Chapter 30

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Lan Zhan saw the door opened and an unfamiliar face with a frown lingering on his face entered with 2 men behind him, looking everywhere angrily.
Lan Zhan glared at him deadly, his cold face showing hostility obviously
"Who are you? What do you want?" He was just wasting time until his brother's arrival.
His cold behavior seemed to piss off him as he angrily groaned shouted "tell that f***ing boy to come here, I will break his legs not to run away next-"
As Lan Zhan intended to reply back, the door of the bathroom opened and all of them turned toward the boy who came out in hospital clothes.
The fear filled Lan Zhan's eyes while Wei Ying's eyes were only on the angry man.
The man's eyes also only staring at Wei Ying, before saying the next word, he was hugged by Wei Ying tightly
" Chengcheng!"
Jiang Cheng was so desperate of finding him that even didn't bother threatening him not to call Chengcheng . His angry seemed to subside in a seconds, his arms wrapping around Wei Ying tightly, kissing side of his hair. God knows how much he was worried about him, coming all the way to China, searching for him nonstop, he was so tired and frustrated but it was not the time for resting, his only brother came out alone, not sharing his whereabouts. Then, he was informed Wei Ying was staying with Lans, what made his heart stop was that his brother was injured.He didn't notice how he came here hurriedly. He got chills from a distinct side, one the Lans were staring at him deadly like he was touching something forbidden, Jiang Cheng looked back at those eyes darkening with anger.
The door interrupted them as Lan Xichen came inside, looking at Wei Ying in handsome man's arm on one side. On the other side, his brother's threatening gaze, he froze there.
Jiang Cheng noticed the this man was so much like the cold face one, except for his somehow warmer aura. He felt the wetness on his shoulder and Wei Ying's body shaking slightly.
Jiang Cheng pulled him back, seeing his little brother's wet eyes broke his heart.
"Don't cry" his tone was slightly fierce, not knowing what he should do at this situation, he was used to scolding a grinning Wei Ying,the crying one was out of his capabilities, but his hands gently wiped his tears.
The same threatening  gaze intensified instantly overwhelming him, however, he ignored them. Those teary eyes were so innocently looking, expressing all his pains. He should have been by his brother's side more, not letting his suffer to the degree that he would prefer running away. Jiang Cheng always took his siblings as his responsibility especially his little brother. In spite of the smiles on his face , sometimes, he was so fragile that he would get worried he would be bullied. But, he was not good at expressing his worries openly like their Shiji.
He kissed his forehead again " I will take you back, I won't let you suffer again, I promise"
His serious tone was showing his determination.
More tears fell of Wei Ying's eyes, he wholeheartedly believed his brother.
Lan Zhan could not hold back anymore, his possessiveness toward Wei Ying was far more than he could handle.He got closer as Wei Ying felt his presence, his arms around Jiang Cheng loosened, turning back. He had completely forgotten both Lan brother's presence and the look in Lan Zhan's eyes were obviously angry and cold. Wei Ying turned to Lan Zhan, explaining hurriedly
"Lan Zhan, don't misunderstand, he is my brother, Jiang Cheng"
The cold aura around him changed in an instant as he was looking at Wei Ying, it was warmer and gentle as he had only him in his eyes but whenever he looked at others, it was obvious cold face.
Lan Zhan pulled him toward himself gently, wiping gently, he was showing his possessiveness.
Jiang Cheng angrily stared back at Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying saw the awkward situation between them, looking back at the only problem solver here, Lan Xichen.
Lan Xichen coughed lightly, attracting their attention, walked closer, smiling friendly at the handsome man, it would be more suitable to say despite his hot temper, he was stunning. Lan Xichen himself was typed of handsome ones, adding a kind smile, he would seem more easygoing and that was definitely working. Because, Jiang Cheng turned to him, as those eyes looked back, Lan Xichen's heartbeat accelerated.
He controlled himself "I am Lan Xichen and he is my brother Lan Zhan" He stretched his hand
Jiang Cheng nodded his head,shaking his hand, his anger subsided slightly.
"Jiang Cheng"  he introduced briefly.
Lan Xichen felt his hand's touch, it was smaller than his own and softer.It felt good.
"thanks for taking care of him, I will take him bac-"
"I didn't introduce myself" Lan Zhan's voice interrupted them.
"Lan wangji, Wei Ying's boyfriend" circling his arm around Wei Ying's waist obviously.
Wei Ying looked back at Jiang Cheng frightened, he was planning to tell him slowly not to explode.
Lan Xichen admired his brother's bravery, it was funny seeing him get jealous and express his possessiveness.
Jiang Cheng felt like he heard it wrong, but the scared look on Wei Ying's face was telling otherwise.


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