Chapter 17.

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"Hey" Lando's face lit up when he saw that Olivia had answered his call "hi" she smiled "how are you?" He asked "I'm doing okay, missing you though" she had to stay in Monaco for a load of training and Lando had to stay in England for training. "I'm missing you too though, how's Jack?" Jack and Lando are friends too, they have known each other for as long as Olivia and Lando have known each other. "Busy like usual, I didn't actually realise how bloody nice his house is here" she replied and he chuckled "it is really cool, doesn't his terrace look out to the marina?" He asked "yeah look" she turned the camera round and showed the beautiful view "I can't wait to live there" Lando mumbled "you just glitched, did you say something?" Olivia asked "oh no I didn't say anything" he replied "oh okay, how's Alex and George?" She asked. "Ask them yourself" he replied and she rolled her eyes "I'm asking you to ask them" she said "I don't know, you have a phone for a reason so why don't you call them?" He asked "why you being so rude, also I'm on call with you so I can't" she replied "because I'm too lazy to ask them myself" he said, she rolled her eyes at his stupidity "I have to go but call later?" She asked "yeah thats okay, bye" he replied "bye" she hung up and sighed, she guessed he was having a bad day and didn't want to talk about it that's why he was rude. She shrugged it off and went to Jack who was calling her from outside.

"What do you wantttttttt" she whined "Jade is asking us to go to the headquarters so we can sign off a couple of things at AlphaTauriiiiiii" he mocked her "ugh fine, when?" She asked "this weekend, but she of course had to organise now, knowing what she is like" he replied "of course, that's Jade, did she give a schedule on when I have to be at Milton Keynes?" She asked "no, the bitch forgot" Jack replied "that's our colleague!" She slapped him on the head "also my ex so I can talk shit about her" "you dumped her" "so?! What's that got to do with this anyways?" He asked and she put her hands up in defence "I'm just saying, also Lando asked how you were doing" she said "and?! What'd you say?!" "That you are doing terrible and you like to talk shit about Jade?" She replied sarcastically "seriously" Jack looked at her asking if she was serious knowing she wasn't "no, of course not, I said you are working your ass off and have a nice ass house" he flipped his invisible hair off his shoulder and said "thats where success gets you" "fuck off, I'm the one in the limelight and apparently you earn more money? Suck my dick mate" Liv said and Jack started laughing away which caused Olivia too as well.

"This is so not good" Olivia said to Charles as he showed her articles that were published about her. They fucked up again. People caught then holding hands in the street, kissing in front of a restaurant in Monaco. Lando holding her waist. All of it was now on the Internet. "I'm sorry Liv" Charles said "its okay, I can live through it" "but it's the beginning of the seasonnnn" she added, she whined and crashed laying back on the sofa "we can get the team to take it down?" Max suggested "it will be too hard, I tried last time" she said with her hands on her face. Some drivers wanted to hang out and drink before the beginning of the season. Until Charles showed Olivia the news. Since Olivia doesn't check because she has other things to do in her life. Yes Charles does do other things in life but Liv has her own opinion on the news and Internet. "Does Lando know?" She asked, he was in Monaco, Liv wasn't sure why he stayed, he said he was gonna catch up with Jack. "I don't think so, Max F has gone with him to help him out" "with what?" She asked and it went silent. "Lando is moving to Monaco" Daniel said "what?! He said he was seeing Jack?!" She stood up and said "he didn't tell you...woah" Carlos said "I'm gonna call him" she got her phone out but Pierre stopped her "I wouldn't, he probably has a reason on why" "he is my bestfriend, he is moving to a different country and didn't tell me! I don't want to lose him" "technically Monaco isn't a country-" "SHUT UP GEORGE!"

She stormed out straight away. She had a reason to be mad. She didn't want to lose him. She just couldn't. She slid down the wall and cried. People think she is a drama queen *cough* *evelyn* *cough* but really she just cares about everyone and everything.

"Liv why are you crying" "you're an asshole" "woah hey what's up?" "You stayed in Monaco, to look for somewhere else to live. You lied to me." She struggled to get her words out, it was like rope around her neck, she was choking on air "Liv" "you liar, you told everyone but me. I can't believe you would do this" she cried "there is a reason for it" "I don't care Landick" "what on earth is that nickname?!" "Don't make me laugh I'm upset and pissed here" she said. "Yes you have a right to be upset and I was gonna tell you but it all just happened so fast" he said "fuck you, see you when you come back" she flipped him off and hung up.

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