Chapter 15.

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Nearly 500 ty sm, I'm so grateful. I didn't expect people to actually read this story. I'm kind of new to F1 because is started liking it last year but had known about it for years since my family love it. In this story when Olivia said her uncle lives by the Silverstone race track, its true, my uncle does 🤣

Alright on with the story:

"Alright that's enough alcohol for you" Liv took it off her aunt and put it on a table far away from her. She had found some alcohol in a cupboard that she never touched, like it was from her 18th birthday or something, she just never actually liked it. "But I'm having so much funnnnn" she was getting really close to her friends and Liv was getting annoyed. "Right Eve, time for bed, I get that you are having fun but it's late and we are going out for breakfast tomorrow" she just used that as an excuse, it was only 10pm. George and Lando helped Evelyn up the stairs and to the spare bedroom. When they closed the door, they all looked at each other and you could tell they were really tired and annoyed.

"Did anyone hear her tell the same story over and over again? The one about how her and my uncle met? We hear that one every single time" Liv asked as she crashed on the sofa "three times, on the fourth I just zoned out" Alex said "same" Lando said "is it weird she kept touching my thigh?" George asked and they all looked at him "I knew she had a thing for you" Alex said "isn't she like 50?" "Yeah and yeah ew" Liv replied. "I did tell her at one point to stop but her brain said no" George said "she is always like that, I'm just glad she is sleeping now" Liv said "now we can actually hang out" Lando said "if she does wake up at any point I'm out of here" George said and Alex agreed "unfortunately I live here so I cannot do that, and she is my family after all" Olivia said "you guys go if you want, I'll stay with Olivia" Lando suggested "you don't have to do that Lan" Olivia said "well in that case I'm going" they all got up apart from Olivia and pulled Lando down "you're staying" Liv flashed a smile at him and let Alex and George go home.

"You didn't want me leaving did you?" Lando asked "not really, Evelyn is here I need someone to at least keep me sane" "I'm the wrong person to ask" he said "you know why I asked" she said "okay true, but since I'm here, what do you want to do?" He asked "we can watch a movie?" She asked "sure" he replied.

Those next few weeks were stressful for Olivia, her aunt said she was staying for 3 ended up being 3 weeks, not fun for her at all.

"Evelyn, don't you think you need to get back to Joey?" Liv asked Evelyn "Liv, I'm not going back because..." Evelyn felt guilty for saying it "you're uncle passed away" Liv was upset but why would her aunt mention it now? She stood up raging. "WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME NOW?!" Liv asked "I was scared to, because I knew it would hurt you" "Evelyn, you have been staying in my house for 3 weeks and I have given you everything, because you didnt tell me my uncle was dead?! Is that why you have stayed here because he wouldn't be able to take care of you?!" Liv was upset "Olivia I'm sorry" "No, don't apologise, you don't deserve sympathy" Liv walked off and ran up the stairs to her room.

She couldnt do it. She had those thoughts in her head. But she knew it would affect other people and her friends, she knew she had what she wanted and to throw it all away would hurt her even more. But she couldn't handle everything else.

"Where are you going?" Evelyn asked and Liv ignored her. Liv walked out the house and to the bench by the canal. After a bit of thinking, she took a walk down the canal and to the she wasn't considering it. She just felt lost. Evelyn and Joey were the only close ones to her. Apart from her sisters, who sadly passed away in a car accident.

As she was walking back, it started raining, she didn't care. She ended up walking a lot to Lando's house. When he opened the door, he was shocked, she had red puffy eyes and red nose, she was shivering but silent. "Come in Liv omg" Lando said and let her in, he closed the door and ran and got a towel. "Is she okay?" Max had seen her walk in and was concerned "I don't know what happened, I'm going to help her first" Lando replied and ran back to her. He wrapped the towel around her and hugged her "did you walk all the way here?" "Yea" was the first word she said since she walked into the house. "You don't have to tell me now but tell me when you are ready yeah?" Lando asked and she nodded her head.

"My Uncle died." Olivia said out of nowhere, Lando sat up and rubbed her back "as in Joey?" He asked, she nodded her head but didn't look at him "Liv, are you okay?" He asked "no" she chuckled and looked at him "I'm not" the pain in her eyes was too much for Lando, he pulled her in and she started crying "it's going to be okay" he said and kissed her head a few times. She knew she was okay in his arms but was so hurt, lost and angry. Her aunt thought it would be okay to keep it in for 3 weeks. She hated that. She hated secrets, this was a big one for her.

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