Chapter 21.

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"The first time in a new car, it felt odd, but I think I'm getting used to it, I like the new environment and it's all going well" her performance was great, on track, but outside, well she had a few ups and downs, mostly downs. "Oh fuck" in testing she fell in the paddock since it had started to rain in Barcelona. "Shit" she walked into a door. Normally she wasn't the clumsy one but clearly this year said she had to be. "Are you dating driver Lando Norris?" That question was asked a lot at free practice and qualifying. It was ignored though, it was for the best. "People keep asking the same question over and over again, when is it going to stop?" She said.

She loved Formula 1 but the toll it took on her mental health wasn't good for her at all. She was overwhelmed and anxious, she just couldn't put it into words. Sure Lando was there to help her, but they had to be there for each other privately because of press. They can't be seen together as bestfriends without people shipping them. They had to keep it on the down low. "It's too overwhelming and mental health is a serious issue when it comes to formula 1" she added.

It was qualifying day. Olivia woke up really early and put her headphones on. She wanted to take a little jog around the track to clear her mind. But too much was on her mind, so it turned into basically a marathon around the track. Everything wad too much for her. The media, the pressure, the press, crew, everything. It was too much to handle. It felt like a whirlpool that she was being dragged into and had nothing to hold onto, no anchor, no pole, nothing.

As she was running, she had her head down and just focused on the ground, which was a terrible thing to do. She ended up running into Charles and his assistant. "Liv is everything okay?" He asked "I'm so sorry, I was looking at the ground and I have so much on my mind i- I'm sorry, I'm doing terrible and just needed fresh air" she rambled "it's okay" he said "I should carry on" she put her headphones back on but before she could press play Charles hugged her "you needed this" he said and smiled "thanks Charles" she said before he let go and she carried on running. She felt embarrassed, she wasn't looking where she was going.

Once she got back to the hotel, she walked up to the elevator. Before she could press the button, the doors opened and it was Lando with his usual smile plastered on his face "Liv are you okay?" He noticed she had been crying and was all sweaty. "No" she chuckled "what's wrong?" "Everything" she said and he stepped out and hugged her "it's okay love" he quickly kissed her head and she smiled. "Where are you heading to?" She asked "just going to get some breakfast, want to join me?" He asked with his arm out "why not, I need food anyways" she took his arm and they walked out the hotel.

"You have a bit of food there" Lando pointed out and Olivia tried getting it off but it didn't work so he removed it, it was so cheesy, like in the movies, but it still gave her butterflies. "Thanks" she smiled.

"How do you feel about bringing our relationship out to the public eye?" Lando asked as they walked back to the hotel "I know what the haters will say, and I don't want to lose my seat if Christian doesn't agree with it" "Jade still hasn't told him?" "Nope, she is nervous, but she has been in this business for like years now" Olivia said. "Fair play to her since she does all the work for you" "not the driving though" "again true" Lando said and they both laughed. Suddenly, Olivia's phone rang. "It's Jade" "speaking of the devil" Lando said but Olivia cut him off as she put her finger on his lips "wassup?" She answered "I'm going to Christian's office to talk about you and Lando, coming?" "Yeah, where are you?" "By his office debating whether I want to go in yet or not" "okay I'm coming" Jade hung up and Olivia chuckled "what does she want?" Lando asked putting his arm around her shoulder "she wants me to go with her to talk to Christian" she replied "go! Go! Go!" He said letting go and she ran. She suddenly turned round and yelled "love you!" Lando was too stunned to speak but he replied with "love you too!" She smiled and ran down the paddock to Jade.

"What's got you smiling?" "I-" "no time, come on" Jade cut her off and pulled her into the office. "Jade, Olivia, what can I do for you both before qualifying today?" Christian asked "okay so, about all that. Olivia has something to say" Jade said when they sat down "oh okay um, well, my old contract said I cannot date one of the drivers because-" "one second" Christian was getting a call. After about 5 minutes of him on the phone, he hung up and went back to face Olivia and Jade. "Yes so carry on" "because it would effect my performance, when I signed with you, it said none of that so that means I can still date one of them right?" She asked "I suppose so since it wasn't in the contract" "okay so that clears one thing up. The second thing is that the media has been spotting me and Lando together thinking we are dating and we deny it. But a couple months ago we did start dating and I was wondering if that was okay with you? I promise it won't affect anything in the team or performance or anything-" she rambled "it's okay with me, you're 20 years old, it's okay" he said and Olivia's face lit up "thank youuuu" she jumped out of her chair and went to hug Christian but realised she was overreacting "sorry um, thank you" she said and he chuckled "that's okay, now go on, qualifying starts soon" he said and they left. "I'm so embarrassed" she said "two things that have embarrassed you today" "how do you know about the first one?" "A little birdie told me you ran into Charles and his assistant" she said and Olivia face palmed "you're joking?!" Olivia asked and Jade shook her head "god sakes man" "what were you going to tell me earlier?" Jade asked. "I was so happy because I told Lando I loved him" "woah don't you think that's a little fast?" She asked "I don't know, it just slipped out" Liv replied.

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