because of his words that Wei Ying was unconscious.

They waited patiently for a while, even they had lost their sense of time until there was a movement.
Wei Ying seemed to cry in his sleep as his eyes were getting wet, his tears fell down one by one from corner of his eyes, his head shaking slightly, wanting to wake up.

Lan Zhan became so distressed that he could not help wiping the tears , trying to wake him up "Wei Ying! Wei Ying!"

Suddenly Wei Ying opened his eyes and saw Lan Zhan, he could not distinguish reality and sleep as he kept saying "Will you also abandon me? Like my parents? Why you don't want me anymore? Even they don't want me anymore!"

His tears were falling one by one, his sobs were so heart broking that Lan Zhan couldn't help, hugging him tight, wrapping his arms around him, melting his body in his own embrace, his eyes also became red

" love Wei Ying, will never abandon you"

Wei Ying hugged him back tightly. Lan Xichen dragged Jiang Cheng out, signaling him to let them be alone for a while.

Lan Zhan noticed the door opening and closing.
Soft kisses landed on Wei Ying's hair, treating his insecure heart.

" Wei Ying is so lovely, how can I not want him, I love you, adore you, you are my lovely Wei Ying"
Lan Zhan continued kissing and whispering his love.

Wei Ying sobs seemed to getting lower and lower, it seemed he had become calm. Lan Zhan patted his back, trying to smooth his chaotic feelings.

He wanted to move but Wei Ying clenched his clothes tightly, not letting him move far away.
"You are leaving? Didn't you say you love me?"

" No, I am here, beside you"
Lan Zhan lied down on the bed, pulled him so WeiYing could lie on his body.

Wei Ying looked at him with teary eyes, his broken hairs were down, covering his forehead. Lan Zhan moved it aside, kissed his forehead.

One of his hand trapping his soft waist, the other gently caressing his silky hair.

"Can Wei Ying tell me what's bothering him?"
Lan Zhan kept on caressing him...

"I-I...saw you abandoned me" Wei Ying's eyes looked at him worriedly, afraid he would leave him.
"I would never do that" a low attractive voice uttered the words sincerely.

"What else did Wei Ying saw?"

He was pulled up and now, Lan Zhan's breath came closer, distracting him with his existence, Lan Zhan's lips brushing past his cheek, making him itchy.

Lan Zhan saw his distraction
"There will be a reward, if Wei Ying tells me"
Being stared expectantly by Wei Ying's beautiful eyes, Lan Zhan could not help but kiss his eyes
"Like this.."

Wei Ying could not resist his handsome face up close, those golden eyes were so charming that he could not help confess

"I..I was lost when I was a child, I don't have memory of that time, My adoptive parents found me and raised me as their son.....until my biological parents found me after so many years, they wanted me day, I secretly heard what my adoptive parents said, my mother..she told father, they should send me back, how could I bear it to be separated from them, they wanted to abandon me? They always loved me so much, now, they don't want me anymore? I ran away immediately, if they saw me, they would ask me to leave, I couldn't beat to hear it,...I didn't have anywhere to go, not a home anymore, I came here, I didn't think that I would meet and fall in love with you, all these encounters were unexpected but sweet."

Lan Zhan's heart was flattering with love, he cupped his face "No one can ever deny such a lovely angel, you didn't talk with your adoptive family directly?"


"I will be with Wei Ying, let's face them together"


Lan Zhan blocked his mouth, kissing him gently
"You have me, love"

Wei Ying couldn't resist him and kissed him back, showing his enthusiasm.

Wei Ying was sleeping, lying on top of Lan Zhan, his head resting on his heart, listening to his steady heartbeat. Lan Zhan's arms trapping him inside his own warm embrace, not letting him fall down.

Looking at his beautiful sleeping face, Lan Zhan could not help but sneak a kiss on his hair. His red lips were a little open, breathing soundlessly, his cheeks were so tempting for a bite.

Lan Zhan controlled himself and just hugged him tighter, his Wei Ying deserved the best in this world, he never had such a feeling for anyone, a desire to live for someone, making him happy, bearing all the responsibilities for him, not letting anyone harm his love.

Wei Ying woke up early in the morning, he noticed he had slept on top of Lan Zhan all night, he looked close at Lan Zhan's face, he was still asleep.

He remembered his cries and childish behavior after waking up a nightmare, how Lan Zhan was patiently calming him down, Lan Zhan's kisses. His face blushed thinking about it. Looking at his handsome sleeping face, Wei Ying kissed him on the cheek before standing up.


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