Chapter 19

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The great lan walked ahead with lan zhan following him closely behind

Wei ying was adjusting her serum, checking her repeatedly.

"Don't neglect, her body may show resistance to sudden change of the medicines!" He was warning the nurses lan xichen had sent.

"My darling!" The great lan approached the bed she was lying, grabbed her hand

"It is my fault, If I was careful, they could not harm you!" His tears were streaming.

Their love was so out standing and both of them were symbol of love and faithfulness.Madam lan and the great lan were inseparable,however, a car accident broke them apart.

Since that time, she was in this condition, barely improving.But, it was different this time as they knew jins were the ones worsening her condition.

Wei ying saw how pale he seemed

"Uncle, she will get better soon, don't worry.You should look after yourself! If madam sees you like this, she would definitely get upset, please!"

Wei ying held him steady, he could not bear see this strong man ignoring his own trembling body.

"I am fine, I won't get separated from her this time " the great lan was stubbornly refusing to leave her side.

"Father! You need rest" lan zhan meddled
He still stood there unmoved

"How about we put a bed next to madam's and you rest there, you can stay close to her?"

Wei ying suggested and received a positive node.
Lan zhan whispered "thanks" to him, wei ying smiled faintly at response.

He had reached his limits but he could not stop and get some rest.

The great lan was pale, moreover, madam lan was in critical situation , needed a fully care.

The subordinates moved another bed close to her bed, wei ying was taking care of him, adjusting his serum.

Two of the nurses he had sent to mix the medicines came" we could not mix the same dosage of the prescribed medicines"

They were looking down, ashamed.

"No problem, you will learn eventually.I will do it myself, keep an eye on them" wei ying kindly encouraged them seeing them ashamed.

He got on the work, searched the medicines, measured the amounts.He was moving from one side to another side repeatedly.

He ignored his exhaustion and kept on working and working, suddenly his legs could not support him anymore as the tiredness overcame him and he fell on his knees, his other free hand kept him steady on the ground.

The sound of the glass breaking was loud enough as lan zhan rushed inside.

"Wei ying!" Lan zhan hurriedly got closer, knelt beside him.

"Wei ying! Are you okey??!!" Lan zhan worriedly grabbed his hand, cupped his sleepless face.

"Lan zhan,Don't worry!I am fine" wei ying caressed his hand.

"Wei ying is tired, could not sleep, get some rest please, hmm?"lan zhan helped him stand up.

Wei ying smiled faintly "I have a lot to do, I can sleep later!"

Lan zhan hugged him tightly, sinking him in his own body's warmness.Wei ying relaxed into his embrace, feeling less tensioned.

"Worried about wei ying, rest because of me please, hmm?" Lan zhan kissed his forehead, golden eyes trying to convince him.

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