Chapter 26.

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"Come on!" She tried finding her keys in her bag but just couldn't "shit" she didn't have them. She only had 5 minutes left "he better pick up" she said

"Sorry one sec" Lando said in the middle of an interview, his girlfriend was calling him and he had to pick up "hey what's up?" He asked "I haven't got my fucking keys and you have spare, I only have 5 minutes, where are you?!" "Olivia I'm in the middle of an interview, I don't know what to do, does Jade or Jack have keys?" He asked calmly "no!" She yelled down the phone, clearly irritated. "Hang on, I have an idea, Jon!" He said, he walked over to his manager and said "you know where my room is, right next door is Olivia's room, she forgot her keys, can you give these to her as I finish this interview?" He asked "yeah no problem" he replied and Lando gave them to Jon. "Jon is gonna give them to you" he said "hurry!" She said loudly "okay okay, love you" "love you too" she said calmly and hung up.

"Omg thank you!" She said as she saw Jon with the keys "hurry, Jade looks angry stood outside the press conference room" he said and she ran into her room, she brushed and dried her hair. "Shittttt" she ran down the stairs, Jade non stop calling her. "Come on! I had to stall them" Jade pushed her into the room and Olivia waved and walked with a fake smile on her face despite being out of breath "where were you?" Lewis asked "I lost my keys, they must be in the room" she replied sitting down next to Max "I had to listen to stupid fucking questions as you were late" "it wasn't my fault!" She said quite loudly that the whole room went quiet and she put her hand to her mouth to shut her up.

It was awkward the whole time, Olivia knew she was in trouble and Jade was angry. She said don't be late, she was late, Jade said don't lose your keys, she lost her keys. She isn't normally like this though.

"You know what I'm going to say don't you" Jade said to Liv calmly, taking all her strength not to yell "yes, I know, I'm sorry" she said "thats ok, don't let if happen again" Jade said and Olivia nodded her head. They parted ways and Christian came over to her to congratulate her "another podium, how we feeling?" He asked "not great" his smile dropped and she stopped "no no no not because I didn't win! Well it is that but I tripped on wet floor, then lost my keys and then arrived late at the press conference and i-" she put her hand to her mouth, she said too much. Christian put his hand on her shoulder and said "its okay, it's a new team and you are just getting used to it" "but I've been here for 3 years i-" she cut herself off. She wasn't used to the new team, crew, car, people. She had to remember which was her pit stop.

"Heres the keys back" Olivia said to Lando "I still have to open your room" "I got keys" she shook her keys in the air "pizza in my room though?" She asked "sure, Alex and George?" He asked "who says no to pizza" "vegans" George said and everyone went quiet "okay pizza it is then" Olivia spoke up and everyone agreed.

"Don't wake me up at 6 in the morning, please, I won't be able to take it" Alex said as he left "we will!" Olivia said back and he rolled his eyes "my girlfriend is calling, byeeee" George said "go George!" Lando said and George rolled his eyes but went red "see ya" Olivia said as she closed the door "staying her tonight?" She asked "I might as well share the hotel room with you" she smiled and locked the door, just incase anyone comes in.

"We are qualifying Portugal" it was the Portuguese grand prix and everyone felt confident. Olivia was predicting what could happen, she does it before every race, it never goes to plan though.

"OLIVIAAAAAA" Olivia heard someone call her name, she turned round and it was Sam running towards her "Sam what the heck?! You can't be here!" She said "well hello to you too" he said "hi, but how?!" "Pretended I was a mechanic, there are too many of those, so I got a pass" he showed the card attached to his pocket on his t-shirt "why are you here?" She asked "supporting my bestie" she rolled her eyes at his stupidity "come on then before you get caught" she said and they walked down the paddock.

"Hide" "what?" "Hide!" Olivia said and pushed Sam into a bush as Jade walked past "hi Jade" she said awkwardly "what are you doing?! You are meant to be checking stats with Jack and Christian!" Jade said "I'm on my way, don't you worry" she said walking a little bit past Jade "it's that way" "oh wait yeah, sorry" she walked the other way and completely forgot about Sam. She cursed under her breath, she looked back and saw Jade still watching her, Olivia was stuck on what to do. She walked round the corner and headed to the room but stood outside and texted Sam, no scratch that, she called him. Bad idea though. Bad idea.

"What the heck?!" Jade looked into the bush and saw a crushed up Sam and heard his phone ring "and you are?" "Let me introduce myself, once I've gotten out this bush, Olivia pushed me in here" Jade was annoyed. She crossed her arms and Sam rolled out the bush "I'm Sam, Olivia's friend" he said and she rolled her eyes walking off, rejecting Sam's shake of hand. Sam then made a run for it in the direction Olivia did, he ran past her as she stood there annoyed "Sam!" She yelled and be ran back "Jade caught me..." He scratched the back of his neck "you are so annoying! Now i have meetings to be at so find something to do, not here though" she said and he saluted her before running off.

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