Chapter 38

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Lan Zhan eagerly took of his shirt, staring at his fairy skin, his golden eyes visibly turning darker, deep inside in his heart, the desire for staining it with red marks was crazily rising.

His hand caressing his back exerted a force, bringing Wei Ying's body closer. His lips traced every inch of soft skin, occasionally lingering longer, kissing and sucking it deeply, making sure to leave its trace.

Wei Ying shivered under his delicate touches, unconsciously trying to scape, however, Lan Zhan was completely surrounding him, not letting out a scape rote.

"Lan..Zhan" Wei Ying's hand was touching Lan Zhan's head, trying to get his attention.

Lan Zhan looked at him, seeing his eyes slightly teary, the end of his eyes were red, looking like being bullied

"I won't do it without your consent, don't be afraid"

Lan Zhan uttered it sincerely and kissed his lips, tongues entangling, tasting the sweetness of kiss.

His hand supported the back of his head, bringing it closer. The kiss continued until both were out of breath, panting.

Lan Zhan helped him put on his shirt, tidying up.

"I will wake up brother"

Wei Ying ran away with a shy face.

Lan Zhan looked at his running figure, a beautiful smile appeared on his face.


Wei Ying knocked on the door, there were some voices but as soon as he knocked it was quiet again, he knocked again " Jiang Cheng?"

After confirming that he was awake, he came back to the room, maybe he was hallucinating, he seemed to hear Brother Xichen's voice before knocking.

He did not pay much attention and got back to Lan Zhan to go downstairs together.


They passed the last checkpoint and were boarding flight. Wei Ying sat between Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng was abnormally quiet this time not reacting to his and Lan Zhan's affectionate movements.

He was a little anxious during the flight, thinking of his family. Lan Zhan with a look at his eyes could sense it, he took Wei Ying's hand and caressed it with his thumb.

"Don't worry, you have me"

The attractive smile on Lan Zhan's handsome face was so alluring that Wei Ying forgot his anxiety for a moment, only those lips smiling was lingering on his mind.

His gaze was a little obvious and Lan Zhan definitely noticed it, his eyes softened.

A pink color appeared on his white face, his blushing face was even so breath taking, those silver eyes looking shyly, the white teeth were biting those red lips.

"Can you kiss me?"

The golden eyes darkened at this sight, his hoarse voice sounded "with pleasure"

Lan Zhan cupped his face, kissing him deeply, his tongue invading through his mouth, devouring him.

Wei Ying also responded and kissed him back enthusiastically, Lan Zhan was sucking his tongue, tasting every corner of his mouth.

Wei Ying's tongue was numb from being kissed like this, the sound of their kissing was a little loud and he was afraid of Jiang Cheng from waking up, so he signaled Lan Zhan.

"He won't notice" then before he could speak he was silenced.

Lan Zhan kissed him until he was out of breath, as they parted, Lan Zhan wiped the strand of salvia between them and kissed his lips before letting him go.

Wei Ying was his addiction. No matter how much they kissed or hugged, he couldn't get enough of him, he liked to always stick around , kiss and do more things to him.

He rested his forehead to Wei Ying's, closing his eyes, whispering

"You don't know how much I love you"

Wei Ying smiled cutely "I love you too"

They stayed there like that before parting, both eyes were reflecting the other one.

"Dear passenger, we are landing....please check your seatbelts and blah blah blah..."

When they landed safely, Wei Ying woke up Jiang Cheng while Lan Zhan was getting their suitcases.

The family was waiting at home and they planned to get a taxi directly to home.

As they approached the exit, a girl was coming to their directions, Lan Zhan thought she was passing by but suddenly she hugged Wie Ying tightly.

Lan Zhan frowned and said coldly, his voice did not have the usual calmness.

"Stay away from my boyfriend, don't hug him"

He moved forward to separate them, As Wie Ying wanted to explain, the girl looked up at him, she was beautiful but not as eye catching as his Wei Ying
"She i-"

The girl cut off his speech.
"I am his fiancée "

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying expecting an explanation .

Seeing his cold look, Wei Ying hurriedly separated from her, coming forward to him, cupping his face

"Lan Zhan, it is not like that, she is my sister "

Seeing his stunned look, Wei Ying thought he didn't believe it.

Wei Ying kissed his cheek flatteringly

"Lan Zhaan, she is really my sister"

Looking at his anxious look, Lan Zhan knew he was telling the truth, it was rare to see Wei Ying being so cute, trying to convince him.

"It doesn't seem that she believes she is your sister, why don't you prove it to her who am I to you?"

Lan Zhan acted seriously, Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli had already discovered that Lan Zhan was playing a trick but the fool brother was so silly thinking Lan Zhan was really angry.

"Sister! Say something! " Wei Ying turned to Jiang Yanli for help but her sister avoided his gaze deliberately.

Wei Ying was so miserable for a second, he turned to Lan Zhan, cupped his face, lowered his head, kissed him boldly in front of everyone.

Lan Zhan was stunned, he never thought Wei Ying would kiss him in such a crowded place.

He snapped out of the shock and hugged his soft waist, bringing their bodies closer, kissing him back.

Jiang Yanli was shocked, she covered her mouth, not letting out her excited scream at such a lovely scene. Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng was rolling his eyes.

A handsome boy kissing with a beautiful boy was such an eye catching sight that attracted the passerby's attention.

Jiang Yanli caught a glimpse of his parent standing beside her with Wei Ying's biological parents. She had rushed here a little ahead of them so she completely forgot their presence.

Now, watching his son kissing with an unfamiliar face, both parents were shocked.

Lan Zhan reluctantly parted slightly.
"You, you believe it now who I belong to?"

Wei Ying's eyes were so beautiful and clear, asking innocently if he believed him, who would not believe such a look?.

Lan Zhan kissed his eyes
"Hmm, I believe Wei Ying"

******************************************************** Hello lovely readers, I hope everything is going well, I have published a new story " Sweetest of Dreams-wangxian" you can check it, as a gift I updated 5 chapters of it together. It is slightly a different genre, hope you like it.

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