Chapter 35

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Wei Ying was brushing his teeth when someone hugged his waist from behind, resting his head on Wei Ying's shoulder.

"Wei Ying woke up early"

Lan Zhan's hoarse voice sounded beside his ear.
Lan Zhan helped him wipe his face dry, then washed his own.

A knock on the door..
Jiang Cheng came in with Lan Xichen, his eyes were red, with messy clothes that he had worn yesterday and hadn't changed them yet.

Wei Ying paused seeing him like this, not knowing what to say, he knew it was also hard for his brother.



Two voices sounded at the same time, Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng looked at each other, both stunned.

"I-I... should not have said those words... sor-"

"No! I should be the one to say sorry... I didn't tell you something... I heard them talking about sending me back to my biological parents.. I was so desperate...I ran away!"

Wei Ying covered his teary eyes, it was like waking up from a beautiful dream to a nightmare, the reality was unbearable. His once warm family was torn apart.

Lan Zhan wanted to comfort him when he saw Jiang Cheng hugging Wei Ying tightly.

"Why didn't you tell me?! Are you dumb?!!! For all these years, I have been your brother and I will be!! Mother would never send you back with her own hands, your biological parents were crying for taking you back, she said she could sympathize with the mother's feeling after finding her long lost child. I saw her crying many times, looking at your photos. You think it was easy for our parents to decide such a thing?! We will never let you leave us nor we would abandon you!"

Wei Ying hugged him back, his sobbing could be heard. It was as his worries were fading away, he could not believe that he may have misunderstood his family, they still loved him.

After calming down, Jiang Cheng parted from him
"Will you go back with me?"

Wei Ying nodded, then as he remembered something, he glanced at Lan Zhan, then took his warm hand, murmuring with a blush on his cheek
" I want to introduce him"
"Will you come?"
Lan Zhan was happy to get the chance for meeting his lover's family. He interlocked their hands, pulling it up gently, planting a kiss on back of Wei Ying's hand

Wei Ying looked at his handsome smile, he could feel his joy with a glance, his cheeks was red from blushing and couldn't help laughing like a fool.

Jiang Cheng on the other side rolled his eyes, he had not yet approved them being together, his brother was being seduced in front of his eyes and then blushing like a dumb.

Wei Ying was finally discharged from hospital, Jiang Cheng could not stay anymore and booked tickets for three people.Their flight was for morning and they stayed the night at the Lan's house.

At night, everyone gathered, Lan Zhan took the lead" I officially announce that Wei Ying is my boyfriend " Mr and Madam Lan looked normal as it was such an obvious behavior, no one would care to this extend for a friend.

Wei Ying saw that none of them disagreed and even they smiled, then he was silently relieved.

Lan Zhan continued " I am gonna meet his parents, we will board the plane tomorrow "

"Why didn't you say it earlier?!" Madam Lan looked at Lan Zhan.

She turned to her husband "Hurry up, we should prepare a gift, how could he meet his parents barehanded?! "
Mr Lan hugged his wife " I will ask them to get it done quickly, we must show our sincerity "

Wei Ying looked embarrassed at the mention of gift, it sounded like a dowery. Jiang Cheng nodded to them as gratitude.

A sweet smile appeared on Lan Zhan's face seeing Wei Ying's reaction, he grabbed his hand softly, caressing it.Wei Ying was also looking at him, his beautiful eyes only reflecting Lan Zhan.

Madam Lan noticed his son's happiness, it was rare to see his son smiling happily, as he had become a new person. Wei Ying was truly a miracle in Lan Zhan's life.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had already gone back to their room. Jiang Cheng was busy informing his family about their arrival time. He had taken a shower and now was on the phone.

He explained the misunderstanding between both side, Madam Jiang was impatiently asking him to let Wei Ying talk.

"Mom, he is asleep, it is night here, we will come as soon as possible, don't worry"

There was a knock on the door, then Lan Xichen's voice could be heard asking if he was still awake.

"Come in"

Jiang Cheng watched as Lan Xichen appeared in his view, he was wearing a casual loose clothes, with that handsome face of him and a kind smile on his face, giving a warm vibe.

Jiang Cheng cleared his throat and looked away, however Lan Xichen had noticed his look and his smile became wider.

"When will you come back here again?"
Lan Xichen's eyes became a little serious.

"What do you mean?"
Jiang Cheng got confused, why he should come back here?

Lan Xichen got closer, Jiang Cheng retreated back slightly, his legs reached the bed .
"When can I see you again?"

"I won't come back, I have already found Wei Ying and I should go back home"
Jiang Cheng looked away, not staring at those brown eyes getting colder.

Hiiii my lovely readers, the next chapter is almost ready, wait for it❤️

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