Chapter 17

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As soon as they entered, they saw lan xichen talking with their family doctor.

"Young master lan, there is no more we can do and her situation is getting worser.unfortunately, there is no cure but I will do my best treat madam as much as I can, rest assurance "

The old man smiled, trying to convince him.

His eyes lied on lan zhan and unfamiliar face

"Oh, young master lan, thanks god, you seem better.If madam was here, she would be so happy"

doctor was acting so sympathetic with them.

Wei ying was used to these kind of people hiding behind their fake masks and only trying to flatter others.

"Who is this young man?"

Wei ying noticed docter was referencing to him

"Nice to meet you, I am wei ying, a friend of lan wangji"

"Friend of lan young master is also as respectful as him."

Wei ying had the feeling something was suspicious about him.

"This way"

Lan brothers walked ahead and settled on each side of the bed, madam was lying unconscious.

Wei ying looked closely, madam was such a beautiful one, lan zhan mostly resembled her.

"What's her problem?"wei ying asked doctor, watching even his slightest movement

"Madam was in a accident and after that time she has been in coma.It was such a shock to us"

Doctor acted sad, as feeling empathy for them.

Wei ying could not get rid of this suspicious feeling bothering him inside that someone is fishy here.

He was lost in thought what was not right? Why was the doctor seemed skeptic?

He felt a warm hand cupped his face , then a worried voice" wei ying!" Lan zhan saw him talking to doctor and getting in deep thought then.

"Sorry, I should introduce myself to your mother" wei ying changed the topic, knowing what lan zhan was going to ask.

Wei ying sat on one side

"hello madam lan, I am wei ying.I desired so much to meet lan zhan's mother and today, I got the chance."

"Wei ying,stay here, I will talk with doctor"


Wei ying watched lan zhan leaving, the he turned

"I sincerely love your lan zhan and I hope you get well soon and accept me as one of your family member"

wei ying finished all he wished to say.

He noticed her condition was strange, wei ying looked cautiously at her hands, her face.

He took her pulse secretly and got shocked.
Maybe, She is not.....

Wei ying was unsure how to tell lan zhan, he believed in his own ability and experiences.

However, he had difficulty choosing best explanation as it involved lan zhan too.

It was more than just a wrong diagnosis and he was suspicious doctor was one of the main factors.

"Wei ying!"lan zhan saw how he was lost

"Yes?" Wei ying looked puzzled at him

"It is time to go"

"Coming! coming!"

All the way back, wei ying was weirdly silent, in search of a solution and a wise decision.

Lan zhan grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, getting his attention

Wei ying saw the questioned look in his eyes

"Just tired" wei ying knew that lan zhan could see through his lies and leaned his head on lan zhan's shoulder avoiding more questions.

Lan zhan did not persuade anymore but knew there was something bothering him since visiting.

Lan zhan kissed his hairs "If you have any problem, I am always here for you"

"Thanks" Wei ying moved closer

~lan mansion~
Wei ying was so absent minded, he would get into thought and he would not notice his surroundings.

Lan zhan could not beat see him troubled anymore

"Wei ying"

"Wei ying"

"Wei ying"


Lan zhan pulled him toward himself and made him sit on his lap.

"Wei ying can tell me why he is troubled"

Lan zhan cupped his face, he could see wei ying two hearted not sure to tell or not.

"There is something....I..I don't know if I should tell you or not.I don't want to give you false hope and I am not sure if you would believe my wor-"

He was interrupted

"Always believe wei ying"

Lan zhan stopped him, kissed his cheek, his lips lingering on his soft skin to give more mind peace.

Wei ying seemed to need his touchs as he leaned more to him

"Listen to me from first to last, so I can have the courage to explain in the best way"


"I think your mother is not in coma, from my perspective there is someone that is disrupting her treatment thats why she can't wake up and that person I suspect is your family doctor.I am not fully sure but from my experiences she is repeatedly receiving anesthesia"

Lan zhan was shocked "how?"

Wei ying got out of his embrace and knelt in front of him, grabbed his hands, looked directly at him

"I have never told you this before but..I..." wei ying seemed to be in difficult spot as it was a reality bothering him.

Lan zhan knelt beside him and hugged him, comforting him by drawing circles.

"I am actually a doctor, I left my work and my life, came here.I was running away from some certain facts I could not accept.I was so desperate and frustrated until I found you accidentally.You became a reason for living and I would do anything for you within my power and ability, you may ask why I was just working as a cleaner there, I had my reasons and I would tell you another time.Do you believe my words?"

Lan zhan pulled back and put his hand on his own heart "with all my heart "

Wei ying felt relieved and smiled sincerely

"I want to be sure, I need to see her tests and all the medicines she is taking, then we can decide, however no one should know from that building specially the doctor "

"Certainly will help wei ying" lan zhan reassured him, he had a lot of faith on wei ying and his words.

"I will help too"

Next chapter would be updated in the next 12 hours

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