Chapter 21

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Wei ying bent over slightly, kissed his hairs
"Lan zhan"

Another sweet kiss landed
"Not gonna wake up?"

Lan zhan deliberately did not open his eyes, enjoying being loved by him.He buried more in wei ying's warmness

Wei ying chuckled at his cuteness
"Lan zhaan"

He whispered beside his ear naughtily
"you are so adorable now that I desire so much to kidnap you and keep you all for myself"

His playful tone made lan zhan's heart race rapidly "okey"

Wei ying pulled back "huh? What okey?"

Lan zhan turned to him " kidnapping me "

Wei ying looked dumped at him, not expecting him taking his joke serious.He seemed so cute that lan zhan cupped his face and tasted those sweet lips.

Lan zhan seemed to be in good mood and happy as his smile didn't fade his face.

"You!" His face was so beautiful especially trying not to blush.

The sound of great lan talking addressing madam lan caught their attention.

Wei ying and lan zhan instantly got there, madam lan was moving her fingers and her eyes were open slightly as she seemed half conscious .

"Her condition has become stable, she is waking up " wei ying happily told them.

Lan zhan was shocked, the great lan was crying on other side.

"I will let xichen-gege know" wei ying turned to go after lan xichen.

Lan zhan stopped him by grabbing his arm, hugged him tightly " wei ying, thank you" lan zhan was feeling so grateful for having him, wei ying was a miracle.Sometimes he felt unworthy of such an angel.

Wei ying hugged him back, patted his back.It must have been hard for lan zhan, he felt proud of having such a strong boyfriend bearing all the problems.

Wei ying pulled back a little and kissed his forehead gently , a kiss full of love " stay with uncle, I will come back"

Lan zhan stared at his silver orbs reflecting love and passion.

"Mn" he reluctantly loosened his grip and watched till wei ying was out of the room.

Lan zhan laid his eyes on his mother, opening and closing eyes repeatedly, trying to adjust.

They were waiting patiently so she would get accustomed to the light and would understand the situation.

The great lan grabbed her hand, tears falling one by one, not even a word he could speak
Madam lan's eyes were fixed in his teary ones

"Don't...cry..cough..cough.." lan zhan immediately poured water for her.

"Mother" madam noticed his son has been standing on the other side.

Lan zhan helped him drink water



Lan zhan embraced her seeing her arms welcoming him to a hug.

Both were crying, it was so hard being apart for a long time, the great lan wrapped his arms around them, crying silently.

The door opened suddenly and a stunned lan xichen was searching his mother anxiously.


He rushed toward his mother and joined them in the family reunion.

Some time later, after they had calmed down, they explained everything that had happened while she was unconscious.

"I will definitely make them pay for their sins"

Lan xichen and lan zhan looked determined at their father "we will help too"
The great lan nodded approvingly.

Madam lan who was silent all along looked at wei ying, her family has been repeatedly mentioning his name,in addition to lan zhan's frequent glances at wei ying "who is this young man?"

Wei ying looked surprised, not expecting to be center of attention " I..Let em introduce myself madam lan, I am wei ying, currently your doctor"

Wei ying got closer , he was somewhat stressed, lan zhan's mother was now in front of him, looking at him meticulously as observing his every move and reactions.

"Mother, you should rest" lan zhan trying to get wei ying out of her mother's gazes.

Wei ying made eye contact with those golden eyes, conveying his gratefulness. It brought a gentle faint smile on lan zhan's face.

Madam lan was so astute and observant, not even lan zhan's faint smile was hidden from her eyes

"How did you get to know my family?"

"Actually, I got to know lan zhan accidentally and after that some matters happened so I moved to your house for a while"

wei ying could feel the cold sweat streaming on his back.He was not sure how she react if she knew who he was.

"Lan zhan?" Madma lan repeated the word surprised, his son would not let others call his birth name, however , wei ying was calling his name freely.

"Oh!Mother, you must be hungry, I will go and get something for you" lan xichen interfered them.

Lan xichen gestured to wei ying
"Let me help you" wei ying got out of the room with him.

lan zhan got up " will help too, you rest mother" lan zhan instantly walked after them.
Madam lan thought something was fishy and they were hiding something.

They came back with home made foods, mostly nutritious for madam lan.
The great lan was feeding madam despite her objection saying she could eat, lan xichen was sitting on one of the sofas alone, eating silently , in front of him , lan zhan and wei ying were sitting side by side on another sofa.

Hi guys😊 sorry for delay, I had a lot to do and today I just got some free time.
I will release next chapter this week again.
Love you all  ❤️

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