Chapter 38.

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Setting her towel down. Olivia dove into the pool before swimming to the other side. She did a few laps before getting out and laying by the side of the pool. "CANNONBALLLLLLLL" was all Olivia heard before she got splashed "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE" she yelled. The person resurfaced and it was Lando laughing his head off. "Not funny Lan" "it kind of is" he said swimming towards her. "I don't see anyone else laughing apart from you" she said and he rolled his eyes before climbing out the pool to sit next to her. "What you doing?" He asked "well I was trying to relax until you came out and ruined it" "I'm sorry" he said looking at her and she bursted out laughing "what?" "Oh nothing" she said sitting up. They both got up but while Lando wasn't looking, she pushed him in. She jumped in right after and splashed him back. "Karma?" She asked him as he resurfaced "fair enough" it went silent as they just looked at each other. Admiring one another.

"I know it's the day after your birthday but I wanted to find a really good time to give this to you, I hope you like it" he said drying his hair with his towel before walking inside to grab a little box wrapped in purple wrapping paper with a little white bow on it. He gave it to her and sat opposite her as she opened it, she opened the lid to silver butterfly earrings. He knew how much she loved butterflies; growing up, her whole bedroom would have something to do with butterflies, her and her sisters all had matching butterfly necklaces. After the crash happened with the twins, she wore it even more, her eldest sister kept it even thought she doesn't talk to Olivia anymore. "Lando" she had tears in her eyes, she hugged him straight away. He was in awe of her reaction, he knew how much it would mean to her. "Now I'm a crying mess" she said letting go, she put the box on the table and wiped her eyes "I knew how much they meant to you, they also look a bit like your tattoo designs that you have been making for the future" "they do" she smiled looking at the box. "Why are you crying so much?" George asked walking out the door behind Lando "look at this" she said smiling, she got up and gave him the box so he could see why "he remembered?!" George asked surprised "I don't have the memory of a fish George" "you forget your paddock pass at circuits all the time" Olivia said looking at him and he just rolled his eyes "that was one time" "more than that" George said before Olivia looked back at him. "This is too cute" he said "I knowwwww" Olivia said smiling wide.

"RIAAAAA" Olivia said calling out as she walked into the living room "WHATTTT" Ria called back from the kitchen "look at thissss" she said running into the kitchen "he got them for you! Aww they are stunning Vi" "I was going to put them on but I think I'm going to wait until a special occasion" "good idea but omg I love them so much!"

"I forget how pretty Montréal is from up here" Olivia said looking through the window on the plane "it really is" Jade said "I so wanna go to La Ronde" Jack said "we can't Jack, we have to get to the hotel" "what's La Ronde?" Olivia asked looking at them "it's the amusement park near the circuit" "I wanna go" Olivia said "can we?" Max V asked "no!" Jade said and they all sighed sitting back in their seats "we don't have to be at the hotel until 4, we have interviews before and it's closed today, we're too busy to be able to go to an amusement park...but..." They all looked at her "I can sort something for tomorrow" "YAY THANK YOU" Olivia jumped up and hugged her "seatbelt please" Jade said. Olivia rolled her eyes and sat back down.

"Is that...OH AND THERE'S FLAMES BEHIND OLIVIA'S CAR" it was fp1 and Olivia was having problems "Olivia stop the car" she pulled to the side and stopped the car, she got the steering wheel and got out as the Marshalls took the car out to the exit. She got to her garage and took her helmet off and balaclava, she ran her hands through her hair out of frustration and sat down. "You did well out there Liv, don't beat yourself up over a stupid car problem" Alex said putting his hand on her shoulder "I could've done so much better though" she said looking at him "it will be okay, plus it's not the race" "true, okay, thank you" she said and he walked off. She was still frustrated.

"Hello Olivia, tough practice out there?" "Yeah sadly, not sure what happened but hopefully we can get out there for fp2" "we hope so too, thank you" "bye" she walked off and ran her hand through her hair, she headed back to the garage to help the mechanics and engineers on fixing the issue that caused the car to flame up in the back.

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