chapter 5

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"Lan zhan, I have already told you, my luggage was stolen when I came here and this place is only place providing bed and work.Please, if I lose this work...I don't know where I should stay "

Wei ying was feeling frustrated.

"You need a place to stay and work?" He waited for his confirm

Wei ying nodded his head confused.
"Let's go to my home"

"What?! Lan zhan! Did you listen to w-"


Lan xichen entered and was shocked to see his brother hugging wei ying.

His brother had never been this close to anyone except his family.

"Brother, I will take him home, can you call the driver?"

"He is already waiting outside"

Lan zhan walked outside, wei ying in his embrace.

Wei ying sighed desperately, he was dying from embarrassment feeling so many eyes on himself and buried his face on lan zhan's chest.

Finally, they reached the car, lan zhan helped wei ying sit down comfortably and he himself sat beside him.
The car has been moving for a while when lan zhan felt wei ying's head fell over his shoulder.

Wei ying had fallen sleep, definitely effect of those painkillers and anesthesia were finally overcoming his body.

His cute sleeping face was something his heart could not stand.Lan zhan kept wei ying's head with his hand so it would not fall and he could rest properly on his shoulder.

Lan xichen was watching whole scene, how lan zhan was caring even to smallest matter related to wei ying.

"Master, we have reached!" The driver stopped the car.

"Let me take him, you must be tired" lan xichen was testing his brother.

Lan zhan immediately frowned
"No brother, I will take him inside!" His reaction was fast.

Lan zhan picked up wei ying gently, wei ying moved slightly in his sleep and leaned more toward the warmness.

lan zhan smiled at his carefreeness , he would never get tired of seeing wei ying's innocent face sleeping peacefully.

"Let's go inside" lan xichen walked ahead.He had informed his father briefly about his brother coming back home.

As they entered, lan zhan's father came forward, his son has been back.He was shocked to see lan zhan hugging an unfamiliar boy.

Everyone knew lan zhan disliked physical contact but his son had voluntarily hugged someone.

As he wanted to ask, lan zhan quietly told him

"Excuse me father, he is asleep and needs more rest,I will take him to my room and will come back quickly."

Lan zhan walked away with his father's nod. Father looked questioned at lan xichen
"Who was that boy? Why lan zhan brought him here?"

"Don't worry father, let's sit down first, lan zhan will explain everything "

lan xichen invited him to relaxation.He asked the maid to bring tea.

Lan zhan

Lan zhan was careful wei ying was as comfortable as possible.

He opened his own door quietly, bent over and put down wei ying on his own bed gently.

He pulled back a little but wei ying leaned to his side more, missing lan zhan's warmth.

As he had turned,His hairs covered his eyes.lan zhan touched those straight silky hair, his fingers running through his hairs felt good.

Lan zhan pulled back and adjusted cover over him.

He got out of the room ,his father and brother were drinking tea in silence. Lan zhan joined them.

The maid put tea cup in front of him, lan zhan asked her
"wei ying is resting in my room, don't disturb him, also prepare some soup for him ,he prefers spicy ones,make it a little spicy "

"Yes, master "

The great lan was just watching his son with wonder.

Lan zhan had never been this attentive toward anyone.

"Father" lan zhan was the first to start the conversation

"I missed all of you, I think I should stay strong for mother and for our family.I apologize if I was unfaithful son"

"Lan zhan, I am glad you have become better, you don't know how hard it was for us to see you like that"

the great lan's eyes became teary.It was a miracle his son had came out of those depressed state.

To everyone's surprise, lan zhan hugged his father.

His father was speechless, his son could now show his emotions more and he seemed livelier.They pulled back and sat back at their seats.

"Who was that young man?"

"His name is wei ying, he was working in the same hospital I was staying.

Yesterday, I was attacked and he was shot instead of me , saving my life.
I brought him here, so he could stay here."

"WHAT??!!! That bastards tried to hurt you, I won't let them off this easily" the great lan was feeling rage immensely .

"They have exceed the boundaries, we should revenge on them-" one of the maids hurriedly came down.

Lan zhan got alerted "what's the matter?!"

"Master, we heard a sound from your room and entered , we saw Mr.wei ying grabbing his shoulder and clearly having pain"

Lan zhan passed beside her like a wind , rushed to his room.

His father and brother went after him.

The effect of painkillers were wearing off and Wei ying had already woken up.

He had closed his eyes tightly, clenching his injured shoulder. Lan zhan hurriedly got close, cupped his face "wei ying!"

Wei ying was so pale and drops of sweats covered his face.

He recognized lan zhan's voice and asked him hardly to bring a strong painkiller and said the medicine name.

"Call the doctor quickly!" Lan zhan was so worried.

His eyes not leaving wei ying for more than a second.

During the doctor arrival,lan zhan was wiping wei ying's face with towel, repeating heart warming "wei ying, tolerate it please, doctor will come now"

Doctor came inside

"What's the problem?!"

"His shoulder was injured and now his pain is back.He asked for a medicine "

lan zhan explained briefly and told the doctor the medicine's name.

"He is correct, it is prescribed as the most effective painkiller, bring that medicine "

Doctor ordered his assistant.
Lan zhan held him so he could drink water easily.

After a while there was relaxation in his face , wei ying opened his eyes slowly, saw lan zhan beside him

"lan...zhan" he faintly called lan zhan, his eyes only on him.

"Wei ying" lan zhan grabbed his hand, caressed it.

"Thanks" it was more like a whisper but lan zhan heard it definitely as a beautiful smile appeared on his face.

Hi guys 🤗
Number of words for this chapter:
1101 words

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