Chapter 19.

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"I think we can come out now" George said "I think I just shed a tear, that was so beautiful" Alex dramatically said and George opened the door which caused Alex to fall over "what was that?" Liv asked Lando "looks like Alex hit the ground pretty hard" "oh my god" they were both laughing away at how stupid Alex looked on the ground and George trying to get over him. "It's not funny. George you almost broke my nose!" Alex said trying to get up off the floor "dramatic much" George said "um no, if I did this to you, you would've said the same" Alex got up in the end.

"How guys long time no see!" Lando said as he sat himself right up in his gaming chair. It was his last stream in the UK before he headed off to Monaco with Olivia. The chat was flooding with questions. "So to clear things up, yes I'm moving to Monaco, sadly Max won't be my roommate but when I do see him I will still annoy him" he chuckled which made Olivia smile in the back "and I will have a roommate with me, they are no stranger to my streams and is my bestfriend" the chat guessed it right away. "Yes it's Oliviaaaa" he pulled me in and I waved at the camera "let's see what people are saying" she said. "'Are you dating?' No we are not, just two friends who are planning on sharing a place in Monaco" Liv smiled, she wasn't going to share her relationship publicly, since she wasn't allowed to. "'Olivia you look amazing' thank you so much, I honestly am really busy at the moment and have no time to put effort into getting ready so thank you for the compliment" she smiled which caused Lando to smile. "'Look they have matching bracelets' we do! Liv bought them when we were in...I think Monza?" "Incorrect, guess again" she said "Barcelona?" He asked and she replied with "well we were in Spain but we went to go to the Costa Blanca, so near Valencia and there was this outdoor market in a little village and I thought they were really cute" "ah I remember, they like had the bread and chocolate thing" he said "yeah, it was a special day so we picked the right time, can't remember what festival it was though" she said. "'Weren't you guys caught kissing in Monte Carlo?' *awkwardly laughs* next question" Olivia read, they still didn't clear it up.

"Sammmmmmmm" Olivia noticed he was watching the stream "oh hey Sam" Lando met him. Liv is not sure he likes him but oh well. "Sup mah boy?" Liv asked and chuckled "you won't see his reply in the comments, have you seen how many people are on here?!" Lando pointed out "fair point" she said and chuckled. "I'm going food shopping, want anything?" Max popped in and asked "we're good, also live come say hi!" Olivia replied "hi chat" he said "'Max, will you miss Lando?' No. No I'm just playing, of course I will, but I'm going over to Monaco to help my boy out with his things, oh and Olivia I guess" Olivia slapped him on the back of his head before he waved and left the room.

"This place is amazinggggggg" Olivia said as she crashed on the bed "wait until you see outside" he pulled her up and they ran out to a terrace that over looked the streets "shut the fuck up" "and over this side too" he pulled her around the house and they looked out to the marina and sea "I'm in heaven" she said. Lando put his hand on her waist, she turned round and smiled "I knew you would love it here" he said "this where the cute sappy shit happens right?" She asked and he nodded his head, she grabbed his face and kissed him. They felt happy. It felt right. "Isn't that Jack's house?! And Alex's?!" "Yeah...sadly" "I don't care, I'm happy here" she said "thats fine with me" he said and smiled widely.

"And we invite the two drivers of Red Bull to join us before we reveal the RB16, so welcome Max Verstappen and Olivia Wills!" Christian Horner said and they both walked out to where Christian was stood. "So Max, how are we feeling about this year?" He asked "I'm feeling good, uh, it will be the first time seeing the car and I think we will have a good season, knowing how much work the team has put into the car, yeah I think it will be a good year" "hopefully win a championship for the team" he added and Christian chuckled "and Olivia, welcome to the team!" "Thank you so much, I'm so excited to learn about Red Bull and how we can work as a team and hopefully win that title" she said "thats the spirit, now what are we expecting in the car?" "Speed, duh, um, I think it will be a good car and will win us races and hopefully a championship. I watched what the team did at the factory and the effort and time that went into this car is amazing" Olivia said. After a bit of chatting, it was reveal time. Olivia snd Max lifted the big cloth that was over it to reveal the RB16. "Wow" was all that Olivia said, it looked different to the AlphaTauri, duh because they are two different teams but the structure and steering wheel were a bit different. "Opinions?" Christian asked "I think it looks championship worthy" Olivia said and everyone chuckled at her comment "I think it looks great, the front looks a little different to the past few years and the livery looks cool" Max said. Olivia felt official to the team. She felt happy in the environment.

I MIGHT CRY LIKE SERIOUSLY PINCH ME. I put this on my message board but holy shit thank you for 1.31K reads and n⁰1 in #landonorris holy shit. Thank you so much for all the reads and love, enjoy this chapter and drama coming soon, even more than this 😉

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