Chapter 9

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During the breakfast lan zhan was paying attention to wei ying, moving plates closer to him

"This one is good for your recovery"

"You should take better care of yourself, eat this one"

" you have lost some weight, eat more"

"This one is ...."

"That one is..."

His father and brother had finished eating and were watching how lan zhan was paying attention to wei ying.

They had never seen him so observant and considerate toward anyone, he seemed completely like another person.

Lan zhan used to be silent during the meal,not even an extra word could be heard from him but now from the start till end he was even counting wei ying's spoon so he would not eat less.

Wei ying listened to lan zhan and ate some as he said ,honestly,he was enjoying when he cared for him and he was fully aware not to let himself drown more in his emotions for lan zhan but he could not stop himself growing feeling for him more than a friend.

Curse this heart,His mind and heart could not be one , the struggle between his mind and heart made him frustrated.

He didn't have any appetite anymore and was feeling like his soul being tortured.

"Wei ying?" Lan zhan saw him stopping eating, deep in thought.

"Sorry, lan zhan.I can't eat anymore, I don't have appetite " wei ying faked his smile

Lan zhan could read wei ying so easily, noticed his forced smile

"What's the problem? Maybe your wound hurt? Or maybe you have fever? You can tell me
everything, I would do anything for you, hmm?" Lan zhan checked his forehead quickly"your forehead is a little hot"

"I really appreciate your kindness lan zhan ,I just need some fresh air,I would get well soon" wei ying smiled faintly but real one to him this time.

"I will take you outside today, we can stroll outside, It is not good lying on bed all day"

"If you want I can join you two and help lan zhan take care of you too?" Lan xichen suggested sincerely.

"Brother, thanks but I won't disturb your working time, I can take care of him on my own"

Lan zhan did not want to share his time with wei ying with anyone even his own brother.
Lan xichen and father noticed how lan zhan declined the offer, making excuses.

Their lan zhan had become so sly, using slightest opportunity to hit on wei ying.

"Okey, Let me know if there is a problem" it was not hidden from brother and father's eyes when lan zhan relaxed as soon as he heard lan xichen would not come.Father shook his head and sighed.

Lan zhan and wei ying were currently strolling in the park near the grand lake surrounded by colorful lights.

The atmosphere seemed so lovely, couples walking hand in hand.

"Wow, I suppose this place is widely known between couples" wei ying smiled

"Mn, it gives me special sense of relaxation every time I come here" lan zhan stared warmly at wei ying.

"You come here often?" Wei ying walked backward in front of him, to look at him directly in face.

"I love its silence, I used to come alone but I don't think I would come here just with myself anymore" his words were suspicious.

Wei ying could not understand what he exactly meant " you mean with your lover? Do you have one?" It consumed great amount of courage asking him.

"Mn, there is someone in my heart" lan zhan smiled his beautiful one which made wei ying shocked, he did not expect there was someone that even thought of them would bring smile on  lan zhan's face.

His smile vanished and he was kinda frustrated , I got ahead of myself, thinking this one sided feeling would not hurt even if I keep it secret but now hearing him talking about his lover makes me feel jealous and it breaks my heart.

"Lan zhan, It is cold , I think it is better we go back"

Wei ying walked ahead, avoiding lan zhan's worried face.As soon as they reached home, they encountered lan xichen.

Wei ying forcefully smiled faintly not to show him his frustration.

Lan zhan's gazes were constantly on him, wondering why his mood had changed in a second and what could have he done wrong to upset wei ying.

"Welcome back, did you have fun?" Lan xichen smiled politely, noticing something was off.

"Yeah, we had a good time strolling outside" wei ying's eyes and words did not match.His eyes were telling otherwise.

"Excuse me xichen-gege, I am so tired I will go first" wei ying did not even spare lan zhan a glance and hurried.

"Wei ying" lan zhan's hand desperately stretched toward him but he had already gone.
Lan zhan covered his own face, sighed.

Lan xichen patted his shoulder" lan zhan, what happened? He was not like this when he went!"
Lan zhan turned to his brother, looking miserably.

"I don't know! We were talking suddenly his smile disappeared and he asked me to go back because it is cold"

Lan xichen tried to get more information so he could help" what exactly were you talking about? Tell me word by word what did you say?"

Lan zhan looked hesitant, he seemed to feel shy but....

"So when you said, you have someone you love after that his mood changed, hmm?" Lan xichen was smiling mischievously as he had noticed big secret but lan zhan was only looking confused not understanding what was so interesting about that matter.


"Congratulation brother, your feeling to him is not one sided !" Lan xichen smiled warmly at him.

"H-he likes me too?" Lan zhan hardly could even spell the words.

"Yes!" Lan xichen waited for his reaction.
Lan zhan got up suddenly and ran toward his own room.


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