Chapter 6.

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"I have been shipping Liv and Lando since day one, there I said it" George put his hands up and said leaning back "thats not the point George, I might as well make a PowerPoint on how annoyed I am right now" Lando said "oo I love PowerPoints" George said and Alex glared at him, George lowered his hands and Olivia tried to hold her laughter in. "So what is the problem and why did you call us over?" Alex asked "are you joking? Alex have you seen the media?!" Lando asked and Olivia just say back and sipped on her water.

Lando was getting annoyed at his two friends "I'm just gonna clarify, we were drunk, we kissed, paps caught us and now we both are fucked" Olivia said. "See now that makes sense" Alex said pointing at Olivia and Lando slapped his thigh and rolled his eyes sighing (does that makes sense? I can picture it in my head lmao). "Right I need to call Jade but talk about this later?" Olivia said and everyone nodded their heads before she left. Jade is her manager.

"I have seen the media, people keep tagging me in shit, I know about the contract okay stop yelling at me! I know, we are both fucked and getting to the bottom of it okay, okay goodbye now, thank you, bye" she said and hung up, she sighed before hitting her head back on the wall and suddenly regretted that decision. "You okay?" Lando asked sitting next to her on the floor "no" she chuckled awkwardly before it went silent again. "Did the kiss mean anything to you?" He asked out of the blue and she took a minute to think "Lan, I'm not going to answer, there is a reason why, the whole thing is really overwhelming me, everyone watches every move you make and one mistake they just come after you, when we kissed, we were drunk, we are just friends and we swore it would never happen again. People don't seem to think that. Lan, you are my bestfriend and nothing is going to change that" she said holding his hand "wow, I totally understand, come here" he leant in and she fell into his chest.

"You're going to ask me about that kiss aren't you?" Olivia asked the producer "yeah okay, no comments on it" the producer had nodded their head and Olivia just sighed. She got on with her interview and acted okay when on the inside, she was still anxious, stressed, it was eating her alive.

"AND OLIVIA WILLS TAKES HOME THE AMERICAN GRAND PRIX, SECOND COMES LEWIS HAMILTON AND THIRD VALTTERI BOTTAS" the commentator said. It felt good to win grand prixs, for Olivia, it felt amazing. The excitement, joy, champagne, all of it was so much fun to her. Winning points for her team. Just all of it. When hearing her engineer on the radio saying she won that grand prix, it surprised her everytime.

"YES OLIVIA" her engineer said "ANOTHER ONE ADDED TO THE LIST LETS GO BOYS" she yelled.

Over the past few weeks, Olivia had noticed that Lando was distancing himself from her. She wasn't sure why though. She had asked Max, George, Alex and more but they all had the same reply: I don't know.

She hated it.

She was basically losing her bestfriend. Her first thought was he was talking to someone and was going to leave Olivia behind. But she knew Lando wasn't like that. Second thought was that Lando was getting annoyed of Olivia. Lando isn't like that. She couldn't put her finger on it.

She tried to ignore it for weeks but it just wasn't working.

Once she had tied her shoes, she put her headphones in and left the house for her usual run. New Hope Club to be exact. She loved their music and I think they know by now because of the amount of tweets she has tweeted about them. They reached out to her and thanked her for the compliments. Let me tell you, her neighbours didn't appreciate it. They could've filed a noise complaint but instead went round and complained to her face. She then turned the volume down and still had a party.

Anyways back to the run, as she was running, she went up to bench she normally stops at. It was by a canal, that she would just sit and observe, like the birds in the trees, ducks in the water. It was an escape. After a while she decided to walk a bit more and to a cafe that was near, called Moonstone Cafe. She walked in and love the place, it was vintage, cool and quiet but had a quite a few people in there. "Hey, on the board outside it says you do smoothies, what flavours?" The waiter turned round and when he saw her, he stopped and fell in love. Even though she looked like a hot mess, he thought her blue eyes and brown hair were beautiful. "Um yeah we do Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry, Mango..." "I'll take Strawberry please" she got her purse out as he nodded and then went to go make it.

She got her money out and payed the waiter, he gave her a warm smile and she returned it before thanking him and sitting at a booth.

"Hey before you leave, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?" The waiter came up and asked "sure, the names Olivia" "Sam" he said "sure Sam, you want my snap so we can arrange?" She was unsure but gave it to him anyway "thanks, have a good day" "you too Sam, you too" she left and sighed. She wasn't sure if he was messing with her or not.

She got back to her house and sat on her couch. She thought it would be best to leave Lando to do his own thing since he is ignoring her. Not ignoring her but like barely talking to her. She just found it odd.

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