Chapter 20.

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"These posts are so adorable!" Olivia squealed and Lando was curious "let's see" "look, it says, get someone who looks at you the way Lando looks at Olivia, we are so bad at keeping this a secret" "that is a really cool picture from the stream, your smile is adorable" she slapped him "shut it you" she smiled. "I'm just stating facts" he said "stop. It." "No." He said and she rolled her eyes. "Does Andreas or Zak know about us?" Olivia asked "I said to them I'm dating someone and they guessed straight away" he replied "and Christian and Jade?" He added "I told Jack and Jade, even though Jade is scary, I managed to, and no I haven't told Christian but Jade and I are planning on telling him, well Jade mostly" she replied "I've seen Jade angry and it is pretty scary" "exactly my point" she said and they both laughed.

"Tell me exactly how it went" Charlotte and Charles were so invested on Lando and Olivia's relationship, since they were the "younger ones" in the sport, it was just so interesting. "I was mad at him about moving to Monaco thing but turns out he wants me to be his roommate AND after I said yes to moving to Monaco, he literally  asked me to be his girlfriend" Charles squealed which caused them all to laugh. "I guess Arthur doesn't have a chance now" Charlotte said "I KNEW HE HAD A THING FOR ME!" She stood up and said "who?" Arthur walked by and asked "you" Charles said and Arthur went all red before walking off "see!" She said "we knew all along" Charlotte said and Olivia sat down "you could've told me before he accidentally told me" she said and Charles started laughing his head off "what?!" He asked. Olivia felt bad for Arthur even though it was really funny.

"So are you his girlfriend yet?!" Sam asked  "why is everyone asking? Yes we are dating jeez" she said and it sounded like he squeaked "I shipped you guys since day one" "you didnt know me when I met him" "I watched all of dts and all the interviews" he said "okay fair point" she said. Even though Sam really liked her, he knew she liked Lando...scratch that, he knew she loved him.

"I'm Olivia Wills and I drive for Red Bull Racing" she was back in the seat for 2021. Drive to survive was back for a new season. "Let's get this show on the road" she giggled. She felt good to be back and driving again. "There has been a lot happening over winter break but i am back and ready for racing" Lando said "are we rolling?" Charles asked. "Oh shit" Lewis' water fell on the ground. It had started all wrong. "This is not going well is it?" Max asked. "Fuck" Kimi fell off his chair. "Okay I'm back, am I good?" Carlos asked and one of the producers slapped their head. "What was the question?" Olivia asked. "Did I do that? Noooooo" George said. After a long winter break, it felt longer than usual, they were back and sort of ready to compete for the 2021 championship. "My teammateeeeee" Max said pulling Olivia into frame "oh wow bright light- nope okay" she walked out of frame.

"Olivia" Sebastian said giving Olivia a little wave as she walked down the paddock. "Hi Seb" she said quite loud as she sped walked down the paddock to find her driver's room. "Ah hah there it is" she stood infront of it and sighed before walking into a new room. "Jade" she tapped her assistant on the shoulder who turned round and jumped a little "welcome!" She sorted her curly hair out and showed her around the room. "I'm liking it" Olivia said "um Liv, we need to talk" Jade said and they both sat down. "About you dating Lando thing, I can't think of how we will word it to Christian, do we say who or just say someone but it won't effect your driving?" She asked "second option, it's in the contract remember?" Olivia replied "okay true" she wrote down on her clipboard "when are we planning on tell him?" "Well you are telling him before race weekend obviously, so today" "okay" she wrote that down too and then stood up "okay done, bye" she said before leaving.

1.52K now...😭😭 help me I can't breathe, I'm so emotional and thankful

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