Chapter 42

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"Wei Ying?"

Wei Ying was deep in thought, he didn't notice Lan Zhan calling him until he was shaken gently that he responded.

Looking at Lan Zhan's worried eyes, he smiled brightly and kissed his cheek softly.

"Sorry, I am a little tired" Wei Ying hoped that Lan Zhan would not notice his abnormality.

He was extremely nervous, he had decided his life's biggest event and was going to propose to Lan Zhan. He never doubted his love for Lan Zhan, however he was not sure if his action was hasty and if Lan Zhan would accept or not?.

Lan Zhan pulled him into his embrace, his chin resting on his head and patted his on the back.

He could see it was not as simple as being tired and Wei Ying was hiding something, he was willing to wait until Wei Ying let him know.

Feeling the grip around his waist tightening, Lan Zhan kissed his soft silky hair, not being enough, he raised Wei Ying's chin, kissing those red lips until he was breathless, those beautiful eyes were watery and innocent as he has been bullied.

Wei Ying's lips were easily swollen with just a kiss and they were apart, making it easier to catch his breath.

Wei Ying did not wait for Lan Zhan and took the initiate to kiss him, asking for a deep kiss.
He closed his eyes and didn't notice Lan Zhan's eyes getting greedier.

He was hugged more tightly and was at mercy of his lover.

It was not until the phone rang that they separated, Lan Zhan wiped his lips gently, letting him answer the phone.


Wei Ying had bought a cake and while he sent Lan Zhan out with the excuse of buying some groceries, he started decorating the home and checked everything was ready.

The box of rings in his hand was clenched hard, he paced back and forth and forth trying to calm down. When he heard the sound of car he hurriedly hid it and waited for Lan Zhan.

As soon as Lan Zhan opened the door, he was surprised by Wei Ying, he put the bags on the floor and hugged Wei Ying.

The happiness of celebrating his birthday with Wei Ying was not something he could show with words.

He took Wei Ying's hand and numerous kisses fell on his slender soft hand.

"It is time for the cake then I will give your present" Wei Ying pulled him over to sit down and lit the candle for him.

Looking sweetly at him, Wei Ying asked him to make a wish and then blow the candle.

Lan Zhan's eyes never left him, looking at him as he was looking at his whole universe.

It was not until he closed his eyes for a few seconds then blew the candles that Wei Ying pecked on his lips and got up

"I-I have something to say, wait for me"

He rushed back to bedroom and took the rings, his hands were sweating, Wei Ying took a deep breath to calm down his rapid heartbeat then went back.

It wasn't until he stood in front of Lan Zhan that he felt he did not have the strength to stand and sat next to Lan Zhan.

"Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan looked at him sitting a little far away, his hand trembling a little. Before he could say another word...

"Lan Zhan, I-I love you.. or it is better to say you are the first and last one I have ever loved....(taking a deep breath and opening the box) .... W-Would you like to be my partner for the rest of my life?"

Lan Zhan was shocked, he had the idea of proposing to Wei Ying on his birthday and he had even prepared the rings.

He had talked with his older brother and was encouraged by him, so he wished Wei Ying would agree to his marriage proposal when he was blowing the candle.

Lan Zhan didn't know that his silence was interpreted as unwillingness and negative answer.

Wei Ying looked down so Lan Zhan would not see his eyes getting red, his lips being bitten were saving his last rationality to be sober. He knew he had the possibility of failure however in reality it was indigestible for him.

Maybe even their relationship would not go back to the time before proposing.

A drop of tear fell...

Lan Zhan noticed his tears falling and got closer to him, pulling him to sit on his laps, wiping his tears.

"Wei Ying, my love, don't cry, I-I was just shocked, I was going to propose to you!"

With this words, Wei Ying looked at him

Lan Zhan kissed his eyes seeing his innocent gaze, trying to explain the misunderstanding

"I love Wei Ying, since the time I fell in love with you it was my wish to marry Wei Ying, I dare not say it earlier, I was afraid you... I was really afraid I would lose you.."

Wei Ying could feel the sadness flowing in his words, the kisses falling on him were careful as the receiver was a treasure.

Lan Zhan said hesitantly "I love Wei Ying, would you allow me to accompany you till my last breath, hum?" He kissed Wei Ying flatteringly.
The hand holding Wei Ying trembled slightly , however Wei Ying felt it.

**********************************************hiii guys, next chapter will be updated in few minutes.✌🏻

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