Chapter 3.

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"We just received news on Olivia Wills' crash, she made it out okay, just a couple of bruises and came last" Mark Webber said "it seemed like a bad crash but we all are glad she made it out" David Coulthard said "here she comes now" Ben Edwards said "Olivia how are you doing?" Mark asked "I'm doing okay, I'm in pain but I'm doing fine, just gutted really because I was so close to a win like last weekend but i mean, it is what it is" she said "earlier in the week, you announced that you and Zach Herron had split up because of personal reasons, can you tell us anything about it" she knew they were going to ask this "the split up has nothing to do with the race BUT all I can say is that I wish him the best but I don't think we will be friends" she said "thank you" she nodded her head before walking off.

She felt like screaming, everyone kept on asking about the break up and then the crash, she felt like she was being swallowed and she felt overwhelmed. Her trainer and manager walked with her as they walked to her room. She just listened but could comprehend. She sat down and took a sip of her water, she wiped the sweat off her head and then after too much she said "we can talk tomorrow, I just need some space" her trainer and assistant nodded their heads before walking out. She stood up after a bit and walked round the room, thinking, not knowing how to let her mind rest. "Liv?" It was Pierre "hey Pierre" she stopped and said "you look like you need a hug" he said "I do" she sighed and he opened his arms and she walked into his embrace. "Just breathe" he said and she nodded her head "it's too much for me" she said.

"I have to go but you go find Lando and all that okay?" He said and she nodded her head, he left and she sighed, she put her cap back on before leaving the room. She walked round the paddock before finding Lando and Daniel together. Lando saw Olivia and walked over to her, he could see the tears in her eyes. "Are you hurt?" He asked and she shrugged, she was ignoring the pain, she felt lost, she feared something for so long for it too happen, two things actually, death and betrayal. She hugged him and he felt so sorry for her, worried too, he knew she was struggling with a few things but for this to break her, was worrying, he hated seeing her like this. "What do you want to do?" He asked but he knew the answer, well a few, but didn't know what she would say "I'm gonna head back to the hotel, cool down, you have my room key like usual" she finally spoke up "okay, call me if any problems" he kissed her head and she nodded her head.

She opened the door and then closed it, she sat on her bed and just stared at the wall, no music, no nothing. She didn't know how to feel. Something was bothering her in the back of her mind. Was it because she left her boyfriend? She doesn't know why she feels like this.

"Liv" Alex and George had walked into her hotel room "I feel so lost" she said "it's gonna be okay" Alex said "where's Lando?" She asked "oh wow" George said sarcastically "I don't mean it in that way, normally he is with you guys" she said looking at them "he said he had some interviews" Alex said and she nodded her head and looked back at the wall. Alex and George knew that Lando could help her, they were clueless on what was going on.

"Okay so I popped to the shops on the way and i-" Lando was caught off by them all sleeping. He chuckled and put the food down, he walked over to Olivia and turns out she wasn't sleeping, she had a red face and tears streaming down her cheeks "Liv" he brushed the hair out of her face "Lan" she sat up and hugged him "I got us all some food, drinks, we can just chill out and forget all problems" he said and she nodded her head "whatever is going on right now you can tell me" she suddenly thought of what the problem was. The trauma. He hit her. Not Lando. Zach. He hit her after their argument, last Monday. She put it to the back of her mind but it just came back. You would never think he would do such a thing but he did. He regrets it. But no one knows. "Lando, um, last Monday, I forgot to mention something about the argument me and Zach had" she managed to get out, he let go and held her hands "go on" she took a deep breath and said "I was yelling at him, you know, because I was hurt and then he um, h-h-hit..." she started crying, Lando understood immediately and clenched his jaw, his blood was boiling, how could someone do that to Olivia, or even a girl, or anyone. "Lan I'm okay really, I'm just lost i-" she held his face and he faced her and his face softened, he unclenched his jaw and held her wrists "its not okay to hit a girl, even if it was on accident, its not okay to hit anyone actually, where did he hit you?" He asked and let go of her wrists. She grabbed her makeup wipes and wiped the right side of her face, a small bruise was peaking through and he caressed her cheek "he did get you, need anything on it or?" "It's fine, let's wake Alex and George up though, I'm starving" he chuckled and got up and helped Olivia up.

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