Chapter 15

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Wei ying could not resist and kissed him shortly on his lip.

He pulled back slightly, still close to him, enjoying his stunned face.

The kiss seemed to be not enough as lan zhan cupped his face and kissed him deeply, showing him his love through it.

His tongue already asking for permission to enter, licking his lips.

Wei ying snapped out of surprise and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer.

His lips parted and lan zhan used this opportunity to the fullest, kissed him more.

Their tongues were battling in the game of resistance and lan zhan was excited tasting him. His red cheeks were so obvious.

Wei ying lost the game as he was getting more breathless.

Lan zhan was so professional at kissing that it would blow his mind every time he kissed.

Lan zhan bit his bottom lip not so hard, earning a moan from him.


He looked at the mess he had made of his lover, gasping for air, blushing cheeks and shiny silver oribs looking at him dazed as they seemed to be still stunned by the kiss.

Lan zhan seemed to admire this view of his lover as his eyes seemed to reflect happiness and love even more.

However, he desired for more as he could never get enough of wei ying.

Wei ying felt as he was sitting in front of a hungry beast who did not have intention of letting him go.


But it was late as lan zhan started biting his neck gently leaving a mark

"uhh, lan zhan! It hurts" wei ying protested faintly

Lan zhan licked it to soothe the pain, melting wei ying in pleasure and pain.

He sucked that part constantly until it was obviously bruised.

"Lan zhaan" wei ying's magical voice repeatedly calling his name seemed to turn him on as he bit other side of his neck and continued soothing it with his tongue.

After he was pleased with the masterpieces in front of him, he stopped.

Both were lost in each other's lovely stare, they were moving closer as their eyes had magnets absorbing the other.

Wei ying took the initiate and titled his own head slightly, kissed him.

Lan zhan accompanied him and took the lead, kissed a dazzled one.

His hand cupped his face while his other hand held back of wei ying's head, keeping him closer and deepening the kiss.

Without even a word between them, they expressed their own deepest love and passion to the other one, it was full of endless desire.


Both parted hurriedly, as wei ying was still sitting on lan zhan's lap, he could not distance himself from him and was stuck in his embrace.

Lan xichen had come earlier and confronted his brother kissing wei ying.It was so awkward situation and he was afraid his father would come any second.

He didn't have any choice but to get them aware earlier.However, the view in front of him was awesome, wei ying was embarrassed, hiding his face in lan zhan's neck, not finding a place and his own brother blushing with his red ears, averting his gazes.

"Cough... Father will be here soon and I have to say something about your relationship before he comes " lan xichen sounded so serious.

Wei ying got out of lan zhan's laps as soon as he heard the their father would come here soon.

He was looking down like a child being punished for his bad manners.

It was so embarrassing to be caught like that by lan xichen.He was clenching his own fits behind, feeling somehow nervous.

He was aware lan xichen knew about their feelings but seeing him kissing his brother seemed to be a different matter as he was afraid lan xichen would feel disgusted,

What should I do if he says he doesn't approve anymore? What if he doesn't let me see lan zhan anymore? But I really love lan zhan, how can I lose him?

All these thoughts were running in his head, making him even more nervous.

He did not know how the fear had got him, just the thought of being apart from lan zhan was enough to make his hands tremble nonstop behind his body.

Wei ying clenched them even more tightly to stop the shaking.

Both lan xichen and lan zhan noticed his face seemed too pale and his nervousness.

Lan zhan got closer and noticed his clenched fits, he grabbed wei ying's hands and opened his fingers one by one.

His nail marks were red on his palm as it was pressed tightly.

Wei ying's head was still down, even refusing to look up at them.

Lan zhan could not bear see his hurt palms and kissed the red marks gently.

"Wei ying?"

Lan zhan raised his chin as he did not received an answer.He was shocked to see his eyes teary

"Wei ying!"

Lan zhan wiped the stubborn tears streaming silently, cupped his face, making him look into his eyes

" wei ying, love, why are you worried?"

Before wei ying could speak...

"What is going on here?!" The great lan's sound attracted the attentions.

Wei ying felt like if this goes on, his heart this time could not take it, he pulled back from lan zhan

"I-I am sorry, I should go" he passed by their side hurriedly, looking down.

"Wei ying" lan zhan shocked by the sudden loss of his presence called him.

"Father, I don't know" lan zhan seemed so impatient and irritated not knowing why he suddenly became sad, his heart hurt when he saw those silver eyes teary.

His frustration was so obvious that his father did not question him anymore.

Lan zhan ran after wei ying that got out of the house.

__________________________________hi dear readers, maybe I can finish the next chapter for the 2 or 3 days🥰
Unfortunately, I am awfully busy but I will write as much as I can when I get free time.😊
Thanks for supporting ❤️🙏🏻

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