Chapter 16

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Lan zhan found him in yard, trying to get out

"Wei ying" lan zhan grabbed his hand and stopped him.He stood in front of him, blocking his way
"Wei ying, please talk to me! Why did you get upset?" Lan zhan seemed to be on edge too

Wei ying looked up to his eyes, his tears streaming.Lan zhan could not take it and hugged him tightly, melted him in his own embrace.

"Wei ying, love, please tell me" he draw circles on his back, doing his best calming him down.

It seemed to be effective as wei ying started talking

"I-I ...will tell you but don't think it is ridiculous "
Lan zhan kissed his hair numerous time

"I would never make fun or think your reason is absurd, always love wei ying"

Wei ying buried his face in lan zhan's warm neck.

"I am afraid, I did not want to listen to your brother talking about our relationship.I am scared what if he tells me to leave you? What if he does not approve us? I love you so much that I can't even think about being apart from you but he is your brother.His opinion is also important for me and I can not bear to hear him not accepting me.When he saw us kissing I was afraid of his reaction, what if he feel disgusted?
I also have brother and I can understand his concerns."

"You ran away before I could talk" lan xichen's voice came from behind.

Wei ying departed from lan zhan and wiped his eyes hurriedly.

"I am sorry" he seemed so innocent that lan zhan grabbed his hands and kissed them

"Wei ying should not apologize"

Lan xichen came forward and stood in front of him, a kind smile on his face

"Earlier, I was going to say that actually I approve and support your relationship. I owe my brother to you, honestly, he was not as lively as he is now and all these changes are because of you, even father and I could not.I know he loves you with all his heart and I can also see how you love and care about him.I hope you stay by his side strongly.You are like a younger brother to me and as precious as lan zhan, If you have any problem, I will definitely lend a hand"

Wei ying wiped his eyes, all these times he could not stop his tears streaming as lan xichen was talking so sincerely and brotherly, treating him like a family.

Wei ying suddenly hugged lan xichen, surprising him

"I don't know how to thank you for your kindness and I am sorry for not listening, I was scared you would disapprove.You are also like an older brother to me and I think of you as my family member, xichen-gege"

Lan xichen was first shocked by his sudden hug but he hugged him back brotherly too.

"Cough" lan zhan got their attention, he was frowning.He pulled wei ying back, wrapping his arms around him tightly.

"Lan zhaan" wei ying protested faintly,

"Just mine, don't hug others" his firm tune made wei ying shiver in its seriousness as he meant every word.

Lan xichen smiled kindly, left the two of them in their own world.

"But he is your brother"

Lan zhan turned him completely toward himself

"not even him, you are absolutely mine, I don't like when others hug you.Wei ying only belongs to me "

lan zhan's grip on him tightened slightly.
Wei ying's eyes turned playful

" what will I get if I listen to you?"

Lan zhan got interested in this new game as his eyes became naughty too.He touched wei ying's lips, caressed it gently

" what about something like this?" Lan zhan kissed him on his lips shortly

Wei ying wrapped his hands around his neck

"What if I am not satisfied with a little peck?"

Lan zhan found his naughty side so hot especially when those silver eyes shined with playfulness.

"Then I should work harder"

Lan zhan did not hesitate anymore and kissed those sweet lips, entered his tongue, tasted him more.

Wei ying leaned more to him, kissing him back, his hands pulling lan zhan closer while lan zhan's arm around him waist kept him steady.

Both departed, leaning their foreheads, gasping for air

"Just mine" golden eyes were only reflecting him

"Just yours" just these two words had a lot of meaning behind it.

It brought a beautiful smile on lan zhan's face.

~Few hours later~

"Wei ying, are you ready?"

"I can not wait to see your mother" wei ying seemed excited.

"Mn" lan zhan kissed his head passionately

Lan brothers and wei ying reached a grand building.

Wei ying was shining brightly as he was looking curiously around, the building was surrounded by beautiful garden, attracting eyes.

Wei ying was lost in its picturesque view.

"It is so beautiful "

"Mn, so beautiful "

Lan zhan was watching him with eyes full of love as all he could see was wei ying.

Wei ying noticed golden orbs' long stare reflecting himself, he felt shy and covered his own face "lan zhan!" 

Lan zhan always desired to see his adorable reactions, his ethereal face blushing, those silver oribs looking shy.

He grabbed his hands gently, moved them out of the way, kissed his lips a passionate one, showing off his endless love toward him.

Wei ying was looking at him dazed, he seemed
hypnotized by his hot act and by the handsomeness symbol.

Lan zhan didn't know how wei ying's heart beat would increase whenever lan zhan was by his side.

"Lan zhan,I love you" wei ying confessed what was in floating in his heart and mind.

Lan zhan gifted him his breath taking smile filled with happiness, wei ying's confessing was something he would never get tired of hearing.

Lan zhan's heart fell for him for the thousands times, it was such a great feeling having wei ying for himself.

"Love wei ying too"

Lan zhan caressed his face softly.

"How about going inside? Xichen-gege must be waitin"


Hii lovely readers, I will update more chapters today.Wait for the next chapters, it is going to be exciting.😊

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