Chapter 8

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"We have received an invitation for gathering of every clan and jins would be there too"

lan xichen saw how his brother's face turned fierce "We should not lower our guard even for a second"
Lan zhan nodded his head.

"When will you come back to the company? I can't handle them alone anymore"

"Soon,Give me some time"

Wei ying
"Lan zhan has not come back yet, sigh!" Wei ying lied down on bed, his eyes feeling heavy, fell sleep.

Lan zhan came inside , seeing wei ying sleeping adorably.He got under the blanket and pulled it more on wei ying, worried he would get cold.

Wei ying's silky hairs were down covering his closed eyes.Lan zhan's hand ran through them, caressing gently those soft hairs.

His hand moved lower, cupping his pale face.
Wei ying unconsciously leaned more to the warmth and a beautiful smile appeared on his face.

lan zhan pulled back, covered his own eyes with his arm, he was not sure if he continued watching him more what would he do.

All these years, he has the complete control over his feeling and emotion, not moving slightly by others but now he was speechless against wei ying.

He would become another person in front of him as he could withdraw his true self and show it only to him.

He never believed in fate however wei ying was truly definition of destiny.

Wei ying
It is been a while he had woken up because of the hard pillow under his head but he had not opened his eyes completely.

He moved his head, adjusting it but this time, he was hearing a heartbeat.

Wei ying lifted his head, he was yawning and slowly opening his eyes when he saw lan zhan asleep beside him.

His eyes became as wide open as possible, looking shocked at lan zhan lying close to him.

When he looked more, he noticed he  was the one lying on top of lan zhan, using him as his own pillow.

Wei ying's face was close to lan zhan and his face was so handsome up close, his sleeping face was even more breath taking.

It was as God personally spent more time on him, designing his perfect face.Wei ying touched his cheek with top of his fingers, pleasant feeling floated in his heart.

lan zhan was serious most of the times but now his face seemed relaxed and no more frown.

His golden eyes were closed that was why wei ying had more courage to stare at him.

His black hairs neatly spread were tempting , wei ying stretched his arm to touch them but...


"Breakfast is ready" lan xichen had announced behind the door and had left

Wei ying hurriedly pulled back and went to wash his face to cool down a bit.

He looked in the mirror drops of water falling down but his cheek's redness was still visible ,What was I doing?! I must be out of my mind, his heart was beating so fast.okey, I should first try to relax, Lan zhan should not see me like this.

"Wei ying?"

A while ago
Lan zhan was awake all the time, since wei ying had moved in his sleep unconsciously , he had woken up and noticed wei ying sleeping on top of him.

He didn't want to lose this opportunity and didn't wake him up, his heart was filled with joy, feeling wei ying so close.

He had tried to keep on sleeping but his excitement prevented him.

As he noticed wei ying waking up, he kept on pretending to be asleep and hid his smile.

He thought his heart stopped beating when wei ying touched his face, he did his best to calm down as his loud heart beat would sell him off any time.

Knock on the door and his brother's voice calling for breakfast seemed to startle wei ying as he ran to bathroom.

Lan zhan opened his eyes as he heard the bathroom's door,he covered his smile with his hand.

For the first time in his live, he wished his brother would not call him for breakfast.Lan zhan thought wei ying was in bathroom for a while and decided to call him.

"Wei ying?"

"I..I will come now lan zhan" wei ying opened the door and confronted hot lan zhan resting one hand on the wall beside the bathroom and was so close to the door.

So that was why there was a little distance between them when he opened it suddenly .
Oh shit! He is so hot, wei ying could not stop diverting his eyes from him

Meanwhile lan zhan had forgotten how to breath as  wei ying with his wet silky hair down adding to his beauty and drop of waters dripping from corner of his face making him look so ethereal to believe.

When those puppy eyes with silver orbs deep inside looked directly at him, he was drowned.
"Lan zhan" wei ying was the first to break the awkward silence ,seeing him froze and then squeezed his hand.

"Mn?" Lan zhan looked confused
"Let's go for breakfast" wei ying pointed toward out of the room.


As wei ying wanted to move, suddenly lan zhan's hand lied on his forehead

"Haa?" Wei ying was stopped by his sudden action

"Why is your face so warm? Do you have fever?"
Lan zhan seemed to notice it now and was currently checking it personally.

"N-No,I am fine"

Wei ying ran hurriedly "Come quickly "
Wei ying wiped his own face before going down for breakfast then he entered with a smile on his face.

Lan zhan's father and brother were already there, waiting for them "Good morning"
"Good morning young man" lan zhan's father warmly said.

"Good morning wei ying" lan xichen smiled at him.

Lan zhan appeared beside him "good morning"
"Brother, it is unlike you not waking up at 5 am and sleeping more" lan xichen teased him.

"It is good to rest more once in a while and sleep"
Lan zhan astutely answered

His father raised a brow in surprise, where was his strict rule follower son who hated messy schedule , sleeping more and believed in waking up early in 5 am and had never in his life let go of his routine.But now he was saying and doing the exact opposite of his beliefs saying it is variety once in a while.

Lan zhan noticed his father's looks and glanced at his brother who had a simple smile but his mischief eyes were telling otherwise as it was moving from wei ying to him.

Wei ying confused by them, just sat there and started eating.


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